The WW2 is still going on and Nazis are still fighting

3rd Reich never dissappeared and is still fighting a covert war against the establishment and the jews to regain their strenght
Old Thread from yesterday
First of, the 3rd reich never surrendered. Only the military did, but the head of state never meaning officially the war never ended.
>The German Instrument of Surrender ended World War II in Europe. The definitive text was signed in Karlshorst, Berlin on the night of 8 May 1945 by representatives of the three armed services of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) and the Allied Expeditionary Force together with the Supreme High Command of the Red Army, with further French and US representatives signing as witnesses

There is also Nazigermany apparently still claiming Neu Schwabenland/New Swabia while the claim of Norway stopped in 1945

Furthermore you find a lot of SS symbolism among the Nato, and Adolf Heusinger, general and Chief of nazigermanies military became chairman of the Nato.
The Nato Headquarter (Pic related) is basically 4 of the lightning/sig runes (2 SS symbols) next to each other.
The Coronado Navy Base is formed like a swastika (will upload later)
The militia in ukraine uses the Wolfsangel (symbol of a nazigerman tankdivision "Das Reich) covering the sonnenrad/sunwheel black sun(also upload later)

Quick Rundown
>Nazi germany still active in Antarctica base name B211, infiltrating different organisations and starting their own to fight the kikes
>Nazis are behind (many) UFOs compare Haunebu and Vril to most ufos and Cigar Ufos to the andromeda mashine
>Trump possibly captured USA for the Nazis
>Nazis quite possibly inhabiting Hollow Earth/Agartha
> was maybe a trick by the nazis to create one giant concentration camp known as Israel surrounded by walls and jew hating arabs

Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related are instructions on how to get into Agartha via submarine saly on german only. But for fellow german anons
This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get oublished after his death.
Admiral Byrd, which led multiple expeditions to Antarctica including Operation Highjump and deepfreeze and talks about a land "as big as the United States, never seen by a human being before on the other side of the southpole" (Ignore the flat earth tag) I will post pictures which supposedly are maps of Agartha down the thread

the Chairman of the nato was a Nazi too
>General Adolf Heusinger (August 4, 1897 – November 30, 1982) was a German general who served as head of the West German military from 1957 to 1961 and as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964.

Just like the founder of the Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (german intelligence agency)
>Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) was a Nazi German general who was chief of the Foreign Armies East (FHO) military-intelligence unit, during World War II (1939–45); spymaster of the anti–Communist Gehlen Organization for the U.S.(1946–56); and the first president (1956–68) of the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) during the Cold War (1945–91).

Hague Land Warfare Convention Article 24
>Art. 24. Ruses of war and the employment of measures necessary for obtaining information about the enemy and the country are considered permissible.
Ruses like a fake surrender only by the armed forces (Wehrmacht) not the state?

The Bundesrepublik Deutschland is the direct continuation of the german Reich
>Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat in ständiger Rechtsprechung festgestellt, dass das Völkerrechtssubjekt "Deutsches Reich" nicht untergegangen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht sein Rechtsnachfolger, sondern mit ihm als Völkerrechtssubjekt identisch ist.

>The federal constitutional court did now declare in constant juristdiction that the subject to international law "Deutsches Reich" did not collapse and the Bundesrepublik Deutschland wouldnt be its successor, but is as subject to international law identical

Another weird thing is that Germany, just like Italy and Japan are still enemy states in the UN
>The UN Charter still designates Italy, Germany and Japan as enemy states to the United Nations. In legal terms this means that any U.N. Member State can launch a “preemptive” military aggression against these nations without a declaration of war.

Furthermore the EU, having close ties to the Nato, consists of almost the same area as the german Reich did. My guess is their role is to gain their land back through diplomatic subversion to then let it fall apart and "another force", probably the Nato taking over all of it swiftly in one go, maybe under a different name to appear as a new player instead a result of of a decade long conspiracy.
The EU building looking like the Tower of Babylon might indicate that the EU is intended to break down just like Babylon did.

Pic related is written by Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Wolf, Prag
It reads:

>Top Secret
>Review of the order of the Führer from the 10.01.1940
>No 9

>The United and organized researches of our scientists, marines and submarineopperatives of the Kriegsmarine, which accomplished the impossible and the succesfull work of the SS-Unit for the study of the heritage of the great Reich allowed us to claim the new and infinite territorries for the german Reich in antarctica which was which lay beneath the ice of the southpole

>In context with the acces to new territories i order during the next 6 months with the forces of the specifical developed commission for recruitment inside the wehrmacht, luftwaffe (airforce), Kriegsmarine (Warmarine) and the units of the SS to create a covered selcetion of volunteers for the colonizations of the new territorries of the german Reich in New Swabia

>The commisions, which work regarding to the selection of canditdates has to considder that the volunteers will be part with its fatherland for ever and will be send for a permanent settlement in New Swabia.

>The means for the resettlement of the best recruits of among the military and SS-forces have to be done in total secrecy.

