How do we get women to stop working and voting

.... so we can save Western Civilization?

You know, so women will start a family in their 20's instead of trying to get a career, and a man will have twice as much value, and twice as many jobs to choose from, so he can be the only parent who works.

How Sup Forums? I am tired of not being able to live like a pre baby boomer, or even a baby boomer.

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Fuck bump

are you dumb?

women should go to work and men should enjoy vidya att.

>societies that work like this are rural villages that survived only on islands or around mountains

I know you are likely joking, but really, you would be asking for troubles

Women have breasts that feed babies and natural behaviors to nurture them, and men are better at working.

Why you want to work?

Finding a woman with good salary is an excellent investment. We are not living in the jungle anymore.

Yes, I do want to work. You commie

I am interested ITT

>I want to work

ITT slavemorals.

>have babies
>get free money

>wanting a plethora of kids

literally nigger tier behavior. 2 kids are enough to do your part at preserving the race while keeping you mentally sane.

As it should be, 2nd wave feminism fucked everything up.

It would do better than the commies

No, you need 3. 2.1 is replacement, at least in USA

Even if all the third world trash miraculously disappeared from the white countries we would still be irredeemable. Consumerism has taken its toll and the West is on its death bed. Muslims, niggers and other trash are the symptoms of cultural death, vultures that are feasting on the corpse of our civilization.
This is the end, the real redpill is to realize that the West has already died.

Is that the reason your conservative country is always flourishing?

Yea, but if there were women who would volunteer to do this it would at least delay the inevitable. The tide has just begun turning. Wait and stay positive, redpill others.

Today I redpilled two women about this shit. Of course, they blocked me. lol


>tell them X action is empowering
>provide unironic emotional arguments as to why

you didn't redpill them
you just sperged out and revealed all of your power level and they freaked out

>Of course, they blocked me. lol

Enjoy finding a job. Dumbass.

At this point let society collapse and never under any circumstances let them do it again.

No, I planted a seed. they were both 19 so they were retarded anyway. They had a negative reaction, it will stay in their memory. Women remember negative shit more than men.

>This is what White Exitinction Lovers want

Fuck you, I'm having tons of white kids you frog.

You didn't even understand my post. Serbia is gone as well. We are lagging behind a bit but consumerism is rapidly destroying this country and the number of degenerates is growing exponentially. Communists forced this country into a grave and "Americanization" made sure that we will never get out.

When you are over 15 and being a skindhead is not so cool anymore, you will forget the memes you keep parroting.

Same, I'm going for 10 babies. Find an 18 year old girl after you've established yourself, marry her, and pump your cute wife full of white seed throughout her 20's. We have to correct for the selfish baby boomers and feminists.

>letting your kids climb all over you while you're shirtless and eye-fucking your wife
This is actually really creepy.


Blackpill (I.E Atheist Fedora Pill) Is that Nihilism Bullshit.

Women can only get away with what you let them get away with. The more you let them get away with, the angrier with you they get. If we stop putting up with womens' shit, they'll go back to being sane.

Also outlaw the pill. It makes women insane.

Keep women out of the church...they fucked that up too.

European culture sure is thriving and the future looks brighter than ever :-)

They're 19, so if they haven't already, they're going to go fuck a boatload of men.

The problem here is promiscuity, not women having careers.

I don't care about things I can't influence, but men ITT saying they want to work and virgin betas. No healthy gentleman ever wants to work. Being lazy requires brains and testosterone.

We need to end civil rights.
Make businesses allowed to hire whoever the fuck they want, (freedom of association), and open a business that only hires white men.


Fighting against effective markets and avolution will be a great success.

nice try ahmed

Stop working, yes! Stop voting, no! Assign family common vote: 1 fcv is worth 3 single votes, but is cast by the highest tax paying member of said family.

Also, get Motherpilled, stop the collapse of society with MOTHERISM:

Essentially, motherism is the counter to the socially accepted narrative that for a woman to be a Wife/Stay-at-home Mom/Primary caregiver is a failure or un-fulfilment of life. Women are encouraged to join the workforce, abandon the family and compete with men - THIS IS FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG

Women are, contrary to the universal Sup Forums opinion, THE most important part of society. Men can't even compete when it comes to child care, moral education, emotional security - sure they give it a go, but when we're completely honest, it just isn't the same.

