How can we make the rest of America more like Dearborn, Michigan?


Fuck muslims

Xenomorph looking cunts

Explains why you're so xenophobic.

By kicking the Muslims out of Dearborn

Being xenophobic is a healthy reaction to what the world currently looks like.

People keep saying :the white race is being bred out. My question:so what?
Asians are smarter than us- Blacks are more athletic and attractive than us. Wtf do whites contribute?

How can whites even compete?

Disgusting vermin, not even human.

They're taking our foood


We invented fake tits

I live near dearborn and its not that bad. The mussies keep to themselves and we leave them alone. There are still a bunch of honor killings and the mussies police themselves.
Just dont go there if you are christian or jewish

I'd like to smash my 747 between her twin towers.


>tfw i took a light skinned north Indian girls virginity

>tfw she has a rich family

>tfw race traitor

Who fucking cares, hope you two are happy.

>Henry Ford's hometown is now overrun by disgusting smelly mudshits

I want a white girl but I guess north indians/upper caste indians are indo-aryan....

At least she isn't degenerate and dislikes gypsies

Her genetics will be washed out eventually anyway.

Don't take Sup Forums too seriously, if you're happy with the girl you have, it doesn't matter what her race is.

>blacks more attractive than anyone

>tfw no alien gf

Well I can't really get anyone else at the moment unfortunately but the sex is good because she weighs about 90lbs and I can hold her in the air and gorilla fuck her

If you're with her because there's nobody else to go for, then she probably isn't the one for you user, she might be if you have legitimate feelings for her but it doesn't sound like it.

>Gorilla fuck

my sides

I'd fuck those Muslimas if you know hwat I mean.

> Nice try capitalist propagandist

Nah she aint the one mate

Thanks for making me feel less guilty about plowing a darkie though

Fuck you OP, Im tired of looking at that shithole, that place can get alloha snackbar'd along with Hamtramick and the Detroit city simply because its a sanctuary city

>multiple payloads detonating at the same time
what did he mean by this?


>mfw no hijab qt

white abaya a cute

Some nice hand-cleavage on those filthy whore-sluts there. mm-mm

>if you're happy with the girl you have, it doesn't matter what her race is

Is this a Panera?

They sure can raise my crusade.
These semitic girls don't know what awaits them.


That face. Pure attraction