MGTOW Hate Thread

I don't think we give these losers enough shit. Post some images mocking their stupid SJW philosophy.

Can we talk about how the left is normalizing man hatred?

I'm pretty sure Cara Delevingne is sexist

I think we should mock guys who want a traditional white nationalist qt3.14 but can't find one, instead.

You sound salty, are you a woman or beta by chance. Because those are the only 2 simps who would bitch about men dropping out.

Most men are getting sick of the shit society is pushing against them, so they are simply leaving them

For men that is a good thing, because that means more viable women to date and for women it means fighting over available men.

This in turn causes the feminist BS of decades of nonsense to collapse in on itself when the reality sets in that they won't have it all like they were promised.

>Can we talk about how the left is normalizing man hatred?
It's a shit test that mgtows are failing spectacularly. Women are supposed to be led, but mgtows are just running away like bullied nerds.


Not in this society. Enjoy years of being a helper monkey slave, followed by divorce arse-rape. We live in a Vaginaocracy of greed, spite, and stupidity.

I was from a divorce family, I know how it is.

Just saying that for men this is a paradise of pump and dumps/NSA sex and for women it is a nightmare, they created the very thing they ultimately will hate.


>wanting men to be cowards
>not embarrassing them into putting some effort into life
>not wanting the best for your fellow man

Anime is literally better than women.

"Men going their own way" sounds hella gay to begin with.
I always picture a pack of fat acne ridden fucks walking towards the sunset, holding hands with their vests over their shoulders.

I think you would too if you could be accused of rape for 0 reason

Personally I'm not afraid of this and I'm not mgtow but I can empathize with their perspective. Something the regressive left has to do (and apologize for being such cunts)


For men it's risk analysis and men see the risk far too high and the reward too low.

The options are either to risk getting half your shit stolen and your child being used as a cudgel against you, or just opt out and simply enjoy your own life that was given to you.

Broken homes and families created the exodus of men from the system. Fix that shit first, because we aren't bothering, even if we try we are shut out by the media and left. So if we can't even do anything about it, why even bother at all, that would be akin to suicide.

Pic looks like the Sandy hook shooter

Google Margo Kaplan

And how is this image supposed to influence me?

>empathize with their perspective.
So can I, but I have no sympathy for it. They are incomplete men that can't handle their own shit, much less a woman, and instead of improving themselves they're fleeing like the cowards they are.

>simply enjoy your own life that was given to you.
>Simply give up your ambitions and enjoy only what comes with little to no effort
Worthless. No wonder women want to fuck them over. Pathetic creatures, these mgtow.

lmao that was in 1975 women still are complaining.

because when white men disappear niggers have white women all to themselves

Of course we are incomplete men, we are from broken families after all.

Many studies confirm that people from broken homes and families have problems.

Again, how is this supposed to influence me?

Who do I believe? The shill or the senpai?

well i guess it wont if you don't care about whites going extinct

Well, for people who don't run away from the slightest difficulty in life, it's supposed to embarrass the viewer into action.

Horrific face, but I like those titties.

Salty, Salty, Salty.

You can insult them all you like, means jack shit when the system itself collapses from decades of failed policies that fuck over half of the population. Eventually the strain will be too much as a result of out of wedlock children and broken homes, we will have a generation of far worse failures than the men dropping out of the system.

The more you say men are cowards for dropping out, the less you see what broken homes actually do to future generations. Address that problem first because men aren't even given a chance to speak of those problems because of the gynocentric laws which shut out and deign anyone who speaks against that narrative to be a pariah.

>have problems.
Boo fucking hoo. Put some effort into life. Fix your shit, and get what you want.

What anime is this from?

They are going to go extinct when I am dead, not my issue anymore. I cannot piss against the wind, I cannot stop the wave. Realism.

I run away from the slightest difficulty in life if "staying" isn't beneficial for me.


that isn't realism it's nihilism

Wow /thread/

Gynocentric ftw

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

You've got all the information in the world at your fingertips; unprecedented opportunity, and you're just crying about your shitty start. Start trying. Now.

Nihilism is realism, Schopenhauerian realism is what I am trying to point you to. Praise negativity!

Can you offer any proper counter stance to my point then aside from the whole ad-hominem, because you aren't addressing broken families or broken homes which contribute to the problem.

Took less than 10 seconds on google.
Kin-iro Mosaic

> mgtow

Right into extinction. Nice one lads. Has there ever been a more ridiculous propaganda piece to stop the procreation of the white man?


Yep it's fucked anyway. I like doing a half gram of speed/X and jerking with my vr set on weekends.

Sex with women can't compete with a drug fuled 36 hour mega fap.

Well we wouldn't even do that if the laws didn't fuck men over to begin with. I keep saying you have to address the source of the problems because they won't go away until the source is dealt with.

If all the other social justice cause have a place for discussion/ridicule here, why not mgtow faggotry? They're exactly same as the blue haired tarts with daddy issues wanting the government to legislate their success rather than taking some personal responsibility for their failures in life.

is he VR fapping to interracial porn?

