Give me one reason why a meaningless clump of cells matters so much yet after the baby is born...

Give me one reason why a meaningless clump of cells matters so much yet after the baby is born, you couldn't give less of a shit about it. There's no reason why a woman should be forced to have a baby painfully forced out of her because of >muh rights and then have to spend time and money taking care of it. It makes more sense for the baby to be aborted than live a sad life with parents that don't care about it enough to raise it properly and give it life skills for it's future.

Other urls found in this thread:

>There's no reason why a woman should be forced to have a baby painfully forced out of her
There's no reason why my tax money should be sent to fund some broad's poor decisions.


They systematically sell fetuses

Pizzagate is a cover up for trafficking of human parts

>clump of cells
You are just a clump of cells. Calling something a clump of cells is not an argument.

Even if the baby could live and go up for adoption, you do realize that costs money right? How would YOU like to pay with your own tax dollars for thousands of babies to be fed, clothed, bathed, and raised without parents in a sad facility where it will grow up learning nothing from actual parents. Keep in mind that the fetus isn't a fully developed baby, just a mindless robot that feeds off of the parents.

Why do liberals think abortion is fine but the death penalty isn't?

Your ancestors are not smiling upon you, leaf

Why should niggers living in the ghetto have to raise children in the first place if they don't even have the financial or care to do so? Homeless Tyrona shouldn't have to give birth to nigglets just because >muh rights.

At least they have a shot at life.
>Keep in mind that the fetus isn't a fully developed baby, just a mindless robot that feeds off of the parents.
Good to know you feel that way about human life. You're still not entitled to have the taxpayers fund your sick, depraved, child-killing agenda.

Are you saying that fetuses are equal to a fully grown human? Abortion is killing a robot fetus while the death penalty is unnecessarily killing a human being as penalty when you can send them to prison instead. While a little useless fetus can be killed quickly and easily. It's not pretty killing a fetus but it's logical and has to be done.

No, they don't have a shot a life. Most abortions are carried out by people who can't take care of the developing baby. Then again, why should niggers in the hood have to take care of nigglets they can't even financially support?

>meaningless clump of cells
That is applicable to any biotic creature.
>you couldn't give a shit after the baby is born
"You don't want me to murder this kid with leukemia but you wont pay for his treatment."
Retard tier non-argument.
>no reason why a woman should be forced to give birth
There's no reason the state should protect the rights of an individual, it would be much more beneficial to do everything for "the greater good" yet they protect the rights of the individual, this applies to all individuals using a scientific standard of determination and a philosophical justification of rights.
>makes more sense for a baby to be aborted than to have a sad life
But you would tell someone suicide is wrong and things can get better, right?
You're claiming to know the future, saying the child will have a life not worth living, you don't get to decide that, the child does. YOU DO NOT GET TO DECIDE HOW MUCH THEY ENJOY THEIR OWN LIFE!
Don't try and play God.
The same reason cults of death don't execute their own members.

If someone feels the need for an abortion they probably deserve one. Keep the trash of society from reproducing. If it was completely gov funded you would see black ghettos disappear in a few generations. Hell, make abortion in any state of pregnancy legal too. Fuck your Christian morals the gene pool is in desperate need of a clean out already, imagine it in 50 years time. If you think this idea would cost the taxpayer, instead of saving them countless billions in welfare and prison upkeep you are an idiot.

Pro-choice means choosing prevention

If a fetus isn't a meaningless clump of cells then does the semen ejaculating out of my dick deserve to have a shot at life and develop into millions of human beings? Since my sperm cells are life, what makes the fetus better?


>Fewer single mothers
Sounds good to me. I'd rather them kill their kids than me having to deal with the spike in crime 18 years later. There's not much that's more commonly accepted and worse for society than single mothers.