>As responsible one in the Reich for the resettlementof a part of the populations of pure aryans to New Swabia and to keep the secrecy of these action i declare Reichdirector (Reichsleiter) M. Bormann

>The Führer and Reichchancelor (Reichkanzler),
>The highest commander of the armed forces.
>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down

So shortly before the end of WW2 there are suddenly a lot of UFOs. There are also numerous of german blueprints around allegedly showing how the UFOs are build, and these structures resemble a lot of what people commonly refer to as flying saucer. a few years after the war we got Rosswell.
Probably easier to explain visitors from another world than a Nazi in SS uniform flying a highly advanced aircraft never seen before years after the nazi got defeated and destroyed.

The Nazis researched a lot of flying saucers/Reichsflugscheiben, like the Haunebu, the Vril or the Andromeda Gerät (Andromeda machine) which has the cigar form often common in UFO sightings, and according to the plans (will post one later) acts like a mothership harboring multiple of the flying saucer types.

Pic Related
>Secret Command Document

>Acceleration of acquisationtesting and production of Haunebu II + Vril 1

>Comment: SS-Unit IV (SS-E-IV [SS-Einheit-IV?]) considers concentration on already in trial situated Haunebu II to be more reasonable than working parralell on both types. Haunebu II promises considerable improvements in allmost all respects. Higher productioncost seems justified, especially considering the Führers Special Command. regarding the Flight Gyro (Flugkreisel)

The plans were recovered by allied forces

Surely just coincidence

pic related
the involution was in germany then and now the evolution is worldwide by Sup Forums. Same natural principle as you prune plants so they grow back even bigger and stronger. Maybe Hitler thought already the apparent downfall was necessary for people to see his vision, and then conquer the world not by force, but through his vision. In Sup Forums you see how his idea rises once again, resembles the evolution, just like the Sup Forums logo resembles the mirrored swastika.

Lake vostok closely resembles the outline of the map of the instructions in and also around the same area as the lake is a magnetic anomalie

Forgot pic and link
surely UFOs aren real right?

Successor of the andromeda machine?

blueprint of the andromeda machine

SS Ahnenherbe in Tibet...

Seen in antarctica

Jens Stoltenberg secretary general of the nato pic related look at the flag





Natsoc. 3rd reich in southern pole

Surely looks interesting. But sadly making a decision from one satalite pic isnt really easy. The last pic seem pretty small for an opening for a UFO, maybe to enter on foot? Or just a random cave

So did they try to figure out sinilarities and find out where people come from and how it all fits together, or were they searching for good qualities for their breeding programs like lebensborn?


Both. Lebensborn preserves the true Aryan phenotype in every land. And the "Aryan" expantion is not what is told about conquering the world. In fact is a deep respect and re discover of every ethnic aspect of every race. And seems to link to the same Origin.


Admiral Byrd finding warm lakes and green areas in inner antarctica is pretty interesting.

Also almost every part of Europe was conquered by the Celtic and Germanic tribes and 3rd Reich was deeply aknowledged of that as well praised that profoundly. Since those tribes are almost direct descendents of the "Leftovers" of the gods.
The Baltics were also known as one of the most aryan tribes a split between celtic and germanic with an ancient aryan diallect well preserved. Also Tallin is a" secret" Sacred Aryan local.

>the head of state never meaning officially the war never ended
well, killing himself can be interpreted as giving up


Hail hydra

Why would someone in 1940 use this kind of handwriting? They all used to learn Sütterlin until the 50ies.
At least put some effort into it

k. keep me posted

Notice how trump really often wears black white and red? Where did you see these colours before?

Also trump said he wants other countries to spent more on the nato

Where is this? Moon?

>Notice how trump really often wears black white and red? Where did you see these colours before?

Everytime I see a nigger waving the Polish flag in the street. Oh wait...

Dream died long ago.

>Notice how trump really often wears black white and red? Where did you see these colours before?
Everytime I see a nigger waving the nazi flag in the street.
>Deutsche Normalschrift − Weiterentwicklung der Sütterlinschrift als Schulausgangsschrift von 1941 bis 1953
they hated the old writing style, and thus the nazis switched them


For prints that is.
But handwriting used to be in Sütterlin, since most people learned it that way. Like your source says, the deutsche normalschrift was introduced in 1941.


on bloody bruised rape victims from refugee ridden countries

Another blueprint of the andromedamachine showing it work like a small mothership

hope this is real, can nazis help make mexico great again?
>Adolf Hitler hatte seine langfristigen Ziele schon 1934 auf dem Reichsparteitag verkündet:

>„Eure vermeintliche gotische Verinnerlichung passt schlecht in das Zeitalter von Stahl und Eisen, Glas und Beton, von Frauenschönheit und Männerkraft, von hochgehobenem Haupt und trotzigem Sinn … Unsere Sprache wird in hundert Jahren die europäische Sprache sein. Die Länder des Ostens, des Nordens wie des Westens werden, um sich mit uns verständigen zu können, unsere Sprache lernen. Die Voraussetzung dafür: An die Stelle der gotisch genannten Schrift tritt die Schrift, welche wir bisher die lateinische nannten […]“

>– Adolf Hitler

>Adolf Hitler announced his longterm goals already 1934 at the Reichsparteitag:

>"Your apparent gothic internalization fits badly into the age of steel and iron, glass and concrete, female beauty and male stretgh. from highborn pate and defiand mind ... In 100 years our language will be the european one. The countries of the est, the north, just like the west will, in order to communicate with us, learn our language. The Condition for this: Instead of the gothical called writing, we use the one we so far called the latin writing"

>-Adolf Hitler

He hated it and therefore started early changing gradually the writing. you see in the first document the writing looks kinda scetchy, probably because they just switched the writing styles

by the way, the 100 years arent over that. did he plan that far ahead?

