We were discussing our country's state of affairs, and why you should not risk it with Spanish women

We were discussing our country's state of affairs, and why you should not risk it with Spanish women.

There's not much you can sign before marriage, at most you can decide that whatever was earned before marriage shall belong to its rightful owner, but usually that doesn't help you much (unless you're rich to begin with) as when she takes custody she takes your home with her (even if it belongs to your parents).

So.. yeah, pretty fucked up. There's no way around it other than be lucky and find the good girl in the fucking lot.

About the sluttiness levels I wouldn't be able to say, depends on the area, big cities have way more sluts than towns/villages, cities invite degeneracy after all but that's the norm anywhere in the world.

Anyway they've been so pampered by our cucked countrymen even a 3-4/10 girl has a crowd of men around her.

pole y muerte a roto2

It is already over for us user, there's more people dying and leaving the country than the people being born so don't be suprised that our nation will fall.

Pesimism never achieves anything.

when it's weak it's time to strike

the beta uprising will happen here

if more people die, then the unemployment will get lower

spain either kek

old people not in the workfoce die, while people in a productive age leave, this descreases the labor participation :)

Last time I checked Poland and Spain had one of the lowest birthrates in the world, around 1.3.. at least Poland is not filled with gypsies and whatnot..

>even if it belongs to your parents
only if is urs she can keep the house, and maybe keep the rent if it isn't, not sure

To that burger asking if Galicia had best girls. Yes, Galicia is the waifu region of Spain.

I just returned from studying for 6 months in Spain.
I kind of feel like Spain has become some kind of second home .
If only you guys could solve the economy and the birthrate, you would be one of the best countries in the world
If only

that's true, 80s and 90s fucked Poland mercilessly, but Poland fills its lack of people with Ukies

>economy and the birthrate
They are both intertwined, Spaniards are not going to have children if they are not going to be able to properly provide them.

This. I find pol bros severely blackpilled. The thing is, we live in deeply demoralized societies (occident in general). A spark of hope is all we need to start again. The state of decay has reached a tipping point. So, help to create the conditions for a change.

I am, voting for independence to start a civil war and purge this country

>state of affairs
No jobs, country is broken, corruption is rampant, women are being turned into men, tv and press is cucked, the euro is doomed.

This x1000
remember that graph showing people opposing muslim immigrationin the EU?
what is acceptable to say/ think is shifting rapidly and more and mire people are getting fed up with the current system
im counting the days until the right washes away the left

>voting for independence
which one? I saw a guy on claiming free Castilla and some Andalusian too, or just the cool ones? PV and Cat?

That's because nobody has defined a way out of this mess yet.

People are so focused in arguing about irrelevant details such as economic policies and the like when there's no time for that.

Either we find a way to breed or we die out.

>A spark of hope is all we need to start again.
And that is why something like Podemos earns millions of votes, people grasp on to anything for salvation.

Is Europe ever going to leave the current economic crisis behind and prosper or is it really going to get even worse?

Escribí un tocho a alguien que me dijo que no le convencía el Endgame de esos economistas.

Yo tampoco comparto todo lo que dicen, son AnCaps disimulando. La pobreza no se produce por vagancia ni mala suerte. El estado debe suplir lo que la sociedad no es capaz de cubrir, no debemos dejar a nadie atrás.

Pero los problemas que plantean existen y los partidos políticos no los van a solucionar con lo que están planteando.

Gran parte de los trabajos manuales y una parte considerable de algunos técnicos y especializados van a desaparecer en breve con la robotización.

Si me subes a mí los impuestos para seguir pagando partida social, el Estado va a cobrar más que yo por mi trabajo. Y si lo haces a las empresas, se iran a Irlanda, Holanda, Estonia, Bulgaria...

Montas una empresa, tienes un socio que coge el 50% de tus beneficios invirtiendo 0: El Estado. Si montas tu empresa en irlanda, comprando royalties a una empresa en holanda, propiedad de otra empresa offshore, no vas a pagar ni una décima parte de lo que pagas aquí.

Tu competencia lo hace, y eso les hace más competitivos que tú. Game over para ti.

Hemos cedido a Europa todo tipo de soberanías: monetaria, presupuestaria, militar, fronteras... No la fiscal, porque nadie quiere perder el poder de recaudar, y si Europa no funciona con unas mínimas reglas fiscales, o bajas los impuestos y atraes inversión extranjera, formas a tu juventud en programación y economía, e inviertes en I+D (o fomentas la inversión con tus herramientas); o estamos más que jodidos.

castilla and andalusia are not true Cat is the biggest one, basques may start the meme but still have little support, they need better indoctrination like the one we had

>voting for independence
Do not do that, seriously. Doing so will only worsen the economic climate further more.

redpill me on franco

it's not any better here rofl, most states in the western US have the same communal laws Spain does because they were inherited from Mexico's legal code.

Thanks a lot you fucking dagos for spreading your cucked divorce laws.

b- but thats my endgame
i just want the shitstorm to come ASAP i don't want to wait 4 more years for el fondo de reserva to dry up

>right washes away the left
Would it not be the other way around, taking into account how much people desire a change of politics?

mehh, not interested, freedom 4 El Bierzo or something like that would be more fun

>Is Europe ever going to leave the current economic crisis behind
Yep, once China's real estate bubble explodes, you need to wait for that though

Ese era yo y estoy de acuerdo contigo. Alguien tiene que ofrecer a la gente una alternativa a (((pudimos))). De lo contrario, sus votos volverán al psoe de sanchez y repetiremos ciclo.

>unironically thinking that a magic political party elected democratically could exist that would make everything better


Thank you for bombing the shit out of the middle east and giving them an excuse to flood Europe with muzzies.

Reminder that if you're european and you plan to leave your country for USA or another place, instead of fighting untill death for your motherland, you're a traitor to Europe and no different from niggers, arabs and mexicans moving to your country, or all the traitors who left after the war instead of helping to rebuild their motherland.

Also no matter how much you try to prevent it, your descendants will the sooner or the later end mixing with the local fauna, or the mongrelized creatures who inhabit the americas, becoming like pic related.

If you have any respect for Europe and your nation, keep fighting instead of escaping like a coward bitch.

If someone bombed my country I'd stick around to rebuild. I wouldn't leave the women and children. It's not our fault you're letting them in, AGAIN

Nobody wants them in, it's just virtue signalling.

Also, stop being Israel's military bitch for once, I hope Trump uncucks you.

Left and right politics is worn out. Their speech is similar in every way and even the normies are noticing this. Podemos took the advantage in harbor the civil unrest but failed to consolidate a viable alternative. So, wait and see the magic of despair.