>fetuses are equal to a fully grown human
Absolutely, to create a division between the two is arbitrary because we must use the scientific basis for human life.
>unique DNA (it's not your body)
>human DNA (it is human)
>living tissue and actively growing (it is alive and growing, future clause applicable it is 100% on par with what you call a "fully grown human")
And why stop there when you divide things? Why not say if someone is not a Fully grown human, then they can be killed because they are a burden on society or on someones personal happiness? Suppose that young children may be killed because human rights should only apply to fully grown humans instead of scientifically defined humans.
We need to get rid of niggers but selling out our moral underpinnings is not the answer.
>cant take care of the baby
You presume this is necessary. It's not and you don't know. You can speculate, but even then, you don't get to decide the opinion on quality of life that someone else holds. You are not them.

>Most abortions are carried out by people who can't take care of the developing baby.
[Citation Needed]

If no citation then nice emotional manipulation tactic, but that's not going to work.

>But you would tell someone suicide is wrong and things can get better, right?
You're claiming to know the future, saying the child will have a life not worth living, you don't get to decide that, the child does. YOU DO NOT GET TO DECIDE HOW MUCH THEY ENJOY THEIR OWN LIFE!
Don't try and play God.
Okay, first of all, the fetus isn't anything at this point. It's blank, has no conciousness, and is a mindless robot organism, it doesn't have any personality whatsoever and has yet to actually develop. Any fetus on earth can have any personality depending on where and how it is raised. It's own life experiences dictate how it will be when it grows up, the fetus isn't already unique and different than other fetuses.

>Since my sperm cells are life
>my sperm cells
It's not unique DNA, you fuckwad, and it certainly isn't growing into anything.
The term meaningless clump of cells is a critique on an object, not an analysis nor a synopsis, stop positing your opinion as fact.
Sperm needs an egg. The point of conception is where there is a new and unique set of developing human DNA, and Technically every human is always developing (till they are 25).

Is that why over 15 million blacks in the US have been aborted? Pretty sure 95% of those abortions were right off the bat caused by them living in the shitty ghetto.

Possibly. Still doesn't justify baby killing.

Make peace with the fact that you're not entitled to taxpayer money to fund YOUR lifestyle decisions.

>what is meiosis
Hey, "fuckwad", do you not know how male sex cells are even created? Each sperm cell is different and unique in DNA, if they were all the same to our DNA then we would be producing asexually and mutations would occur. EVERY sperm cell has different DNA.

Also, since sperm cells aren't actually "human" then would a human zygote be valuable human life?

This. Subhumans don't deserve to breed. Conception should be restricted for high tier Germanics only in the West

>Okay, first of all, the fetus isn't anything at this point.
It's a fetus, which is a descriptive term for a very very young human.
>no consciousness, mindless robot organism, no personality
and... You have given your summary of what you think a fetus is, and you seem to be insinuating "Because 'undeveloped' therefore I am right and abortion should be allowed or human rights withheld." I don't think logic works that way, try and from a syllogism for me.
>the fetus isn't unique
Find me another fetus, another human being anywhere of anytime with exactly the same DNA. Not even twins have 100% the same DNA.
>my sperm does not carry DNA that matches mine
You tarded, son?

Sure, the second argument of the future clause in regards to the definition of life applies here.

A fetus isn't a baby, a fetus is a developing baby months from conception. There's a difference between murdering a baby and killing a baby. You also have yet to justify with facts how killing a fetus impacts the world, because it doesn't. A fetus has the same value to a bird. Killing it isn't absolutely horrifying to the extent where it's murder.

But how do you know that this fetus would hate life?

>You also have yet to justify with facts how killing a fetus impacts the world, because it doesn't.
I'm not the one who made that claim, I don't have to "justify" anything to you.

YOU, on the other hand, need to justify just why you think it's acceptable for you to rob the taxpayers for your own selfish agenda.

>A fetus isn't a baby
It is for flat earther christcucks


>A fetus isn't a baby, a fetus is a developing baby months from conception
Why is the difference significant?
Seems rather arbitrary, like saying a tween is worth less than a teen for some odd and arbitrary reason.
>implying illegal abortions aren't defined as murder because it is illegal and murder is contingent upon law
>objects are judged by their impact
ok, but, giving up basic universals in favor of restricted universals is the corruption of objective rights and their moral underpinning principles. Essentially you're life would be defined as "Fuck everyone else, I want to be happy, NOW!"