A friend told me that after WW2 ended and UN was established the UN had a delegation or an office for "New Berlin" and that it actually was never called off, cancelled or otherwise closed down.

This was during a drunken stupor so I have nothing more on it. Does anyone know about a rumor like this?


>>This was during a drunken stupor so I have nothing more on it.
Was it a day between monday and sunday?

Who ever said it was a single day?

check the map in the 2nd post
pro tip "New" means "Neu" in german

Is this what you're talking about

I know some of you are watching this


Schizophrenics are coming up with new conspiracy theories

Saved for when I smoke some meth

lol bump

Yes I know this and that is sort of what stirred me to ask about it. I meant to ask if there was any more information than just a marking on the map. I would've loved to hear more about it since the friend in question always rants about these things at almost an incomprehensible speed and if drunk his stories also tend to wind here and there.

tl;dr a quick rundown on new berlin?


i dont know any more about new berlin either. maybe some other user knows something, or i look into it the other day

conspiracy theories plural
conspiracy theory singular

Hail New Swabia!




>Nazis are still fighting!

yeah that's why germany is being overrun with mudpeople and it's culture destroyed.



>tl;dr: Nazis are using UFOs provoded by NATO to fight Russian tourists in Ukraine

Ok Hans, but now it's time for sleepy sleepy. Let the nice men in white give you your calming medicine.

This is from the movie iron sky

>i didnt understand anything
The post

Maybe this discribes a part of the saucer technology even it is round like a saucer


*and it is round like a saucer

germanon, please translate and reupload this video with english subtitles.

Bump for interest

Dönitz never killed himself.





If this is so top tier secret, how can it be posted normally on a common internet site?

When all this is true then definitely pic related, but i thought a few times now already we reached that stage and its always getting crazier


Do you know how the internet works? Everything thats uploaded ones will stay on the internet forever. Thats why any leak on the internet stays available as trying to delete them would only verify the authenticy and draw more attention towards it while not getting rid of it at all.
Also most of this is official public information easily searchable yourself. But only together they create a bigger picture of it all but are alone meaningless

This ship called Schwabenland does dozens of transports between germany and antarctica to build the base B211 in antarctica

trump is zionist.
that man is indian not black you even not know how too disgtinguish races.

Yes. has well his work triology books should be in english
>along the Herman Wirth works.

>trump is zionist.
of course literally hitler™ would be in favor of a concentration camp

let's see how trump puts everything up...
but I dount that would be different from any other president..
anyway he has jewish relatives daughter and so on.

Where is the right pic from?


"In reality, the logo was not created by Trump or anyone on his campaign team. Another version featured a gold-and-black logo, which was widely circulated on social media. It was designed as a piece of anti-Trump art by two graphic design professors at the California College of Arts and later distributed throughout San Francisco’s Mission District. According to Fastco Design"

It seems to be fake and made up...


What you say about the made up too try too put him as new leader...
I know people often see him as new pseudo saviour and every side is trying too disguise his zionist agenda.
anyway that is subverted campaigns in order to use a swastika for trump simple.

BAMP, and I encourage people to read Dr. Joseph P. Farrell's books for more info on this

Today, OP is not a faggot

ah ok, but (((they))) really arent thinking one bit. they claim every trump support is a nazi and a racist, yet they try to discredit him by associating him by the symbols of his fans ideology lmao

>anyway he has jewish relatives daughter and so on
Ivanka and her children will never be accepted by any jews as jewish, since she is Aryan and a convert.

He had his kids "marry in" like they have done to us


You're reaching so hard you can touch your toes without bending over

that is the trick of the jews look at zuckerberg is fine example.
using aryans as shield and cover up for their zionist plans.

You clearly don't understand what I said and the significance.

I think he does

who cares about that...
as long as the supposed racist supports trump and the rich nigger too and the southern american hispanic too, its all according too the "their" " plans" he serves as bait for any purpose too accomplish the middle east war.

time will tell... and I lmfao when the middle east plan destruction continues and intensifies. according too their plans. let's see if the hidden Ubermensh appears from a Vril Ufo and stop that zionist war over the borders of the so called israel...

I'm skeptical of Antarctica stories, but whatever. Trump had his kids "marry in" to insulate himself from "anti-semite" label while doing good things for Whites. You think he has planned this all alone? It was a spur of the moment decision? No. He has had help from our own people around the world in different governments, agencies and the like. It's been a long time planning. There is a reason they are panicking right now. They should be, honestly.

Believe whatever you want tho I would be happy to see all kikes exiled to jewland and walled in...