What's the difference between Socialism and Communism?

What's the difference between Socialism and Communism?

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Commies say that they're socialist.

One can be applied and the other is a meme

Socialism= State
Communism= No State

Post more DaS3 pixel art.

Fucking Pontiff Knights every time

You mean communist isnt democratic. leading to mass genocides.

Socialism is a predecessor for communism, its practically the same with different (((theories))) but guess what communism never eradicated the state as proposed in Marx & Engels works, they need the state like we need oxygen, only with power and force you can establish and maintain such a inefficient and useless system,
fuck commies, fuck socialists, National Socialism is the way to go (Protip: It has nothing to do with economical socialism)

One was created by the Jews the other was created by the Jews

Take yout pick goyim

Socialism is more of just the elimination of private property, profiteering, etc...and the government takes control and centrally plans the economy. Not really communism but close enough. Technically, Socialism is the economic ideology that Communism uses. In it's purest sense, Communism is just supposed to be people living in small communes sharing everything and money/profiting are non-existent.

In reality, it never works out like that. Socialism requires an authoritarian government by nature to enforce it's rules, which always ends up becoming either full blown totalitarian communism or economic collapse.

However, there aren't really many nations that utilize socialism in the world. Venezuela and North Korea are the only ones.

the SPELLING !!!

Communism wasn't meant to decant into such barbaric outcomes.

After the dissolution of the state, which no self-claimed communist country has done so far, the concept of war and genocide would have no place in this new society, in which workers rejoice on this newfound freedom, doing their best to improve themselves and live life at its fullest. or so i think, fuck everything mai frend

Bloodborne is the best souls game.

Communism is called socialism when it is attempting to take root in a capitalist nation.

True fact

Eh? Instead people form new factions in the power vacuum which turns out worse than before. Communism can never work .

Socialism can work. You keep the power structure of capitalism yet provide to the people. With automation replacing the working class the USA can go this route easily.

>What's the difference between Socialism and Communism

What's the difference between Murder and Suicide?, same result


A Capitalist-Socialist society can work. You provide basic income to the working class thats being replaced by automation and keep the same structure as before. if someone wants to live in a bigger house or own more land or start a business they can choose to ween off basic income.

Its fool proof yet the elitists who run this world only care about crony capitalism and wealthy inequality and economic growth. Did you know we bailed our banks out for 16 trillion? Have aroudnd 5 trllion lost in black projects and are in debt to our knees? And for what? So we can continue the same broken capitalistic, greedy slave system like before.

FFS power to the people man.

Socialism is a general idea of the way to conduct a country, communism is a direct way to conduct a county. Communism is only a branch of socialism, if that makes any sense.

nothing. unelected bureaucrats control the capital either way while the people live as serfs

>National Socialism is the way to go (Protip: It has nothing to do with economical socialism)
yes it does. Hitler was mainly considered far right winged because he was a nationalist, something that commies hated. Hitler was more of a lefty than Bernie sanders by a long shot.

You realize that's like 99.9% of the nations on Earth right? It's called a mixed-market system. Just about every nation provides some sort of welfare, healthcare, subsidized living expenses, redistribution, etc...and has restrictions and regulations on private businesses. Only exceptions would be full-blown socialist nations like North Korea and Venezuela.

Also, you do realize there are no capitalist nations on Earth too, right? They're all corporatists and/or mixed models. Capitalism hasn't been existent in ages.

socialism is a policy communism is a totality

socialism is a pefect system for all mankinde, but no one knows how socialism works because everyone died in the previous phase: communism

The current wealth inequality means the current system is broken. Plus people who live on subsides are slowly dying. Its not even close to what it should be.

Based SA.

Socialism would only work if the country and it's citizens were fine being complacent, and there are no threats.

Socialism drains the economy of innovation and drive, but it'd be better for "everyone" if it were implemented. I'd also like to add that the country would need to be extremely wealthy, with a healthy GDP for it to workout alright.

So? With automation it fixes the problem of eventual collapse.

Socialism is an economic system. The state sets quota and profit margins which the financial sector strives to meet. Socialism is an aspect of Communism, but Communism encompasses both the political and social.

the name

Socialism is a transition stage to Communism

About 20 years.

I never said the current system wasn't broken. Also, how exactly is wealth inequality "bad"? Wealth is just the accumulation of non-existent man-made pieces of paper in the form of currency. In the western world, particularly in our country, even the poorest of people have the highest standards of living in the world. Our poor are well fed, they have cell phones, they have roofs over their heads with electricity, water, etc...