>I may justify killing off the future of our race, but at least I don't want niggers here
Equally as bad if not worse.

>It's a fetus, which is a descriptive term for a very very young human.

I am talking mentally, about it's own personality and conciousness. Don't be a dumbass and say "HURR DURR OF COURSE IT"S SOMETHING" because obiviously it is SOMETHING, but mentally it's nothing. Killing it is completely fine because it just operates the same way a computer does, just by command, it has no free will or choices.
>and... You have given your summary of what you think a fetus is, and you seem to be insinuating "Because 'undeveloped' therefore I am right and abortion should be allowed or human rights withheld." I don't think logic works that way, try and from a syllogism for me.
Actually, a fetus is a developing baby with no to little mental capacity so no, I would argue that fetuses don't matter too much because unlike fetuses, babies actually have human emotions and are already a developed human being that can survive on the outside world while a fetus needs to survive in the womb, it's not a human being yet.
>Find me another fetus, another human being anywhere of anytime with exactly the same DNA. Not even twins have 100% the same DNA.
holy FUUUUUUUUUCK are burgers this retarded. I was talking about how all fetuses were MENTALLY the same, unless they have some disorder, healthy fetuses are all mentally the same. You and I, when we were fetuses, our behaviors were literally indistinguishable. Don't act retarded and think that I was talking about genetic DNA because I obviously wasn't. Learn to read next time dumbass.
>You tarded, son?
I am actually correct because yes I am RELATED to my sperm but because of the small differences, I do not have the same DNA as my sperm because first off, normal humans carry 46 chromosomes while sperm only have 23. Sperm combine with the female egg to get the full amount of DNA in order to have normal full human DNA.

Ok so, I get not wanting to pay for other peoples choices/mistakes. But one thing that irks me is how many instances I read about women being turned down for sterilization procedures, even if it's to help them with illnesses. I'm not doing it yet, but I asked my own OBGYN and they said immediately that they were fine with it, so I suppose I'm lucky, but I've read about women being told know even when they're older, or have a debilitating disease because of a hypothetical baby. I don't fall for all the "hurr durr women don't have equal rights" bullshit, but them not being able to make choices for themselves about their bodies, whether because they don't want children, or it could kill them/whatever, is stupid.

>future of our race
Future of our race is not to be expected from random pregnancies. PRAISE JEYSUS! LOOK AT MUH BLACK BABY

I don't understand why abortion is a topic anyway. Anyone past the age of 12 knows what causes pregnancy. If you don't want to get pregnant, STOP HAVING SEX.

I could determine the fetus's future personality by the way I raise it. If you take newborn children and lets say, raise them with ISIS to become radical islamic soldiers, that would now be their personality.

Unless you have a stake in that child's future, you don't get to have a say in whether or not that humans life means anything. If you don't want to pay some taxes to help some kids have good schools, then why do you care about them being born?

Down here, we call those liberals. Sadly, we're not allowed to kill them yet.

How about people not have unprotected sex?

>her body her choice
why even has the child's silhouette seperated out then?
oh right, to point out the FUCKING DIFFERENCE

So much for the "tolerant" right

You do realize that isn't a choice for some women? Raped women choose to get an abortion because they don't want the baby and don't want to have the rape baby. It's not as easy as "closing your legs" because it isn't always your choice to do so.

>liberals would go as far as to call an embryo a meaningless clump of cells to justify the death of undeveloped human beings

very progressive, yes. moving forward to an uncaring and anti social future. next will be to give the ok to kill racists, bigots and non-progressives

Prioritizing your own child's life lower than yours makes you scum.

Lol you are dumb

Abortions should be allowed until the baby is able function outside the womb.

Until then it's a useless clump of cells that does nothing. It's basically a leech that couldn't survive on it's own. It shouldn't get the same rights as a person because it is not a person.


>meaningless clump of cells
Fuck off.

A very VERY small percentage of abortions are rape babies. Not an argument.

No it doesnt, people have plenty of reasons to abort that include what their child's life would mean. You just lack emapthy.

