What do you think, you fucking normies. I consider myself a traditional fascist

What do you think, you fucking normies. I consider myself a traditional fascist.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're a traditional faggot by the look of things.

god damn...


Well if you believe horseshoe theory...

do esplain

When is your helicopter ride?

newfag here
am i properly redpilled, Sup Forums?

OP is a dirty commie.

maybe you should search who milton friedman is





that would be left libertarian

Lord no. I believe in a protectionist economy though. I think my not hating weed brought me down a lot. I dont know why I'm so south.

you're right, libertarian right is this:


God damn it, I ended up in the green square again, and I think of myself as a level-headed realistic blue-square conservative.

Maybe it's that my ideals are left-libertarian (dude like just work and be good to people and let them live), but my actual rational mind is authoritarian right (You really think these fucking savages are going to work it out on their own? You think these degenerate cucks have any idea what makes a nation survive? You think the military and economy should be in the hands of pot-smoking globalist adult-children?).


Post fake political maps. This is information gathering so shariaBridge knows how to push our buttons and shill more effectively.

dirty commies

>Lord no. I believe in a protectionist economy though. I think my not hating weed brought me down a lot. I dont know why I'm so south.
read economics moron, protectionism is useless. search David Ricardo, comparative advantage

This is pre redpill

>Our country was founded by right winged libertarians
>You're making fun of what ideas made our country great
Fuck off to Sweden with the rest of the commies

and look what our country is now. POZ capital of the world.

That is pure faggotry. Centrists are the worst

Not sure if making fun of libertarians or making fun of non-libertarians

Nope, just typical natsoc economic knowledge

Only thing that's changed in two years is I'm one square further left. Funny since I've been on Sup Forums and all its previous inceptions since the -PROUD CONSERVATIVE meme days.


Manda un link.
t. proteccionista.

such stupid low iq faggots. Natsoc are just stupid like commies

>>Calling anyone a faggot

It's because of the libertarian mindset that has allowed for the destruction of morality and the increase of greed. Your position destroys nations.

POZ, corporate whoring, degenerate youth. Neoliberal economics led to this.

yes, precisely. capitalism is inherently evil and responsible for various degeneracies

Rate me Sup Forums

Exactly. Libertarianism/neoliberalism is the reason for our sad fucking youth and for degenerate culture being celebrated. It's why our once proud nations are falling apart - because of the combination of CEO/corporate favoritism, lack of support for real citizen workers, and acceptance of degeneracy.

You might need to go educate you pleb


hello augusto

Then you're wondering why jew rule the world. It's simple because they have superior intelligence.

>our social issues exist because big government isn't helping us
Take some responsibility man, our culture lost its values and we trashed our principles. If we're in the mess we're in because the government didn't do anything, then why are our governments the largest they've ever been? Governments don't care about you. Governments don't care if your son becomes a homosexual or if your wife becomes an adulteress. Our culture, made up of individual people, chose to give up on virtue and now we're paying the price.

I don't think this chart can really map the full possibility of beliefs/positions... it would have to be multidimensional and multipolar.

I'm far left in some ways and centrist in others and far right in yet others. This shouldn't equal it out, necessarily, because where I'm far left is inexcusably left to some right wingers, and vice versa.

And what if you're pretty to the left on the state/economic axis, as I am, but for spiritual reasons? And what if I have a paradoxical, almost Taoist view where people being free and in a natural state - kind of a hippie condition - can coexist with a 'Kingdom'? And if what if, believing in a higher power, and the fallibility of nature, but the necessity of free will/freedom, I am just a tiny bit on the authoritarian side rather than libertarian but not even by a full unit so basically centrist there?... (because I want people to have choice but recognize the necessity of structure because people can be terribly corrupt?).

Furthermore, my being to the left economically but just barely authoritarian of center, on the chart, implies going into communist territory, but my reason for economic leftism isn't based in leftist humanism but in spiritual values, something closer to monarchy, which the chart can't account for. And also, it's the hardcore left liberal/libertarian which goes the most hard into authoritarian in regulating speech and thought because such total freedom and multiplicity without conflict is impossible.

My point being that the chart doesn't reflect reality or any real positions. Those in the anti-authoritarian should in many cases actually in fact be seen as authoritarian. And there are ways to be an economically leftist traditionalist (rather than atheist communist) which the chart can't account for.


Continuing on this...

Or what if you're a 'soft' national socialist? Like, what if, as I was getting at there, you are economically socialist, but socially/morally traditionalist, but with a respect/recognition for some structural implementation while also allowing for natural freedom and free play, but still having an unquestioned, undemocratic fascist or monarchistic structure in place? But what if this, rather than being cruel, is firm but benevolent? So basically a moral national socialism, or a monarchism with a hippie-volkish culture with lots of freedom (as, actually, there was a lot of freedom for citizens under national socialism)? I guess I'm talking about a 'romantic' state that, like true romanticism, is a true fusion of traditionalism, naturalism, monarchism, and certain socialistic aspects?

Hey guys. Be my friend or be dead.

I think you did something wrong.


beep beep
real fascist coming through

Or, another way to look at it, is study esotericism in depth as I have or just any religion, and you realize it's not either left or right in the way human modern politics distribute things, but a kind of balance that rather than being lukewarm - centrist in the sense of being moderate and tepid - is a paradoxical balancing of a central spine with the integration of all extremes, all of which have their time and place? The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a great visualization of this idea which is in any doctrine. You have the central pole, down which emanates balanced expressions, but then to its left and right you have the poles of Mercy and Severity. Humans too often, in attempting to solve life's problems, fix themselves too fully in mercy or severity, but both in fact are extremes that become profoundly perverting and self-destructive in excess, but you can't merely neutralize them either. Sometimes you need severity and firmness, but you also obviously need mercy. The mother/father dynamic is a good example of the complementary presence of both - and only in having both is the balance achieved, rather than attempting to turn them both into the same middle ground.

My view and expression is basically based something getting at that diagram. There is no political orientation chart structured like the Tree of Life though, that integrates center, far extreme right and far extreme left though. I've heard some people describe a "radical centrism" before, that might be a good word for me.

You should be closer to this

You're basically a centrist.