How does it feel to know that your first Woman President will be 100x more progressive and 1000x worse than Hillary...

How does it feel to know that your first Woman President will be 100x more progressive and 1000x worse than Hillary Clinton after Trump is done with his massive failure of a 4 year term?

Feels good man. Democrats always have to come back in and fix all the shit the Republicans fuck up. Just a necessary evil to wait the four years for the morons of this country to remember that conservative policies invariably fuck everything up.

>in before economic crash that gets blamed on Obama or Bill Clinton

>4 year term

>4 years

You mean 8 years, right?

There are some people on Sup Forums who honestly believe that liberals and the left in this country are dead or dying.

8 years of Bush got us Obama
8 years of Obama got us Trump
You'd have to be legitimately retarded if you don't realize 4 or 8 years of Trump is going to get us European-style liberalism.

That's just how this thing works. Bumps in the road always happen but America has become more and more progressive over the last 150 years (anti-monopoloy, federal regulations, child labor laws, women voting rights, desegregation, civil rights, gay marriage, drug legalization, etc.). Every experiment in conservative agenda (see: prohibition) just teaches our a country lesson we never forget.

Don't worry, be happy.

>Chief Spreading Bush

You're not even trying anymore, Nigel.

She'll be 71 in 4 years and in 8 she'll be too old to erect her tee pee.

>in 8 she'll be too old to erect her tee pee.

She's been too old to erect anyone's tee pee for the past 35 years.

I bet the Bill's would hit it.

Can't wait desu

>Describes the political pendulum, a eternal stalemate, as the win of liberals.
Imagen being this guy.

I love that lefties are so retarded they think warren is the great white hope.

Thanks for the chuckle, retarded foreign fag.

First Native American president. FeelsGoodMan.

That's not Tulsi Gabbard.

>I bet the Bill's would hit it.

Cankles are only an aphrodisiac to a select few.

The rest of us like hot chicks.

All of it is true.

The problem with a lot of liberals is that they want everything now or yesterday. It's much more effective to chip away at conservative "values". The ACA has forced conservatives to eat a bullet on several things they'd really wish never became familiar to Americans (i.e. medicare, removing preexisting conditions, healthare exchanges, etc.). But they have become familiar, So they can remove the bulk of ACA but those little chips will make it easier in the future for more progressive healthcare reform.

America will have some form of single-payer healthcare in 20 years.

Political scientists have a term for this. Wave elections.

Jeb you sly devil

>warren is the great white hope

She is bear, with wide canyon.
She is doe, who cannot keep legs together.
Your mom's a slut, kid.

She's 1/64th Chippewa. Her Great-great-great grandmother was a whore.


pocahontas has no chance

>implying trump will make it 4 years

he can only fail so much before meeting the boot


You spelled 'WIN' wrong.

>Democrats are using the same strategy Republicans did with Romney and they think it'll work

More like 2 years

>actually falling for the Pocahontas meme this hard
Even grandma greenbacks (((Stein))) has a better chance than this goofy old bitch.

why did I use to think she was kind of okay? Maybe it was when she was talking about wall street or something. I dunno.

Please round up the Clinton family and Bush family and execute them both.

They are both shitty globalist cancers along with Obama.

Shill away. Trump will get 8 years followed by Gary Johnson.

>he thinks Trump will last 4 years

he will be out before 1 year is over

MSM has been trying for years now to push her as this great enemy of wall street fighting for the people. In actuality she's a clown who's done nothing but talk.

Said an increasingly nervous man for the 7th time this year.

>Trump will NEVAR be president!!

>gay marriage, interracial marriage, increased immigration, trans rights etc etc
>eternal stalemate

pick fucking one
the left always pushes it further and the right is never able to undo shit

Well, he will never be MY president.

The democrat establishment is corrupt to the core.

It's so fucked up even Jon Steward was forced to invite in Pelosi to grill her about how fucked up her side of the Congress is.
She thought she could play it smart, pretending to be the frail old lady who only has good intentions, but he grilled her fucking hard and was pretty adamant they were a bunch of money hungry scumbags.

Of course. You just have ooga books witch doctors, amirite?

>he will never be MY president.

t. trannyland

Trudeau is the most masculine president you could ever hope to have, until you elect a woman.

Is that Jeb in a wig?

That's because you're a jungle monkey: aka Brazilian. Of course he will never be your president Guilherme.

>No stumping anytime.

All of my keks!

Trannie Jeb would be a meme goldmine

>bragging about being 3rd world
now I've seen em all

Fuckin hell, that pic.

We get our 8 years of scotus noms, get over it shill.

But conservatives have also been chipping away at liberal values. Your head is so far up your own ass you can't even see team red's wins.

>Elizabeth "The higher the pitch the greater the bitch" Warren
>Elizabeth "The government gave me these blankets for the tribe" Warren
>Elizabeth "you betcha you're in for a lecture yout fucking white male" Warren

Please let her run in 2020 kek.

not gonna happen

Out of this cunt an Killary, she's the better cunt

I imagine Trudeau is like Michael Scott. Totally incompetent and he constantly looks like a kid being the only one having fun at his own birthday party.

Trump is probably the only conservative president that genuinely wants to shrink the side of the federal government in a long while. That's why he's appointing people to departments they think should be abolished. No one else did that, not even Reagan. He's slashing regulations and talks about getting rid of the minimum wage. If his policies are successful he could drag the country to the right for a long time.

> Every experiment in conservative agenda (see: prohibition) just teaches our a country lesson we never forget.
Prohibition was pushed by both parties and the only reason it passed is because women got the right to vote and were sick of their husbands getting drunk.

She's gonna have to run against Curt Shilling when she's up for reelection. Good fucking luck. That guy's next to god in Mass