Just because there are a handful of people who are extremely wealthy doesn't inherently mean "AW MAN EVERYTHINGS FUCKED UP". If people are working, and goods & services are being exchanged, and people aren't dying in the streets, it's working.

It may not be what you want it to be, but it works. You may not have as much money as you want, but you're shitposting on Sup Forums right now so i'd say it's not as bad as you think.

How does Socialism or communism lead to murder and suicide?

>Socialism drains tech.
>What is the space race?

In communism, the state owns the means of production. In socialism, the state owns the fruits of production.

Communism is the carrot
Socialism is the stick

also the stick is jewish

In communism, the means of production are owned by the working class. Same with Socialism.

Well that's great right now, for the first world. What happens when we are no longer profitable to them? We will no longer be the first world. And after that the cycle continues until capitalism runs out if markets to exploit.

Socialism = all means of production owned by the state, no private factories or farms. Money are just a measure of value of a particular member's labour to society, play no role in agricultural or industrial production and only used to pay salaries and purchase personal stuff. Individual enterprise is banned and punishable.
Communism = that plus living in communes, defined roughly as self-governed units sharing everything they own. Their labour is unpaid but everyone is free to use whatever they fancy within their commune. No families, consensual sex is unrestricted and children are brought up by the commune.

In socialism, the state supervises worker ownership of production.
In communism, there is no state.

Communism is socialism but socialism is not Communism

Nothing is going to fix the problems automation will cause except more automation and technology, paradoxically. When you think about all the over population, there needs to be a movement towards self reliance, and minimalist lifestyles.

>What is the space race?

People being forced to do rocket science at gunpoint, with nothing in return for their labor.

It has to be enforced. What if people don't want to go work for free in a factory? What are you going to do? You'll get men with guns to make them work. What if I don't want to give up my hard earned money or business to the government? You get men with guns to force them. What if i'm a farmer and I don't want to give away 99% of my crops to other people for nothing in return?

This is how.

Two problems with your statement:

1.) We aren't a capitalist nation. We are a mixed model.
2.) This scenario has never happened in the history of the world in which other people "aren't profitable" and it never will be. People will always be needed. Wages are based on the demand for the labor, so as long as we don't keep importing billions of third world migrants, we should be alright.

That's because people of today are corrupted by money and power. Communists believe that people can be reeducated and that the new man can be created. This new man would not have weaknesses of old man and he would know that the society can flourish only when one forget about his personal gains


>There is a finite amount of wealth in the world and just because some people have a lot of it means other people can't grow their own personal stake.
Not saying that the system isn't broken but you're looking at it the wrong way.

Communism has never been tried, because communism is impossible to implement. Communism is the utopia socialism aspires to.

>Rocket surgery at gunpoint
He fell for that old chestnut


In the end both have a totalitarian state

Socialism is the less radical version of Communism
Neither work

Well that sounds nice in theory, but unfortunately there's this little thing called human nature. No amount of "reconditioning" is going to change that.


When so few people have so much of the money, you don't really have a chance, not enough of us anyway

Wealth inequality means the bubble hasnt popped yet. 20 trillion dollars in debt yet society still functions means the bubble hasnt popped yet.

You think socialism is bad because it takes away personal freedoms. Just wait until the next great depression or war once Trump audits the fed.

Asperger's vs. Full blown Autism

I didn't really read much about communism and socialism. Just going to tell you what my father told me.
USSR wasn't actually communist, it was socialist. Socialism was like an intermediate state that leads to communism. The goal of the party was to achieve communism. And they've always told people that "we are heading to bright communistic future".
Socialism basically means collective ownership, obviously that pretty much means state ownership.
Communism on top of that means abolition of a state, money and social classes. That every person will be conscientious and moral, will contribute as much as he can and take as much as he need. Just a load of bullshit in other words.

>What if people don't want to go work for free in a factory?
>You'll get men with guns to make them work.
But in Capitalism, we simply MOVE those deaths to a different account, et voila, they're assets, not liabilities!
Kill yourself, liberal.

Maybe, communists believed that this could be done. It was perhaps the most daring idea in the history of mankind and Russian revolution was its glorious start. That's why this idea attracted so many people, intellectuals, artists, workers etc. However today we know only about the ugly result that was USSR and we are perceiving the ideology only as a dictatorship. Its origins were however much more optimistic.


Human nature is manipulated by advertising and politics, we can do the same to take over the narrative.
In other words, memetic warfare.

Communism is basically an ideology, that is, a compound of ideas and girls. Socialism is an economic way that pursuits class equality.