With a strong, reliable stay at home mom in the family, we all win. Men are men, women are women, children respect their siblings, their parents, their friends and their extended community. Society, under the weight of feminism, equal rights, TV/movies/News media has been herded into accepting that the role of the mother is something less than the most sacred role in society. By pushing the mother from the home and into the workforce they can infiltrate your home, influence your children and demoralise the men. Without the Matriarchy, we as a species are doomed to be institutionalised, enslaved and ultimately destroyed.

We must take action.

Swallow your bitterness, accept that you as a man have been born the inferior of the species in terms of spirituality and purity. We are here to serve, the bread winners, the mates, the support. We will go out to work, we will provide, we do this as we are grateful to the women who make our homes, raise our children and educate them in morals and human decency.

When we establish the mother as the pinnacle of a human's existence, then we will have defeated those who wish to enslave us.

I'm going to copy this pasta. It is good .

>Degenerate pedo detected
Don't project your sickness onto posts by descent human beings. Only your perverted corrupted virgin mind sees any issue with this pic.

>he typed angrily whilst the child he kidnapped sucked his dick

Good, get it spread! We can take them all down and restore decency within one generation.

All feminism is cancer. Women shouldn't vote or work. Their husband is their legal guardian. Muslims are right in this regard. 100 years ago what I'm saying was commonly accepted.

>moral education

You do realize female promiscuity is destroying civilization, right?

My father was a salaryman, my mother was a housewife. My mother has no financial freedom, and my father knows he's tied to his job and can't quit even when he hates it, both resent each other and won't admit it, money is super stressful.

Meanwhile, I have an American-Canadian friends where both parents work, they move between country depending on which partner in the marriage had the higher paying job.

I'm a woman and I WANTED to start a family in my 20s, the economy won't allow it.

...and it was men who recognize women's right to vote, for good reason.

...and for good or bad, many women voted for Trump.

I always do my research before I vote, I don't listen to what candidates say, I look at what they have done, and I'm a swing voter.

.... >_> .... I'm going to marry carefully, with a man who agree with me on most things, and after that, I'll probably just vote for whoever he votes for, so I could quit reading the news XD

We're talking about biological girls here. That being said

100 years ago we didn't have the Internet, or food labelling laws...why regress?

I'm quite convince OP is a loner not loved by any woman including his own mother. If you love a woman you would support her rights and independence, especially since if she didn't have them, your death or disability will leave her (and you) extra vulnerable.


2nd wave feminism told women they shouldn't be a slave to men and told them they are unhappy (when they weren't). Now they are a slave to the state, and everyone is unhappy.


Natural selection is already taking place. Women are becoming less fertile at an earlier age.

On average, Getting pregnant in your 30's is very difficult. Even late 20's is becoming increasingly harder and harder. 40's is impossible.

I immagine in 20 to 30 years women are going to have to decide right around 18 if they want to have children or go on to college to have a career.

The return of the traditional household is coming.

>evil men want you to stay at home with your kids and house while they worry about everything else

Who doesn't financially plan ahead?


Well, when you have women who are 3x more likely to vote for big govt welfare communistic programs that raise taxes, the economy goes to shit. Combine that with 2x the workers in the workforce (men and women) and the jobs are 2x as hard to find, and wages go down.

So, yeah. women should be looking for a husband at 18, not 30, and learn to live frugally. .

Right. And without realising it an entire generation were subverted into handing over their god given right to be a mother, wife and decent person to literally forcing themselves into the workforce and living a hollow and unfulfilled life as insecure lonely degenerate sluts, handing the care of generations of children over to the system and destabilising society. Time to correct this, I think.

Babies don't stay babies forever.

Those that marry in haste, repent in leisure.

I'm a woman and I believe it's better for woman AND man if women could work outside the home, and that we should support woman and give woman option to work before they have children AND after they have children.

Right now, married women in Japan are discrimated against, because there is no accommodation for women having children - there should, be maternal leave AND paternal leave, because making and raising children is important to the economy.

...and there is not enough support for woman who wants to stay home (money, social support) AND for woman who want to return to work after a long absence - so a woman who has waited until her youngest has grown to return to work has very limited work options - it shouldn't be like that at all. A woman should have the option to stay at home with her children if she wants to, and THEN have a full career if she wants to - this will also give the family the flexiabilty of the man working full time when the babies are young and needs to be breastfed, and then the man can stay home and spend time with his kids wen the kids are wean.