How would you know what my political views even are just because of the fact that I mildly support abortion? I support the killing of fetuses depending on the person's financial circumstances and life circumstances as well.

The pro-life position is essentially an attempt to control womens' sexual behaviors. Neckbeards on Sup Forums are pro-life not because of muh Christianity, but because they want to punish women for being sluts who won't fuck them.

>I could determine the fetus's future personality by the way I raise it.

Could you?
Did Queen Victoria raise her son to be a libertine?

And again, how can you be so sure that someone who has shitty parents will hate life?

Why in the hell are there so many feminists today on Sup Forums?

That isn't all of my arguments though because clearly you haven't been here long enough to read everything I wrote.Then again, I'm still waiting for an answer to this. Why should people who are financially weak have to keep a baby they can't support?
Great argument burger, you're sure going places.

Most children can't survive on their own. So do sick people. Does that mean they shouldn't get the same rights as others?

Nothing wrong with White feminism


Is that why so many of the black people that commit crime have single mothers?
Actually no, women who consent to sex are obligated to provide protection, or get ready to take care of a baby.

>my body, my choice logic accepted when a woman tries to kill he child
>my autonomy, my choice logic labeled as "terrorism" if i attempt to overthrow the state

I'm not a feminist. Don't fall down to the level of the extremist left that will label anything nazi or in your case feminist because we don't see eye to eye on issues.

Children are people and deserve people rights.

A undeveloped embryo is not a person. Because, legally if we identify it as a person, it's a fucking mess. That embryo doesn't have a right to movement, so that instantly makes the mother a criminal denying the right of movement away.

The fetus is her property because it DEVELOPED inside her from an egg an grew inside her. And is connected to her physically with a umbilical cord.

Roaches check in, they don't check out

You didn't answer the question.
Are all the sons of single mothers people who hate their lives?

Can I not hire her? My body my choice. I only have one life to run my business and she has proven to make bad life choices. Why do the choices end at there being any consequences for the idiot?

>I'm not a feminist.
Only feminists call fetuses a clump of cells

>A undeveloped embryo is not a person.
Yes, it is.

>tries to make a cientific argument
>tries to make a monetary argument

why every pro-abortion dumbass looks like its in damage control before the debate even beings?
why are you so fucking afraid of being called a killer? stop excusing yourself jesus.


If you can overthrow the state inside your body nobody would bother you redneck git.

It depends on the situation and how they are raised. If they are raised by single mothers who don't love them and were forced to have them, then they most likely will hate their life and commit crime when they are older. None the less, abortion wins.

If you think just the possibility of somebody being poor and unhappy is enough to kill them, do everybody a favor and kys

Egg is not a chicken. Abortion is the best thing to happen to America and Europe

so spending more tax money to raise and educate the unwanted child is better?

Yes because if they can't financially support the baby then they should be obligated to abort it. You clearly don't understand the money and time it takes for a baby to be raised, hence why people in marriages who want to have a baby take years in preparation until they are ready to support taking care of one.

>If they are raised by single mothers who don't love them and were forced to have them, then they most likely will hate their life

But does that happen all the time?
And how do you know they would hate life enough to wish to never be born?

A child is no one's "property".

>It makes more sense for the baby to be aborted than live a sad life with parents that don't care about it enough to raise it properly and give it life skills for it's future.

ever heard of adoption?

Also who are you to say that the potential for a 'sad' life is worse than death. What the fuck...

You people need to wake up and realise that we are living in a literal death cult. Eating flesh and killing babies. May God have mercy on us.

I don't care if some irresponsible whore gets an abortion, what I do care about is that my money is funding it

It is not the job of the government nor the taxpayer to clean up a sluts drunken mistake

No one's taking your abortions away whore

You just have to pay for your own fuckup

Because it's common sense. If they are not raised by loving mothers, they they will learn on their own and go into a path of bad behavior. And in turn, that bad behavior as a child will influence their negative and poor decisions in their teen and adult life.

My computer is an extension of my consciousness. The NSA infringes upon that. They need to be removed.

