Is it better to pretend that you don't vote...

Is it better to pretend that you don't vote, or pretend that you voted for the most politically correct party in the workplace, among peers, etc?

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I tell everyone I voted for Garry Johnson.

I didn't.

I noticed you were a bong so....

Tell them you voted for the obscure party that doesn't really do anything.

I've just stopped talking about politics with anyone except my most trusted friends. The damage that speaking sense can do to your reputation and career makes it too big of a risk. I know Sup Forums will call me a cuck for this, but I'm not in a position where I can comfortably share my honest beliefs. It's probably different for self-employed people, or people in industries that aren't totally overrun by libshits.

Don't talk politics with people you can't trust to look past your differences.

just don't offer your opinion and if they ask just tell them that you don't discuss politics with anyone

I think people assume I voted Clinton, but I voted Trump and will tell anyone who asks.

Yes. I'm not trolling, it is the game theoretically optimal approach. Never reveal your PL.

Smile a big smile and say aaaahhhh nah you don't wanna talk politics
And when they ask why you smirk harder, throw your hands up and say aaaaahhh naaaa
That's how they'll know you're a trump voter :^)
I don't even like to discuss politics with other conservatives, though. What's the point? What is there to talk about?
t. Friendless mentally ill

I don't bring it up, but if I asked I tell the truth.

Don't know why you guys try to hide it. Just don't go libtard crazy and shout it at everyone while shitting on their desk and flipping them off.

Unless I'm with close friends who I can talk politics with I usually just go with the flow and laugh with any colleagues when they're talking lefty shit but contribute very little to the conversation

if they arn't your close friends

then why are you discussing


avoid these at the workplace and you will be well liked and considered professional

I just don't talk to anyone, ever, unless it's absolutely necessary for work.

I've had a couple people ask me where I lean politically, I've said that I'm a registered republican.

I've also admitted to voting for Trump.

Doesn't matter what people think of you if you never talk to them anyways.

I got fed up and started my on business.

Because they're the ones that talk about it and asked me who I was voting for

this t.b.h

Just be honest and tell them what/who you voted for, don't go on to explain your position unless they ask why, simple as that user

Say that you vote for the most politically correct party.
Saying that you don't vote is a well known strategy used by people who vote for parties that are not well seen.

>t. french that have been voting for Front National for 10 years, saying that i vote for other candidates all the time.

Front National exists for 40 years and have been branded a nazi party since day 1. Fighting 40 years of media propaganda is impossible so just flow with the stream.

> "I dont talk politics in the workplace. Find it risks creating negativity and needless divisions within teams"

Law 38

I work in a very liberal place. I have answered thruthfully when asked who I voted for. I stand behind my opinions.