...but there is a lot of ageism, especially tied to sexism, that makes women hesitant about delaying her foray into Career till all her children are grown. Even though children are children for less than two decades and a women would be of working age much longer than that.

Thank god for that. If I can hold out and reproduce, then my son could enjoy a life with a qt submissive housewife who looks up to him and wants to be bred by him.

>unironically wanting to have it all

I'm so glad that one way or another, traditional whites or Muslims will outbreed you cancerous, rebellious whores.

>Limited responsibilities
Pretty damn important responsibility.

It was seen as the most important job in the Reich and was well respected.

>good woman wants to be able to take care of her kids and her husband even if an accident happens to him, wants to contribute to household income so he could take breaks, switch jobs

Let me ask you this. Say there's a position, and a man and woman are both applying for. The boss has a diversity quota and must hire the woman.

Now. The woman takes maternity leave. And the boss has to hire her back, and must keep her position open after 9 months.

the company loses money. The man loses an opportunity he might have never left and used that money for his own family. And if the women never returns, which they don't sometimes, the company loses money.

If the woman goes back, they child will be motherless.

It is too messy. Women shouldn't work unless they're old or infertile. .

Good Lord. I believe it when you say you're a woman.

>having it all

I wont' say I wouldn't work a day if I have all the money in the world, it is human to want to contribute, but having a career is important to me not just because of financial independence but also SECURITY. If I was rich and don't have to worry about starving I would spend less time at work and more time at home fucking my husband - it would be something I like because otherwise why marry?

It doesn't make sense for women to devote her WHOLE life to her kids because kids grow up. If woman have kids at 20 or 30, the nest will be empty when she's 40 or 50 - AND she'll be home alone most days because her husband would still be work (especially on a single income), unless she's an idiot, household chores shouldn't take that long.

You're a victim. This is not how god or nature or whatever you want to call it intended. Suffragettes and civil rights movements were all part of the plan to destabilise western white society by making women doubt their value of they merely became a the creator of new life, cornerstone of a family and primary dispenser of moral values and decency to the future members of society. It's made a fucking mess of things, demonising anyone who suggests that it's OK let alone glorious that a women would rather put her family before a career. Material things are worthless in a stable loving nuclear family, it's time we saw that and embraced it.


that's why women vote for the welfare state, a retarded biological drive they just won't let men provide for them.

Like trying to give a wounded animal medicine but they keep biting you.

Not all men want this for their women. Quit this obsession of deciding everything for others, it's feminist-tier thinking.

Damn I redpilled 3 bitches today! What's your score, Sup Forums?

Its the best for society, sorry to see even russia is pussified

Not all men do but nature sure as fuck does. It's literally unnatural for a women not to have children and be a full time primary caregiver, who could possibly be behind pushing anything contrary to this.

>best for society
Society i.e. people decide what is best for them, not you or communist party all "in the name" of society. I decide what is better for my woman. I don't want her to be your dream woman or my family to be your dream family.

I understand that, especially since I used to have a female doctor who went on multiple leave.

The economy needs to be restructured in a way that people are less financially dependent on whatever-work-is-available: leading to mismatches and lies. It is worth the trouble of accomodating workers on leave for a wider selection of quality employees, but there are some jobs where people simply can't just leave - this was even mentioned on the Big Bang Theory show by Bernadette about how she cost another woman her place in a project by revealing her pregnancy.

Right now, employers are not allowed to discuss family plans with employees, because it would lead to discrimination, and losing job lead to loss of money lead to loss of food and roof which is a human rights issue. As a woman, I believe in a reasonable welfare state (citizens only, and a limit of 2 kids or you pay), and following that welfare state, greater practice of at-will employment, and employers SHOULD be able to talk to employees about family planning, it makes sense! Right now, some employers won't hire woman who haven't had their children yet (or won't hire woman at all) because they don't know when the maternity leave will come up.

...and I believe that the government should compensate companies for maternity leave. A business is a business. Chinese saying goes: there's a business for killing, there is no business for losing money. It's up to government to do what businesses can't and shouldn't do (and not force business to do what they shouldn't have to do).

>Women shouldn't work unless they're old or infertile

I think women should have the option of work even when young and fertile - but if you read my other post, you'll see that I support giving women the viable option of not working till they are older and their children are grown. A lot woman wants to spend a longer time at home with their kids, but they don't have much career prospect left then.