People in Socialist countries get to eat sometimes

>Who is Sergei Korolev?
>What is gulag?

The Fed is a bunch of Jewish international bankers manipulating currency and destroying our economy. This is corporatism at it's finest. You love the Fed making the dollar worthless, yet your answer is giving more power to the government? You realize they both work hand in hand, right? And you DON'T want him to audit the Fed? You of all people should be wanting it abolished.

And i never said socialism is bad. I'm saying it's risky because it doesn't spread risk around, so if the government fucks up (like they always do) everybody suffers.

kek. I'm not a liberal.

How many people are starving.

>left means more government white right meses less government
American education

holy fuck, that's the most naive load of dog shit.

war is a product of the state? heh ok senpai

Then by all means lets try it again! What's a few hundred million more deaths!

Retards ITT

Socialism is the stage where the proletariat overthrow the bourgeoisie and establish a "dictatorship of the proletariat" where they use the government to seize all the rich's wealth and redistribute it and form a new society.

Communism is the hypothetical end stage of socialism where after all the wealth has been redistributed and the workers own the means of production the government no longer becomes necessary and "withers away" leaving people living in utopian communes peacefully trading with each other

all of you fucks need to read the communist manifesto asap. know thy enemy

What's preventing you exactly? If lack of funds prevented people from competing new business's wouldn't exist.
>But every major corporation is owned by like 6 people
Can't really argue against that... so you'd be right in that sense.

the amount of bodies thrown into the furnaces to keep the rest warm

Yes i agree. The whole autonomous movement should be looking at just that. How can we make our civilizations stable and humane while being moral at the same time. Its tricky but i have faith in our robot overloads.

communism is playing socialism on hard mode

The difference between a seed and a tree.

>the government no longer becomes necessary and "withers away" leaving people living in utopian communes peacefully trading with each other

Commies and ancaps agree on this at least.


Can you be sure this would happen again? You learn from the mistakes.

thanks for this. now redpilled

Socialism: State serves people
Communism: People serve state

I recognize that bonfire!

If new developments in efficiency created unemployment nobody would have had a job after the invention of the wheel.

This is what someone told me.
Socialism is the first step twords communism and away from capitalism. To break away from capitalism, you need bring down the super rich first. You can do that with socialism by taking all business and giving it to the state and inflating the currency so much that you pretty much restart the economy. One thats all said and done, The government is supposed to dissolve (lol) and become a stateless society with people working to meet each others needs regardless of reward and without money, which is communism.

This has never been done because the head of the state under socialism has a hard time giving up their power.

Search Results
noun: socialism

a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Search Results
noun: communism; noun: Communism; plural noun: Communisms

a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

No need to thank me, idiot.

Nowadays it absolutely would. Maybe we'll be ready to try it again a few hundred years from now, but certainly not in the near future.

Post more Dank Souls


Both created by the JEWS.

You're retarded. Neither of those definitions conflict with what I wrote. Go fucking read Marx instead of citing a one sentence definition to actually find out what the theory actually states

My ultra rare pepe. Don't save

It's not necessarily that "new developments" put people out of work, its that fact that those "new developments" are solely situated around putting people out of work.

>You think socialism is bad because it takes away personal freedoms. Just wait until the next great depression
It takes more than personal freedoms... Great Depression has nothing on the same period in USSR. Millions of dead people.
>The Fed is a bunch of Jewish international bankers manipulating currency and destroying our economy.
The same jewish internationalists made the Bolshevik Revolution and created the monstrosity that is USSR.

So it's "broken" if people who do more work get paid more money?

They deserve extra compensation for extra work. People who do less work deserve less compensation. You get in what you put out. It's fair system.


You compounded the theory to implement your subjective ideas. What are you a retard or something?

also literally in the same fucking search result

>(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.


right because worker unions with a say in how things were run were common in the USSR

>By the late 19th century, and after further articulation and advancement by Karl Marx and his collaborator Friedrich Engels as the culmination of technological development outstripping the economic dynamics of capitalism,[34] "socialism" had come to signify opposition to capitalism and advocacy for a post-capitalist system based on some form of social ownership of the means of production.


I bet you think Bernie Sanders is a socialist too. Socialism isn't the government doing stuff, cunt.


>For orthodox Marxists, socialism is the lower stage of communism based on the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution" while upper stage communism is based on the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need"; the upper stage becoming possible only after the socialist stage further develops economic efficiency and the automation of production has led to a superabundance of goods and services.[291]

AKA exactly what i said