>it isn't a chicken until it hatches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah and I don't like paying for our military, and Trump plans on expanding it, taxes are apart of your life and tax funded abortion wouldn't raise your taxes that much

>Only nazi's are pro-life
See where this logic takes you. You are just like the feminazi's Sup Forums hates on. The whole "if you disagree with me ur X" needs to stop.

Again, if we identify an embryo as life it's subjective. So if we regulate saying an embryo is life, arbitrarily, then this debate goes on and on. We need establish what is a person and what isn't. To say an embryo is life, can be established to mean that sperm cells are life. Every egg that a women wastes during her cycle is life thus making her a murderer. It's that sort of arbitrary rule making we must avoid.

So by just saying, that you are a person as soon as you are able to survive outside the womb till death it sets the definition in stone. There are no alternative interpretations, like what you have when you identify an embryo as a person.

Also, not to go into the absolute legal mess it would be to identify an embryo as live.

who gives a shit? i love eggs and i eat them everyday, but im not in damage control if a vegetarian autist comes by saying shit to me because i eat an animal.

just stop being so fucking sensitive about it, this shit is not even about being right, yet its literally the only thing retards discuss in this topic, "being right".

fuck off.

It grew inside and is still developing inside, so what is wrong with cutting off it's development because you don't want to have the product of what it will develop into?

>I am talking mentally, about it's own personality and conciousness
>I prefer x over y
Ok, I really, don't give a shit, lol.
>mentally it's nothing therefore its okay to kill
ok why?
>I would argue fetuses don't matter too much because unlike fetuses babies have things that I prefer
>I would argue
pic rel
>A fetus needs to be in the womb to survive therefore it is not human
I can point out arbitrary differences in humans too and then close the circle of what defines a human even more.
>if you aren't totally self sufficient then you aren't human
doesn't make sense, right?
also, babies can't survive without their parents, fetuses like babies(and I would extend that to anyone under 9), need a caretaker, its not the womb which is significant. If it was then surrogate mothers and incubators wouldn't be a thing.
I was talking about genetics when I first stated their uniqueness.
If you were bringing in a red herring or something irrelevant, that's fine as well I guess.
>leafs think this is arguing
All 23 of those chromosomes are exclusively yours.
I hope you aren't insinuating that taking away from a net positive is a gestalt of the object. (yes, that's a correct use of the term)
>everyone against abortion is a fundamentalist liberal christian
The future of our race is anyone who is white. You don't get to be choosy when our numbers dwindle.
>"you don't get to have a say in whether or not that humans life means anything"
this, does not logically follow from :
>"Unless you have a stake in that child's future"
>if you won't take responsibility for my child then I won't either
That's retarded.
The burden of raising children is on the parents, saying that others should pay for them is on the road to globalism. I'll defend their rights and help where I can, but I shouldn't be obligated to play daddy to someone who isn't mine.

>Because it's common sense. If they are not raised by loving mothers, they they will learn on their own and go into a path of bad behavior. And in turn, that bad behavior as a child will influence their negative and poor decisions in their teen and adult life.

Does everyone raised by bad mothers end up being bad people?

And you didn't answer the question: "how do you know they hate life enough to wish to never be born?".

Is this wrong? Or are you a retard who thinks an egg is the same as a chicken

Never met a single human who was bummed that they weren't aborted.

i don't know the numbers so maybe i'm talking out of my ass but doesn't abortion end up saving tax payer money?
>one time cost to abort
>18 years of tax cuts to the parents and education costs
>child is not guaranteed to actually succeed in life
>likely has greater chance to be lower income earner/criminal because of current abortion demographs

>It shouldn't get the same rights as a person because it is not a person.
This is not a logical consequence of
Until then it's a useless clump of cells that does nothing
Stop being retarded.

Tax money is not spent on abortions. It's a lie.

Prolifers are a bunch of lesbians? Muh logic.

The scientific definition of life, the scientific distinction of DNA.

What I'm saying dumbass is you can't complain about the abortion of a child unless you're invested in that child, if you don't want to pay taxes to help children, you can't complain when some people abort

I love abortion, any moral wriggle room to legally genocide niggers, poors, future criminals and general children of single mother scum, I'll take it.