Well, the state collects twice as much taxes, so it is both the govt and the jews (as many jewish minds push all forms of cultural marxism, feminism being the most successful strain, then civil rights)

>frog rubs hands with cigarettes and baguettes as he indirectly stops white race birth rates

It dawned on me recently that redpilling white women is the endgame.

You can redpill as many white men as you want, but ultimately, it's women that are the bottleneck in reproduction.

If you don't redpill women, they will continue having sub-replacement birthrates, and there are enough of them to simply side with "minority" groups that actually outnumber whites and are on track to become more influential than whites because they are oppressed.

If liberal white women continue existing, neither liberal white women or conservative men will exist anymore. Women are the reproduction bottleneck, and right now, they're ok with the Han Chinese plurality buying up all the land around, causing the minority of whites to die off even faster. They dream of a future of interbreeding to finally end whites, and thus white supremacy, and thus future hitler, from ever happening again.

They're not even content with destroying whites genetics, but destroying whites culture, arguing that a lack of assimilation leads to "cultural diversity". So their ideals won't even live on.

>Big Bang Theory
>I know a female doctor

Gets information from a jewish TV show and an isolated incident. Then rabbles off her religion without thinking.

Idiot. See, this is why you shouldn't be able to vote. THINK BITCH THINK

>they just won't let men provide for them
Are there no men in the government?

I'm saying it's bad for the woman, for the man, and for their kids, if she had to solely rely on him, because accidents happen. Sure, the man could and buy insurance, but insurance companies are trickers, and especially if the man doesn't die but become disable, they would need to lean on the woman.

I want a man I could depend on, but I want him to be able to lean on me as well. Look at the Obamas, that's the kind of marriage I want.

I want a good husband and I want to be a good wife, and I think part of being a good wife is being strong, being able to contribute financially, so that my husband would have breathing room.

We fuck them and have children with them

>are there no men in the govt?

I'm talking in a family, where the man is a traditional father, you insufferable retard.

It's so funny too.

I can almost understand the liberal ideal that we should look beyond race. We should look beyond culture.

The problem is that the reality is, there aren't a bunch of white people moving to china. There aren't a bunch of white people moving to India. There aren't a bunch of white people moving to Africa.

It's others that are moving to North America and Europe while the reverse does not happen.

The liberals believe they are moving the world to a future where races are all equal, and all cultures are represented. The problem is what they're actually doing every year is having white culture die, and white people die off. In their attempts to prop up everybody else, they're killing themselves off, from the world of ideas, and the world of genetics, which really are all that lasts throughout the ages.

Liberalism is a suicide cult where you pay for the crimes of your ancestors by killing yourself off. Where you take the moral stance of not defending yourself.

White people are the Moriori of tommorrow, to be forever remembered and lionized for how in the name of ethics, we killed ourselves off.

The only way to prevent this future is to win over white women. It is more important than winning over other racial groups or other white men.

I believe the best approach is to go after the angle of children. Do you want to wipe yourselves out genetically? Do you want your children to every generation, slowly kill off their bloodline?

To go after the angle of ideas, do you want your ideals to die with you, to be replaced by the ideals of others, or do you believe in your ideals, and believe they should live on?


>demonising anyone who suggests that it's OK let alone glorious that a women would rather put her family before a career

I would agree with you on this point, that demonising that CHOICE is stupid, feminism is about the ability to choice.

...and speaking of equality - it sounds bad when a man says he values his career over his family, same for women! Bu focusing on career versus STARTING a family, a choice for man and a choice for woman.

In an ideal world, in a sane welfare state (not too little and not too much), I wouldn't have to worry about money, I would studied early child education in university while working summer jobs and doing PT volunteering, met and married a man during those stint, stayed home till I was in my 40s, go to university again and start career!

In a better world, I would have MORE choices than I have now, and it would be better for women, better for man, better for children.

I acknowledge that things are problematic now, but regression would make it worse. The past isn't all drive-ins and sundaes. In the past when your grandfathers had absolute power, not all of them were responsible with it, and there is no checks and balances like now. He doesn't even have to be an evil bastard, there were men who simply don't understand how much a household and children need and doesn't give his wife enough for groceries and children's clothes (children's always growing, shoes expensive)

......and speaking of the less and golden pass... Canada, a big drive to give women the vote centers around Christian morality, and the prohibition of alcohol, because men were drinking their families into debt and destitution.

