Pol my gf said that I'm "mansplaining". What the fuck does it even mean? I'm so outdated on these liberal slurs...

Pol my gf said that I'm "mansplaining". What the fuck does it even mean? I'm so outdated on these liberal slurs. Please explain.

You are male and explained something

It means she doesn't care about your opinions because you're a man.

You're a male and you said something.

It means it's time for you to knock the liberal out of her.

Literally these. Also, checked and keked twice.

The problem with "mansplaining" is that it's hard to explain the idea to women.

Explaining while male.

Since any man is inherently inferior to any woman, any man attempting to explain anything to any womam is an act of weaponized gendered condescension.

You didn't redpill your girlfriend? Jesus Christ buddy, that's the first thing you got to do.

It means it's time to kick her to the curb. Get rid of the tumblrina

It's a shittest. Throw her to the ground and fuck her brains out. You're supposed to show her who's the boss.

>tfw I condescendingly explained the "correct" use of the term to a drunk pseudo-feminist at the pub hoping to trigger her with irony, but she just stared at me dumbly and didn't seem to really care about the ideology she was spouting


Many such cases.

Be careful with that. I did it to my girlfriend then I had to explain to her not to talk about politics or religion with her friends because she was making them angry and if your girlfriend loses her peer group she becomes crazy.

it means she's been bit by a marxist zombie and now she's becoming one as well

That's a sexist way of saying you're doing something wrong but you're too stupid to acknowledge because you're a man.

come up with a similar insult like vagplaining for when she's explaining something to you and then you act like you don't give a fuck/ aren't istening to her at all no matter how much she shits on you.

ask her to womansplain you the definition of mansplain.
then break up with her. kick her out.

I means that you hve to hit her. If she asks why hit her again.
>That's why bitch

It means your trying to use reason instead of emotions to communicate a concept or an idea.

beat reason into her.

That means she probably has a dick and you should dump her.

You made her question her intelligence.

Dude, I went to a "women in tech" talk.
Basically they don't want you to explain anything EVEN if they ask for it first.

Go figure.

she should feel ashamed for talking to you like a fucking 13 year old teen girl. what do you even seen in a dumbass like that, a pair of tits?

"mansplaining" is a feminist term. it is seen as the "attempt to undermine feminist positions, deny the existence of male privilige or opress women by belittling their views" by a person not capable of empathizing with women (they mean any male).

The term has been used by feminists whenever a man dares do disagree with them, and actually attempts to bring well thought arguments to explain their point of view. The woman in question will simply deflect deflect his disagreement with her POV onto a fictional disagreement based on her being female, since women can't be wrong, and the only way a male would have another opinion than her could be, if the male tried to assert his dominance over her just because she's female.

Before feminists coined that term, they were left onyl with the option to scream at men effectively countering their weak positions with sound arguments (red face and anger all visible), but now they can smply accuse you of "mansplaining" and end the discussion as "winner" with a smug face.

Ask her if she thinks the patriarchy is a real thing. Then laugh at her, tell her she's completely brainwashed and that she can no longer touch you in your special place.

Make sure to never respond or hook back up with her again or she may claim fake rape.

It means she wants you to dump her

right, you have a girlfriend.

>Reeee stop making factual arguments ur triggering me11!!1!
That's what it means

Why can't feminists say stuff like "you are being condescending" instead of making up words for things that there already are words for?

"Mansplaining" is when a man explains something to a woman that he assumes she doesn't know, but she actually does. So it sounds, to the woman, like the man is being condescending in his explanation. It's not based on the intent of the man, it's based on his assumption that the woman doesn't know the topic he's about to explain.

The solution? Before you explain something to your girl, ask her if she already knows about the topic you're about to explain. If she says "yes", then don't explain it to her, EVEN IF YOU THINK SHE DOESN'T ACTUALLY KNOW IT. If she doesn't actually know it then it could bite her in the ass, but at least it won't reflect back on your relationship and come between you two. One of the keys to a good, healthy relationship is doing things for the well-being of the two of you as a couple, even if that means not always "being right" or whatever. Not every little thing needs to be an argument. Don't nitpick, dude.


Women feel like they're being patronized to when men explain something to them in simplistic terms. She's basically saying that you talked down to her like a child instead of treating her like a rational adult.

it means she is tainted you should hate fuck her and dump her

Tell her you legally changed your gender and that she's spouting hate speech and is literally a nazi, you're literally shaking and you want her to buy a strap-on because your feminine penis isn't used for rape any more.

The end result is that you win the argument, get pegged later on and feel better about basically having the same flag as i do.

Liberals are attempting to dismantle the enlightenment era foundations of Western thought by dismissing arguments based upon to logic, reason and evidence, which were established by bourgeois white men in the 18th century as the most effective method of determining truth.

>rational adult

It means you were explaining something to her and she didn't want you to. Tell her to stop that post haste, if you aren't used to it yet it might not be too late to save her. If she doesn't want you to explain something tell her to just ask you not to rather than trying to leverage your gender against you.

Beat her then fuck the tumblr out of her.

Can I mansplain to her in the simplest of terms that 'mansplain' is a term used by feminist cunts who hate men?

Will she feel like I'm talking down to her then? The first thing I did was redpill my GF. I'm not going to deal with years of cringe just because I might 'insult her intelligence' by explaining my point of view.

Get the fuck out of here with this 'talk to her like an adult - white knight' bullshit.

Tell her to stop womplaining

That sounds like a great way to get dumped. Turning every little thing into a fucking knife fight. You're being just as petty as the feminazis you rail against.

Wrong. Very few men will just go into some long condescending explanation of something unbidden by a woman. Explanation - a statement or account that makes something clear. Logically, these are prompted by someone being "unclear". Usually this manifests itself in a woman saying something really stupid, illogical, and/or just plain incorrect. The explanation is made which triggers feelings of self consciousness in the woman along the lines of: 'oh, I should have known that a six year old could have put that together.' Embarrassment ensues. In order to combat these feelings of shame woman concoct the narrative that the man was being "condescending" in his explanation... and they have coined the term mansplaining, which if you'll notice (as alot of men have in this thread) is nothing more than an amalgamation of the words "man" and "explaining". And sort of gives away the shallowness of their argument.

And yours you stupid prick.

Pointing out to her that she's using sexist terminology to belittle my argument makes me the bad guy?

I don't think so buddy. I'd just say, "How would you like it if every time you said something I responded with, "Get back in the kitchen, woman."

It's okay if you let your woman cut your balls off every time you feel a valid argument coming on. I mean... it's better to sit in the corner while Chad fucks her than to get dumped right?

Comparing her sexist buzzwords might shed some light into why that sort of response is unacceptable.

it means she wants you to rape her

You made a good point and now she wants to cuntfuse you to win the argument.

Dump the bitch

Manslpaining is the idea that men are so objectively superior that the simple fact of their speaking physically silences women and the man's words are so powerful that they render a woman's inconsequential. The man's words are so persuasive, so dominant, so booming that they are able to physically submiss a woman with their superiority and therefore a man should never attempt to make speech towards a woman.

Well, the relationship is pretty much over now as she's eaten the poison pill.

So: Any time she is uncertain about something, say that she is "femfusing", which is being confused in a way typical to females

Dump her. Then you can ex-plain why she is degenerate.

>pic related

i don't even care how long you've been together. Women who say that are too far gone to save. Get out while you still can