We NEED universal healthcare, and we need it NOW!

We NEED universal healthcare, and we need it NOW! youtube.com/watch?v=vXV4vFz4Qwo

we need to catch up with the world

We need a warrior aristocracy that chucks defective, non-white spawn from cliffs. Faggot sanders needs to fucking die. Kill your fucking self you nigger loving piece of shit.

did you even watch the video? you are a sick person, and with those personal insults i see that you cant even disagree because you know im right


the government is corrupt by big business, and the big pharma companies own both the republicans and democrats alike

that's why I propose we give the government full control over our healthcare


You got cancer and go to the doctor?

You pay for it and leave me out of it then.

And fuck the rest of the world. It's getting to be a bigger shithole than home.

Did. You. Even. Watch. The. Video?

why would I do that?

I think Bernie only wants universal coverage because he's hiding a horrible disease and wants other people to pay for it

to understand why we need universal healthcare duh >.>

Fuck. The. Video.

More tree-hugger libby bullshit that I could give a squat about. Tax money coming out of my wallet to pay for Delenquinsha's pussy ache ain't gonna happen.

we don't need that though

I wouldn't be opposed to a public health insurance option along side private options so long as tax payer money from the people not using it isn't subsidizing it and 100% of the cost comes from the people enrolled

over 40k people die because of not being able to access healthcare. You know what kyle in the video said? He said that Canada, Australia, sweden, norway, etc NO ONE dies because of waiting for healthcare, you are literally killing people

also watch the video, theres no refuting it after you watch the video, its cheaper overall and better quality, literally what is there to oppose?

You mean mandatory health insurance?

Obamacare is mandatory, and its not good, we NEED free healthcare, peoples lives are relying on it >.>

that's wrong though. The united states has the highest cancer survival rate in the world because we don't have to wait for treatment.
This is why europeans with cancer always come here for treatment

it's unfortunate how many english people I've met that simply can't get treatment in their countries. Children get diagnosed and have to wait 4 months to start

Na we don't

We are not socialist shithole

then why do 40k die a year waiting for treatment and as the video stated canada, australia, western europe etc have 0 deaths waiting for treatment (said in the video) its because our system is too expensive >.>

>He said that Canada, Australia, sweden, norway, etc NO ONE dies because of waiting for healthcare, you are literally killing people

He literally didn't say that. You're another low IQ retard who fell for jewspeak.

In a public health system, everyone has access to healthcare, even if it means being unable to recieve a procedure before you die. . :^)

Jew just wants your tax money to buy more Audis.

Because everyone wants a healthcare system like ours, with 46 hour waiting periods in the hospitals and empty milk bottles being used as IV drips.

>we NEED free healthcare

Are you implying we enslave all healthcare workers, the manufacturers of medicine and hospital supplies, and seize all the associated buildings and factories and force them to do societies bidding without compensation?

I mean, it is highly unethical. But hey, that's what you gotta do to make it free.

Or you just want the government to pay for it with our own money?

Waiting times exist everywhere. As you can see from the flag I'm in the Netherlands now.

I pay a fuckload of money for insurance and guess what, I'm still on a fucking waiting list for the past six months.

At least the NHS is free.

I'm just a student. Half my fucking paycheck (for TAing) goes to paying for insurance.

Health insurance is just a scam.

>What is MedicAid?

We already have a socialized medicine program that covers healthcare for the poor. They just don't use it or aren't really poor and just blow their money on other shit rather than buy health insurance.

>rates were supposed to go down
>they skyrocketed instead

Wow who could've seen that coming? Seriously though let's keep going what could possibly go wrong

kyle did say that, watch the video next time >.>


>At least the NHS is free.

The NHS forces workers to take no compensation thereby making it free?

Everybody pays, dumbass. They do it through taxes. Your TA paychecks would be just as small because the government takes money for their healthcare bureaucracy versus handing part of it over to an insurance bureaucracy.

There is no such thing as "free healthcare". Fucking stop it.

> (OP)
>we need to catch up with the world
This is ironic since it may seem like a reasonable statement when you look at Cross sectional data: the US spends ~2 times as a percentage of GDP on health care than other nations.
However, time series data tells a different story. In 1990, healthcare costs in the US were around the same as Denmark's are today. That's fairly recently, and not much has changed since 1990. In 1960, healthcare costs in the US were lower than even modern day South Korea (which has some of the lowest among first world nations today).
Healthcare costs worldwide among 1st world nations have roughly doubled since 1990. The difference is that the US went from around 10% of GDP to 20% and Denmark, Switzerland, UK, etc. Have went from around 5% to 10%.
Time series data suggests that Europe and others are trying to catch up to the US's insane costs, rather than the US being behind in advancement.
Before you say that the US may have started twice as high because of a free market as opposed to mandate insurance or single payer, you run into a huge issue that sort of prevents this kind of analysis: WWII. Europe was in ruin. From a time series perspective, it seems like Europe is indeed trying to catch up to the US prices, especially given they were set back by a fucking World War destroying their economies.
I'm not claiming that the time series data is more accurate than the cross sectional data, however it does suggest that this notion that a single payer system would magically fix costs is a pipe dream and not what is driving costs up.

No. Forcing the American people to pay for other people's healthcare is a violation of their rights, America is about individual freedom. The Government doesn't care about us(majority of them), and they will have more power, so stop this bs, universal healthcare won't work in a mixed economy, coporations will have more power because of regulations that protect them!

Effective tax rate for my income in the UK is 0%.
Effective tax rate for my income in the Netherlands is 33%.

And btw, off yourself you dirty fucking nigger.

Cannot believe people could be this pretentious about something they have literally zero understanding about.

>kyle did say that, watch the video next time >.>
No he didn't.
