Anyone regret voting for Donald Trump? I admit, I got completely swept up on the Sup Forums memes...

Anyone regret voting for Donald Trump? I admit, I got completely swept up on the Sup Forums memes, and I let the jokes fuck with me. I disconnected from reality, and in like a drug stupor. I pulled the lever for Trump because the "memes" told me so. I pretty much gradually realized how autistic I was as the weeks went on.

It fucks with me every day, that I contributed to Trump. I voted in Pennsylvania, and as you know, PA was won by only a couple fucking votes. I'm part of the problem, and I got cucked by the alt right into destroying what I want in America. I'm a fucking progressive and I voted for Trump. I want Nordic style government, and I still got fucking cunted up the cunt to vote for basically Hitler. Is this what people felt like when they were so defeated at WW1, that they voted for Hitler, even though they hated the man? Because he sounded good?

Fuck, I supported BERNIE from even before the primaries, and I was one of the early guys on his ship. I was talking about a Bernie run in fucking 2014 ffs, when my friends called me crazy.

The hate against Clinton, that blew off, and cheated Bernie added to it. If the DNC candidate was even HALF decent, I wouldn't have been corrupted.

Just fuck my life famalam. I expect you to either sage, ignore or mock me, but if anyone did what I did, let me know your thoughts, please. I know I'm not alone.

And yes, I'm a fucking white male.

Former Drumpft supporter checking in. I must admit, it is quite amusing watching him crash and burn but in all seriousness We can't let this orange cheeto dust clown get the nucular codes.

Same old shill shit...move along

>there are people who believe this obvious bait

>Anyone regret voting for Donald Trump?
Fuck no

Just stop with this shit. It works on literally no-one. You are just wasting a few megabits on Chinese Moot's server somewhere. It does nothing.

Former Trump supporter here.

Voted for the guy because I didn't think he would do anything of what he said he would do.

And then he did literally EVERYTHING he said he was going to do.

This is not what I voted for.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching this guy crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let him get the nuclear codes.

So. Much. This.


I honestly can't tell if CTR has just gotten really dumb or if 90% of the anti-Trump threads are just bait.

Your post proves you're too retarded to register to vote.

Can't regret something you didn't do little cuck, Trump has done everything he said he would so far.

Why not both?

He already has the nuclear codes dipshit

Why do you regret voting Trump?

He is just doing *everything* that he said he would. If you didnt like that, why throw your hat behind him at all?

Also, it does not matter who became president or not. This country is still facing it's own demise through insane debt, war exhaustion, corruption, and of course financial collapse when the derivatives bubble bursts. (The elites betting onnit though are going to make windfalls. As usual).

And Bernie himself was always a puppet (willing or not), as shown in the email leaks.

He least quit being so fucking obvious. I guess 10 cents a post really gives you what you pay for.

samefagging cunt

bait thread. sage.

>Regrets "voting" for Trump
>Talks about how he has access to nuclear codes.

Come on, we know you're a cuck. Stop trying to hide it.

nah, still glad he got in over Hillary.
it may backfire on the right, but it's a gamble I think we had to take.

>Implying Drumpfty can remember the code.
We just have to keep the code away from him and he won't know it dipshit.

that's his lolsoironic dig at CTR/shareblue


If you voted Trump because a green cartoon frog told you to you deserve all the misery you get

>people STILL falling for the CTR copypasta
Please Sup Forums

Someone who went against their whole family and neighborhood to vote Trump here.

Things are going better than I dreamed.
>stopped funding rebels who wanted to topple syria and are in all likelyhood isis supporters
>teaming up with russia, syria, and turkey to fight isis
>stopping immigration from countries that aren't making enough effort to fight isis in their countries, except for syria who is in mid crisis
>stopping immigration from refugees
>after syria is safe again then refugees can return home, but probably won't and will be deported

Still waiting for the following.
>veterans can visit local hospital and use VA healthcare rather than drive to a VA hospital
>attorney general to get confirmed and breakup/arrest Antifa
>mass deportation of illegal immigrants
>cancel federal funding on sanctuary cities

CTR slide thread to cover up Pizzagate busts. Keep it up David Brock, you'll be wearing orange soon enough.

Yeah man fuck Drumpf and fuck white people. Can I join your Crew?

He's fucking up this country senpai. If our nation survives these four years intact then it'll be testament to the greatness of our constitution.

As a 'nordic' i say fuck you.
You have no clue what we aspire to achieve.

You fucking live in goddamn America you cuck, be proud.
300+ million people =/= 5.5 million people
A nordic regime would never work in the slightest with that many people.

>Get some brains, nobody is forcing you to vote a certain way

Is it really so hard to believe that someone could regret voting for such an idiot?

You people are pathetic.

same here...
i supported trump since the beginning but the more i found out about drumpf the more i realized how low energy stumpf really is.
i wish i could turn back the time and fight against this racist misogynistic pig and vote for hillary. its never too late to correct your mistakes tho, 2018 MIDTERM vote BLUE

Wtf I hate Pennsylvania now. Guess i'm #toolivecrew now

You should hate pennsylvania, Trump is going to drive this country into the ground.

this. norway works the way it does because of the oil money and small population, as well as not being a very diverse country(90%+ white)

>300+ million people =/= 5.5 million people
>hurr my size difference

What works on the small scale works just as well on the large scale and none of you has ever offered a valid reason why it doesn't.