What if there was a government that wasn't reliant on taxes for income, but industry...

What if there was a government that wasn't reliant on taxes for income, but industry? What if a state was allowed to run it's own businesses and it was reliant on those businesses' profits to fund everything? It would give incentive to run an efficient and productive business, not the way it is now when spending other people's money, it would be spending it's own money forcing itself to be more fiscally responsible.

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that's a good idea imo

Great idea comrade

Isn't that what national socialism was, except that they didn't run them directly but they gave funding to specific business, probabaly talking out of my ass

isn't this just ancap
because I'm no longer a part of the state if I start my own business, right?

You mean national socialism

Da is good!

From what I've seen here NatSoc gave companies money and would step in if they started fucking up. but other than that, people ran their own business

AnCap is no state at all.

Doesn't NatSoc still tax the populace tho?

Is call state capitalism and the reason why it doesn't work is because state "monopoly" you cannot be the player and the referee at the same time.

government is a service just like healthcare. it should be ran by absolute dictatorship, however with the right to leave them for another service
(take your custom elsewhere as a customer).

power must be formalized to make us legitimately free or ruled. as it stands we have elected officials who are not the real seat of power. they are puppets for informal power. corporations are not the power as it stands, because they must come and ask for favors from power with hat in hand.

the truth is that government is a business just like any other, and it needs to be stated openly that government is a for profit enterprise and that if you don't like this government, go live under another one. they might even have a sale.

government competition as service and price wars rather than shooting wars.

That is exactly what ze Germans did in the 1930's

but that's the thing. People would still be able to start independent businesses

IRC this is how the Monarchy of Liechtenstein funds itself

Such a nation requires racial homogeneity.

and their businesses would compete with government businesses?

>private entities competing with the state that governs them
What could go wrong?

Wouldn't work unless the business didn't have competition and products were overpriced.

yes, otherwise the government businesses would have no reason to be efficient a profitable because no one would have a choice but to shop at the state stores

I'm basically trying to eliminate taxes on the people

There ARE governments that try to fund themselves through businesses. The ones I know about also have taxation and monopolies, but there are some that actually attempt to compete in the market. Mexico is one.

I think the biggest obstacle here would be that competing in the open market wouldn't necessarily make them efficient. The best businesses rise to the top, but there are plenty of companies that just can't make it and die out. There's certainly no guarantee they'd be getting as much money as the American taxpayer spends in taxes annually.

What if all guns disappeared, and anyone who tried to make one would spontaneously combust?

Then we could all be ruled according to the laws of nature, where might makes right, and women do not live past childhood without submitting to a husband.

Wouldn't that be WONDERFUL?

Because the state can give itself an advantage over any other business in that industry. Legislate fewer regulations for state run businesses, less oversight, any number of other advantages. This kills competition, and therefore whatever industry the state enters will eventually be run solely by the state.

As a concrete example, us leafs have a state run airline, Air Canada. Air Canada is complete crap. They can, however, continually undercut any other airline that tries to compete in leafland, going so far to run themselves on a deficit. Eventually, every 5-10 years, Air Canada goes bankrupt. The government then blusters for a bit, wipes their books clean and wags the finger at them for being naughty, and goes back to business as usual.
In your example, they couldn't

>run for president
>lie my ass off and win at any cost
>take office
>all these shekels
>re-election time comes around
>fuck you, i am the king now
>become richest motherfucker on the planet
>build billion dollar mansion for me and buy yachts n shiiet
>name son vladamir putin jr

Ah shit hit enter too soon/

In your example, they couldn't wipe the books clean, since they still have to turn a profit, but they can do other things in order to undercut competition. Like over regulating other airlines, or requiring expensive retraining for pilots who fly in their country.

State and business being in bed together doesn't really work with the whole "competition" part of capitalism

Qatar basically runs on the profits of its nationalized oil companies. No income tax, no sales tax, subsidized fuel prices.


ya know, after learning that the Communist Party is the second most popular party is Ruskieland, I have come to extremely love Putin and his crony capitalist government

Looking at that leer, I wasn't surprise to find out that Hitler had a thing for golden shower and his daughter, oh wait, niece, confusing Hitler with Trump there.

its why he took over crimea and went to war in syria. oil money.

nice fantasy

CEOs would destroy those firms because they face a soft-budget constraint because if these firms fail the country is fucked

seems like it would be very difficult to compete with the government and would naturally lead to government monopolies?

That was France during the "30 glorieuses", 30 years of strong economic growth after WW2. Then we lend the keys to the Jews.