I'm part of a single mother household and yeah, shit happened, a divorce had to happen, papa went to jail.

I won't get into my mothers taste in men. She made mistakes, but it was done, she had kids, she was single.

She kept us out of poverty by putting her nose to the grindstone, raising a family of three, while running a small business from home so she did not have to pay for childcare.

My sister, she is also more intelligent than me. Based on both of our latest IQ tests, she's one standard distribution above me. Is it really unthinkable for me to take on the role of looking after kids, and her to do work? I don't think so.

I also believe there are certain emphasizing careers, in medicine, social work, teaching, that also include a significant intellectual component, which women are practically ideal for.

There's also the reality that in this competitive world, sometimes what a family needs is for a woman to be able to do a part time job while the kids are at school.

Nonetheless, without women reproducing, white people will die. Without women reproducing, white ideals will die. This is exactly what liberals want, to nobily sacrifice themselves for other groups in the world, but I do not believe it's what most women actually want.

>Remove women from workforce
>Not enough males wanting to be nurses
>Hospitals close down
>Millions die because there is literally no one to give them care

Limited roles. Just bring it back before feminism

1. Get married
2. Don't use (((((contraception)))))
3. Keep your wife in the home and pregnant as much as possible

>large families are bad

How cucked can you be?

>tfw your taxmoneys are paying for sloths like this
Repeal social security

Nursing jobs should be filled by nuns, as God intended it.

>Limited roles
Defined by who and what if there was a labor shortage?
What if a man wants his wife to be able to earn money?

Marry an 18 year old girl. Gen Z is supposed to be pretty conservative.

Take vitamins, stay in shape, get a career and score a young white wife and have at the very minimum 3 babies. Ideally 6+.

>What if a man wants his wife to be able to earn money?

Then society should point and laugh, because a working woman is taboo.

Then he doesn't reproduce. See how this works?

Natural selection weeding out the commies.

If you let society dictate what is "right" you'd get women who are able to work and vote.
Says who?

I'm not worried about the 'death of the white race' (and it's not because I"m Asian, I like white people): 1. There is no such thing as a pure blooded Aryan - thanks to nasty people fucking their slaves in the past, many blacks who looked white enough to past did just that, escaped to another town, married white people.
2. "Whites" does exist, in culture, it is tied to blood, but you'll be fine. The reason it looks like whites are dying out, is because NOW, unlike then, people are actually keeping race statistics. People who think they are 'pure white' say so, and people who know they are mix say so, and as time goes on, less people identify as 'pure white' even though that was never a thing.

If you do want white women to have more babies, support them. If you force them, that makes you worse than your purported inferiors, and that would never end well...

Guess what, in Toronto, Canada, where white women have the choice not to have kids (have the most choice, being in an environment that supports them choosing not to have kids and having access to birth control), white women are choosing to have kids!

>By contrast, 37 per cent of kids in the care of the Toronto CAS are white, at a time when more than half of the city’s population under the age of 18 is white.

...and when I go out, lots of white mothers with their white babies.

That's because, in Toronto, Canada, not only do middle-class women have financial support for having kids (tax-credit), there's full-daycare at their kid's school, and good practice for accommodating maternity leave, I know multiple working women, friends and people who service me (e.g. doctor) who have went on leave, had baby, then came back.

Says not having enough money to feed yourself, your wife, or your kids. There will be no welfare.

Fuck off

>being this postmodern

>Then he doesn't reproduce
Barack Obama's wife Michelle had her own career even after they got married, they have two kids, he reproduced!

Your alternative facts don't hold up to my facts.

>Both parents work and can afford childcare
>needing welfare
I'm at a lose considering this thread is about limiting independence of women and not welfare.

In the hypothetical post-post modern world, which we are on a straight track towards. There will be no welfare, women won't be able to work or vote.

Better wear your vagina hat and march around, it's coming.

>wants to spend more time at home with kids
>also wants a career

Are you dense?

Maybe that was something that could have been true in the past, but not after all the race mixing that went on in North America's past, there are still generalization, like this group of blacks mostly have black genes even though they have some white genes, and this group of whites mostly have white genes even though they have some black genes. ...but again, no purity.

I think 'white nation' won't last if you focus on purity that don't exist, and all this negativity about no race mixing. Focus on the promotion of white culture(s), there are lots of good stuff in there.