Do German left wing girls have ''Polish guilt" similar to western"white guilt"?

Do German left wing girls have ''Polish guilt" similar to western"white guilt"?
Since Germany invaded and ruined Poland and murdered Poles during IIWW, do left wing Germans suffer from ''Polish guilt" ? Could I pick up left wing German girls using this ?

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Dirty Pole once again thinks he can into pick up qties

Germany has the weirdest sort of guilt I ever witnessed in my life. Went there last year and everyone seemed fucking miserable and self-loathing. A joyless people who neuter themselves in the name of cultural enrichment to attempt to undo their country's past demons.

It's really bizarre.

Would a German girl with left wing leanings be ready to degrade herself with me to wash away her self-pity and guilt over German crimes?

Yeah, true this: imagine a nation where people are aware of and pay some attention to, past transgressions on the rest of the world and their own people. It'd never happen in the USA - more's the pity.

Nice try Wojtek. Hating on poles is leftist germans favorite past time. Either get some nice tan and buy arabic for dummies or forget about szwab pussy.

Poles are white silly
nothing to feel sorry about

You're not a bbc minority, sorry pal :^)

>German crimes

Pft. People step on Poland and dont even bother to wipe their feet afterwards.
You fucks are white. Nobody is mandated by the state to feel sorry for you.

First of all, the culture of self-flagellation and grass-is-always-greener mentality is very much alive and well in the U.S. of A. Secondly, go fuck yourself. You'd be a shitty Nip colony if not for us you roo-fucking, prison island degenerate.

I'm not sure, it might work but I don't know.
you could always just pretend to be a Polish Jew and Holocaust some lefty pussy that way

never been, but this fits my image of post cccp collapse germany

Lefty opinion in Germany is that rafugees raping women in Gemrany is Polands fault.
Not kidding Schulz said that then agained 10% in the polls.

German girls like much of Europe have a bad case of nigeritus, where mainstream media and hollywood have brainwashed them into desiring black men, depicting black men as "strong, sucessful alpha males" with "striking physical attributes, masculine shoulders and abs and large cocks".

You poles are depicted as small limped dick gutter trash. Heck in penis measurement sizes Poles are depicted to have an average size of 3 inches, similar to Asians.

I want to marry a German girl with large breasts.

do they measure them hard or soft?

How are you going to find German or Polish qts in Indonesia?

So tired of these Indonesian losers trying to get laid.

Polish guilt? Probably not, but I had an Israeli friend who got a lot of German pussy for that reason.
>Sorry about the whole Nazi thing, have some sex
>German logic

I wish dude ... but no

maybe when you stop being racistand let refugees into poland

You mean all those refugees from war torn Ukraine we've let in don't count?
... so far Germany only took IMMIGRANTS.

You shot first and we all know it

fuck no

Nice try Ahmed

They are on holiday
real refugees are fleeing africa and the middle east

Polish death camps

Nope. In fact, the average German and Austrian normie thinks Poles are racist Nazis who should know better. You need actual brainwashing programs to teach people to feel "guilt".

This, fuck off no guilt for self defense

I wish we had those.

you're white so no pity for you

Don't be just a dreamer

>My whole family died in Holocaust

>oh user, I feel so sorry for you, let me cuck Hans with you

German women are the second biggest cancer on this planet, right after Swedish ones

>''Polish guilt"
You mean the obsessively compulsively wash toilets?

You stop being refugee when you get to nearest safest country. So no, they are not refugees, they are social benefits immigrants.

not really. left wing german girls are about virtue signaling.
they have no clue about history or anything regarding politics.
so basically no.
at least not like american girls jump negro dicks due to white guilt.

>that flag
>that post
back to picking cabbages, Armani

No. Sorry.

>A joyless people who neuter themselves in the name of cultural enrichment to attempt to undo their country's past demons.
Here's your mistake: to think such guilt is the result of having lost the Nazi wars.

That's 100% wrong and blue pilled.

Had you read Nietzsche, you would know that "Prussians" had always been like that.

Southerners are more laid back, but apparently Prussians never got benefit out of the Teutonic experience (I am referring to Teutonic Knights purging Livonia for God's own sake).


The kekmost thing in Nietzsche is that he is able to point out all German flaws... and yet his very essay is embued with Self-hatred.
Hence, by pointing out an issue, he also displays his own troubles as a German.

Kinda hilarious how Slavs don't get guilt pussy considering the Nazis actually were planning to enslave and exterminate them.

>says "Sorry"
>no feelings of guilt
Kek kek kek

maybe has to do with the fact that they don't feel guilty but just like nigger dick, ever thought of that?

>but just like nigger dick, ever thought of that?
Unfortunately for you, I don't think Turks count as black.

On the contrary, Germans are PC towards everyone EXCEPT Poles. It's not considered inappropriate to crack even extremely rude jokes about Poles in casual conversation, whereas a similar joke about eg. Turks would get you excluded from most social circles at the speed of light.

Also Polish men are considered ugly goblins in the West. So sorry Seba, no easy Teuton pussy for you