>They are going to go extinct when I am dead
>taking the blackpill

baka desu fight for your race senpai

Future looks good

A black Sup Forumsack, nice.

I have no duties towards my race. I acknowledge a racial hierarchy, but I have no duty towards anybody besides my family.

I am a racial realist libertarian capitalist.

You are degenerate, but it's your choice. I dislike druggies.

Is VR porn good?

Did you spend 6 gorrilion pounds on a Vive, or get a cheaper headset?

The games look like shit.

>implying the kinds of men usually opting out "going their own way" are the ones women will worry over losing
You are just contributing to creating harems for men who have more balls then you,retards. Enjoy your waifus and dead bloodline.

You accuse OP of whining, but youre the one whining about women being messed up and all. I bet you dont even talk to women. Youre just sexually frustrated with them. Im sorry to inform you that they just don't want to fuck you plain and simple.

it's called cuckoldry

I am enjoying my waifus. Enjoy being a subhuman instead.

MGTOW is the exact opposite of SJW you dumb fuck

You are some pussy worshipping beta fag who is a slave to women. Wake up.

Like gays MGTOW will breed themselves out of the gene pool. Go ahead and have no children, you'll give my children the earth by default.

>Women are supposed to be led

Just lmao. That's exactly what all the betas think, while their girl is getting banged by Chad on the down-low.

Go ahead, lead your woman, provide for her, throw all of your time, money and energy into her - she will always be banging Chad on the side.

Yeah I'm all for changing the laws but I also know that not all women are fucked and we need them in the end.

MGTOW is not about failure, it's about success.

Before MGTOW = miserable pussy worshiper who is a slave to women

After MGTOW = happy go-lucky slayer who does whatever he wants

More concerned about out of wedlock kids and broken homes than getting my dick wet. More concerned about the fact that society will collapse under the excess of bastard spawn when Papa Gov't cuts the spigot of welfare money when it is revealed that it can't be sustained.

You talk about getting laid, but you don't talk about the responsibility of raising children and the weight it entails. The weight that can drag down society if a child is not adequately raised by a stable family.

Looked like Louis in the thumbnail. Sorry Louis.

>slave to women
>lead your woman, provide for her, throw all of your time, money and energy into her
This is the kind of shit mgtows actually believe. They believe leading women means worshipping them. is right. Mgtows are the guys who so clueless about how to interact with women that women don't want them anyways.

Mgtows are a bunch of ignorant whiners. Virtueless pushovers.

Haters gonna hate, this in no way convinces me to change.
Let it burn, let the toll be paid.
Let them starve.

>waaah women have it hard,I will opt out and do whatever I please (muh choice) who cares if it destroys society.
>waaah men have it hard,I will opt out and do whatever I please (muh freedom) who cares if it destroys society.
And it's even more pathetic when men do it.

Of course we need them to reproduce, but the government has interfered too much in the rearing process. That is the issue.

The issue isn't hatred of women entirely, but about how the government and outside agencies are messing around with one of the cornerstones of society.

Are women worth the effort though? Very debatable

>Go ahead, lead your woman, provide for her, throw all of your time, money and energy into her - she will always be banging Chad on the side.

Yeah, and how is that an incentive for MGTOWs to start mingling with women again?

Or do you want all men to be Chads?
>inb4 Planet Patriarchy

If things continue the way they are, I think we will see things like bachelor taxes to prop up the system.

The non-whites will probably be deported before the whole thing is actually allowed to collapse.

Enjoy your 0 legacy. Your late life loneliness, as you watch those around you grow old with their families. Enjoy being a dead end.

Feminists want the whole world to change for them and pay for everything they demand.

MGTOWs just opt-out of the system with no expectation for it to ever change.

MGTOW and Man Hating / Current day feminism are both as bad as eachother. MGTOW does highlight some fair points about women.

However, the most functional and important institution in society is the nuclear family. Both ideologies are a threat to that.

The latter wouldn't exist if the former didn't have laws that benefit them from having bastard kids and encouraging divorce. The latter is merely the result of the former's actions on the nuclear family and it's stability.

How is that YOUR problem? Worry about yourself and you'll realize how much nicer life is. Find a girl that compliments your life. Dont bitch and complain and be miserable. MGTOW is justifying your lack of sexual success. Go ahead and do it though, youll be lonely and die lonely.

It's not about women. It's about you achieving what you want to achieve in life rather than shying away from challenges. You're gonna die anyways. Do something while you're alive. Even nihilism shouldn't lead you to inaction, because if nothing matters then you may as well your ambitions a shot.

So we should make fun of Sup Forums?

To be fair it's precisely the former, women opting out and doing what they please, which leads to the later; MGTOW. Nothing even resembling MGTOW existed 50 years ago.

I do agree, MGTOW wouldnt exist if Feminism didnt evolve into what it is today. I just believe both ideologies are straying from whats important.

It is my problem because it's our taxes which subsidize irresponsible behavior.

It's our tax dollars that go to bastard children and welfare

Broken homes create fucked up adults who wind up harming society and causing it to erode due to programs and entitlements. What part of that can you not understand?

Trying to change things you see as wrong in the system still requires more balls then simply giving up. you just proved my point.

