What's inside the box?

What's inside the box?

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locks and bagels


Why hasn't someone threw strips of bacon on it yet?


Do you mean lox, goyim?

>Well Muhammed, you could walk home with your 72 virgins as a happy man, oooorrr.....
>You could trade it all for what's in this box!

An asteroid, yes really.

True answer: relics of war from the Islamic conquest of Arabia and the Levant


I wasn't joking, it is an asteroid:

Muslims are literal rock worshippers.

>Asteroid impact 2019

Do you get it yet

Why does the thumbnail not match the image?

>jew flag


>Rock worshipping


A fallen angel

>mobile version

No that's outside the box, there's fuck all inside the box. There is a video on youtube.



fucking mobile poster fuck off

>Why hasn't someone threw strips of bacon on it yet?
Abū Tāhir Sulaymān al-Jannābī stole the black stone and used it as a urinal for 23 years. (900AD)

It's a glitch that has been going on for over decade now, you really should have seen it and had it explained to you, by now. But, you're new and I'm nice, so I'll clue you in, and not just say "lol the jews did it."

The filenames are generated based on time; in fact, the filenames you probably think are random numbers are actually "Unix Time" which has been counting down (adding up) since January 1, 1970.

What you see here is a problem that happens so infrequently, nobody cares to fix it.

Two images were uploaded AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. The machinery can keep it's shit straight for the images proper, but for some reason both of the thumbnails are generated for one if the two images.



Just some really old carpets on the walls nothing too special.

It's a puzzle box from hell but the muzzies are too stupid to figure the puzzle out. I wish they would.

Ayy lmos?

Jew gold.

Underrated post

Cheese pizza


A sky rock.

It used to contain three relics from the Great Pyramid.

These days, nothing.

There's literally nothing inside the box

you walk inside, and poof, you're gone; nothing

>the filenames you probably think are random numbers are actually "Unix Time"
Huh, I had always though they were just being generated sequentially for each image uploaded.

Thanks user! Thats a nice little bit of info to remember

one could also exploit it my making a gif whit the first frame being the preview set to a time of 1ms, and a second frame being the main image shown for n minutes.
Save the file format as gif, but change the extebsion to jpeg or png or whatever

Does that still work?

Ah, it renames on upload.

Child virgins, boys and girls

Isn't there also a painting of the virgin Mary in there? I always thought that was weird.

let's test it

yep, you're right --- it gets renamed now.....
I could have sworn, that this worked a few years ago...

If I had my way, radioactive waste.

There is still a way to force the thumbnail to be different.


The head of Brab Pitt's wife

At least we worship something that's real.

Smaller box

>inb4 what's inside the smaller box

Piece of spaceshitrock