Is that a thing in America?

Is that a thing in America?

Why white people act like they are not white and bash another "white males"?

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The latest generation has been conditioned to hate themselves and their race by media and public schools. Leftists have successfully infiltrated these areas of our society.

It might sound like tinfoil shit but in my high school we were forced to write reports analyzing text from a"feminist lens" and watched John Stewart and John Green in history class everyday. Every lesson was about the evils whites committed in south America and Africa rather than the good or ignoring the bad things every other race has done.

just a reminder that the guy on the right think's his people were KANGS!

steve bannon really could have taken better care of his body but i can't blame him for wanting to drink and eat a whole lot of food. though steve will likely be one of the first humans to have his mind uploaded onto the internet, so he will be eternal.

Where did Steve say that

Because they are either actually Jews or have been brainwashed by aforementioned Jews.

I'm sure the twitter claim is backed up with citations.


Jews look pretty white to me.

He's half. He's as white as Obama is black.

Besides, plenty go under the knife to hide their ancestry so they can pretend to be white.

He is genetically superior

Race baiting is huge with lefties.

Bashing a fat slob for being genetic waste is not the same as bashing "white males".

Bastard skeleton.


Using the leftists own logic though bannon is the puppet master and manipulator of the president of the United States and controls everything that he says and does, while the other guy is just an actor. Bannon still takes it.



too lazy. can we get an immunity doggo

This is what is so weird to me.

The SJWs and hardcore leftists complain about Colonialism and Judea-Christian morality being foisted upon them.

But the core of their (both POC's and White Leftists) shaming of privilege is that suffering raises ones moral character, i.e. a fundamental tenet of Christian morality.

The issue is that they could point out "Hey, you've got certain benefits in certain social spheres based on assumptions about you based on your race" without any shaming or negative connotation, just pointing it out so that we can be a bit conscientious of it when making decisions.

But they take it to this moral space where there is an injustice being done BY people with privilege just by having it. They took an awareness issue (and to be fair, white people on both sides couldn't deal with the concept of being helped by something that wasn't fair) and turned it into a vengeance campaign.

Keep in mind we're dealing with "liberals" here, so race is literally only skin color, and genetics is solely whether or not you're a fat fuck. Neither has anything to do with anything else whatsoever.
