How accurate is this?

How accurate is this?

I'm currently at the Richard Spencer stage

>slippery slope
>no one is slipping
>they're bouncing

I thought Milo was a white nationalist

I made a little adjustment.

better than the left version that ends in pedophilia and cannibalism.

Sup Forums above spencer and voat.

Fuck that we've become way to moderate. We should be right above stormfront.

I for one stopped firmly at Red Panels. PizzaGate seems like a stretch to me, Spencer still doesn't represent the Alt-Right or really anyone, nazism has never become appealing to me even after spending around 6 years here, and stormfags are still faggots. I don't even know what "Voat" is off the top of my head.

>Do you remember when Richard Spencer entered the public eye and Sup Forums kept saying that he was a false flag? That the media was trying to tie the right to him so they could drag us down with his reputation?

>it's not a fallacy if I apply It to people who don't agree with me


? how is that an ideology? IDK anything about it, but I'd rather live in a homogeneous WASP society

>Anime nazi

good one leaf, fuk drumpf n fuk wyte 'ppl' !.

Yeah no shit. If you oppose marxism/progressivism/SJWism/egalitarianism, full-blown NatSoc/fascism is is the logical conclusion.

Is that a tranny? Looks like a tranny.

because everyone with common sense left this place for alternatives when cuckening happened *cough*extremechans*cough*

I don't like this. It suggests that Sup Forums users come from Reddit and not other Sup Forums boards. I hate Reddit.

>Everyone who likes things I don't like or disagrees with me is a nazi

doesnt look very slippery. most be a lot of friction for them to be rolling like that

>Spencer is a CIA plant.
other side of the argument:
>Spencer is a Russian plant

good times.

Thats one thing I dont get about this image, anime nazi is not the bottom of the list and actual fucking nazi didnt even make the cut.

Pizza gate and Anime Nazi are gay, stupid shit and belong far higher than Sup Forums.

>Anime Nazi
and they said liberals loved anime

Delete this.

>Anime Nazi

>How accurate is this?
You need to invert the ladder and add IQ steps for how far you can progress.
Reading Breitbart alone requires 105+ IQ.

I'm sober, but I've been staring at this and the words seem to be moving? Am I dying?

TIL Trannys don't ski.

i dunno because i didn't make the thumbnail bigger.

in any event,

Reply to my thread I need life advice

The Nazi slippery slope of everything I disagree with. Fucking retarded.

No pooh, you are eating leftest propaganda.

You may want to seek medical attention, that's not normal.



It sucks that our team lost the superbowl

>tfw with this time line it may be true but how do I wake up?

Why would I want to wake up from a Trump wonderland?

This, kek

All of the things on the slope are retarded

Even pol

HA! clever.

Goodness me

Haven't you seen Inception? Pour a bath full of cold water and tip back into it on a chair

nice meme

>Anime Nazi

The gun seems like it would be faster.


>Not going to the Dailystormer


>PizzaGate seems like a stretch to me
Listen to the paranormies pizzagate episode.

That does look like a dude in a wig

Are you all just figments of my imagination?

>Just turned 21
What is life?

Greetings, fellow bad goy!

>visit "her" patreon
>"Now that I've graduated from university and began my transitioning, life is a little uncertain. "

Hmmm... really gets the ol' neurons firin up doesn't it

Lol. The guy gets all his info here and then comes back trying to shill his comix.

>>privilege theory
>>>>>>>scat fetishism
>>>>>>>>punch nazis!!!
>>>>>>>>>shoot nazis!!!!!!
>>>>>>>>>>bombing campaign
>>>>>>>>>>>mass burials

Can't trick me filthy doctors. I bet Shillary Clinton is president outside.

Never apart of gamer gate. Only ever cared about arma.

Milo was always a gay Jew fag to me.

Not a plebbit.

Never subscribed to breitbart or Ralph retort. Whatever the fuck that is.

Am a Sup Forumslack.

Don't know what red panels is.

Never a part of pizzagate.


Richard spencer is okay.

Anime is for fags.

Storefront is okay I guess.

I'm as fascist as you can get. Natural law and everything.

>Sup Forums not the same as anime nazi
>voat that far down
>no trs
>no daily stormer
>no ironmarch

>red panels worse than Sup Forums

Tell me your birthdate (month , day , year).

It will be entertaining , i promise.

So someone already replaced those "Nazi" things with gay marriage, trans rights, beastiaility, pedophelia and other shit and send it to her, right?

>not coming to Sup Forums from stormfront

you lads had better memes


>tranny talking about slippy slope

Thanks, now im terrified ill wake up one day and still be white outside my dream world.

That's actually where I heard about Sup Forums from.

o gawd, I'm not shilling honest, pls no dox


looking back, that place was so god damn awful

Kek wills it.

I started reading Chimpout and Niggermania (after stumbling upon them through FSTDT) way before Sup Forums, and I was on Sup Forums back when we were still butthurt over Nader and Gore losing.

KEK is telling you to send it to her.
Well done!

dude where you lookin at

Yeah, the format was straight out of the Nazis. I also remember unironic gypsies and hicks calling themselves the true Aryans.

Mike, pls.

This is extremely true. I remember us hating on Fox News watching redneck hicks blaming immigrants for every wrong thing in their lives and how we hated big government but now you fags have turned exactly into everything you were once against.
>b-but we've grown up!!

Retards have grown in numbers, the internet was honestly a mistake.

*straight out of the nineties

somebody make a edit

>voat is further down from Sup Forums

A leaf poster is like an off-brand Australian.
The shitposting is never quite up to snuff.

You use nazi enough that it would auto correct that from nineties?

pizzagate is racist?

Pizzagate is autism. That chart illustrates the levels of autism.

kek! the worst was the legit neo-nazi prison skinheads trying to plot attacks against the goverment. you cant even say nigger there anymore. the whole place is just trafficed by fbi agents

good times

Mine was: the donald->pizzagate and voat->/pol

The slippery slope of getting informed about the truth? Strange way of looking at it. Learning is usually looked at as a beneficial thing; slippery slopes are usually negative.

I would edit it to some sjw shit like ''feminism, tumblr, gender studies'' etc and then ''check your privilege shitlord''
Also make the guy get fatter and fatter the further down he falls.

But its not that funny


Can we make one with the slippery slope for faggotry. We also have the headlines to prove it.

>no DailyStormer

How the fuck does this even work? White men is not a different species/race.If white men dissapear so do white women.

>gypsies calling themselves aryan
That fat, Serbian Chetnik wannabe?

Why do you have murder on there three times?

>That chart illustrates the levels of autism.
Isn't that ableism?

I feel like I am playing snake and ladders rather than a slippery slope.

>Off brand
Canada is Chinese in more ways than one apparently.

Their memes are so low energy.

SJW's are but a very tiny and insignificant minority, some might even argue they're a false flag.

Didn't the Irish board get locked?


How are we that high up?