>blaming women when men are their leaders
Not taking responsibility is exactly the problem with Mgtows. They want someone else to change the world for them, just like women.

>not embarrassing them into putting some effort into life
No amount of shaming is going to get men to do stuff when there's no rational reason to do it.

You're not talking to cunts here, these underhanded tactics don't work.

The only difference between Sup Forums and MGTOW is that MGTOW has lost hope of ever getting a woman.

here this is a more accurate representation that will convince you

I agree with you that having ambitions, achieving things in life and basically not being scared of challenges is a good thing. But has it ever occured to you that maybe some people don't really care all that much about being in a relationship or having their own family? What if someone actually doesn't care about that. For example, I am not MGTOW but I don't really care about whether I am in a relationship or not. I haven't made a conscious effort not to be with someone but the hard reality is that as a man, if you do nothing towards having a relationship, 9 times out of 10 you will not end up in a relationship because it takes effort. Now the questions is, is that effort worth it? Maybe you think my views are simply an excuse to avoid having to get out of my comfort zone and put some effort in, maybe you'd be right, I don't know.

Anyway, I don't know where I am going with this except I want to question whether having sex/being in a relationship with a woman should be the goal of everyone.

>You're not talking to cunts here
>literally talking to people who don't take responsibility for their position in life, and refuse to put effort into changing it
Sure seems like it.

It's not just laws.

It's the inherent human mating pattern.

Society got to the point where women exchanging sexual liberty for protection and provision was no longer worth it because technology and the state could provide those things to an acceptable standard, so they rejected monogamous relationship and attempted to revert to the original breeding pattern of selecting for higher quality males than themselves and sharing them if necessary.

Then the deal also becomes unacceptable for men because there is no loyalty and a ruthless endless competition to be the best man available to a woman in a pool of at least millions.

Changing divorce laws wouldn't make a huge difference and would probably just be collectively subsidised by men in the form of more welfare rather than paid for by a single man who got conned.

>some people don't really care all that much about being in a relationship or having their own family?
That's DEFINITELY not mgtows. They wouldn't be so vocal about their withdrawal if that were the case.

Honestly we would be better off cutting off welfare to those irresponsible. If you bring a child into the world, you should be full well aware of how much it will cost to care for it.

The way i see it, my bloodline was never that great.
2/2 autists is what my parents produced, my brother is carrying the legacy on which is nice because it's what he wants, but me, nah too much autism.
My brother got my the majority of my dad's genes, so i guess i'm the containment vessel, my duty is to let the worst of the family autism die out with me.

You can't change human nature without population eugenics.

Women are always going to have enormous leverage in relationships until something comparable to sex is available without them.

Porn is comparable enough for some men, but as technology gets better, the number willing to spend their entire lives trying to catch a woman will decrease.

The top men who don't have to expend effort already will probably continue in having real sex because there's no significant barrier, if not an even greater access to sex when lower men drop out.

There will always be bottom feeders in society. What part of that you dont understand?

Cutting off welfare would be disastrous and few would support it, so the possibility of such a thing isn't really worth discussing.

To reduce the number of them and reduce the malfactors whose behavior could infest the rest of society. Even if we can't get rid of them outright as you say, we can still reduce the numbers to limit the damage that can be done.

So what is worse, letting them have kids and then government inevitably cutting them off anyway when shit hits the fan? Eventually the government will see it as unsustainable.

>literally talking to people who don't take responsibility for their position in life, and refuse to put effort into changing it
Where do you get any of that from? Assessing risk and then making choices accordingly is the most responsibility you can take for your life.

No amount of personal effort is going to change the reasons why opting out is the safer choice right now.

this is literally the 10th time I've seen this exact same comment in these types of threads

>my gene is shit, im too autistic, just let me be a NEET it's for the best of humanity

you're just a lazy faggot that keeps spouting lame excuses

Yes we all know women in our generation are shit, but this whole mgtow thing is just compounding the issue. If it was a simple philosophy of teaching young men to do something fulfilling with their lives instead of stressing out about finding a girl then I might have more respect.

What they really aim to do is to be the complete inverse of coal burning sjws, which isn't really a solution. Hey man that's cool, you're going to build model planes instead of spending tons of money at a bar and wasting your time and money dealing with fickle women. That hardly qualifies as a movement however and doesn't mean you need to be the male version of a feminist bull dyke.

>No amount of personal effort is going to change the reasons why opting out is the safer choice right now.
Proving my point exactly. Mgtows have no self confidence, and want the world to change before they'll act.

This. Take notice, quitters.

>Men going their own way

We just use to call them Bachelors? Why the stupid acronym? Anyways they don't bother me. A lot of them sound like they come from parents who went through divorce and they saw their dads get crushed by the courts. That would probably fuck you up.

Says the trust fund kid who's parents are still together. Eat shit faggot.

>Mgtows have no self confidence, and want the world to change before they'll act.
That's not an issue of confidence, user. Again, try to argue rationally instead of shaming.

Are you going to deny that the things we talk about are rooted in reality? That's the only thing that matters: is this risk there?