Lets assume that avg student debt in usa is 80k usd, and this guy said he will remove student debt...

lets assume that avg student debt in usa is 80k usd, and this guy said he will remove student debt. it literally means if you vote for me you got 80k usd. why didn't you vote for 80k usd, user?

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Even if it was true, 80k will not buy my complicity for the long term destruction of my nation. 80k now, or better economy for my family, friends, community and security for my child's future. That's a bad deal. Defer your satisfaction mother fuckers.

Because that money doesn't magically come from nowhere. It'd be forcibly redistributed through parasitic taxes on anyone with any income.

Because communists are parasites and satanists.

Because what we have here is


Bullshitting Bingo!


While I would love for my student debt to be forgiven, I'd be better off long term under a Trump economy.

You are not posting in board, where educated americans with loans exist. These faggots prefer fascism and wall.

When you already have a higher education but haven't even started to pay your student debt, so you vote Bernie who annuls all student debts, which leads to bankruptcy and shutting down of absolute majority of universities so you not only win 80k but increase the value of your degree since other people will now be able to receive the same one.



I have 2 year Network Admin Associate of Science degree.

Mostly used grants, only 20k in debt from loans.

My gross income is 55k a year.

People need to stop the "I can get a job with my non relevant bachelors degree" meme and no one would need debt forgiveness. Stop getting debt in exchange for psychology or other SJW shit that at best gets you 30k a year or no job at all and this country wouldn't have a student loan problems

not be able*

>remove trillions in debt
>no repercussions
its like commies are trying to destroy the economy or something

Because 80k doesn't come from thin air it doesn't work that way you fucking dumb turkroach

Go away evil dogger


Yes, go back in time and stop your teenaged self from making a stupid decision.

What sort of dumb solution is this? I'm all for preventing 18 year olds from getting meme degrees (think quotas), but the "why didn't you just do this" isn't helpful to the discussion.

make a meme, don't be shy, lad

Sanders is no Leninist. He's a socialist. No a Marxist. Not a communist.

Capitalism - capital owners taking care of themselves

Socialism - society taking care of itself.

Do you even civics class?


should be fixed to Бepни

I'm not even a socialist but the idea of hanging out around a college and smashing a different dumb drunk bimbo's poon every night sounds hot. Until the rape accusations, STDs, and total collapse into Venezula-tier destitution, anyway.

Best episode of Reddit and Memey ever. Thanks roach.

I go to marxist book clubs on campus and give people soda with antifreeze in it. The long term liver damage will definitely be fatal. I've killed more Socialists than Pinochet, they just don't know they're dead yet.

I don't have Dept, I got a enough college to get a 40 an hour job and now I'm making bank, and didn't acquire any Dept at any point.

If that's 80k per student that means I'll be paying all those students for being retarded. Why the fuck did I bother working hard and not being a retard if I have to pay anyway, and pay some liberal genders studding morons at that?

I'm not paying for your college commie scum.