Professions I have no respect for

Why do people circlejerk teachers? I feel like the left's biggest criticism of DeVos is that she never worked as a teacher. From what I experienced in public school, 75% of teachers are stuck in adolescence and the other 25% are based because they realize their job is cake. City schools don't even require teaching degrees to teach. It's the biggest joke of a profession out there but somehow also has some of the strongest unions.

My mother is a teacher and it is absolute hell. The (((administrators))) let little niglets basically run the class by not allowing the teachers to punish them. It is not by any means an easy job trying to teach white trash and nigger kids that don't want to learn.

I get that, but it's not like tenured teachers face repercussions for failure to teach

In america specifically? Teachers are more or less overworked.

Consider that each teacher essentially comes to a full school day, teaches (their job) but then also has to do even more work when they get home. Like, it's a 9-5 except then you have to do even more busy work afterwards. It's basically working 2 full time jobs.

Oh, and it pays less than most jobs that exist. In many cases anyone who went to college for it is qualified for many other better jobs. etc.

You're overworked, underpaid, and overqualified. So the only reason you're still sticking in with it is because you genuinely enjoying the idea behind helping others, especially students, who are all mostly shitbags. Which is admirable.

Most teachers become teachers because they want to.....TEACH. They hardly can anymore. These little niglets would fight eachother n sheeittt and she would have to spend all her time making sure they didn't kill each other rather than teach.

Teachers become teachers because they never want to grow up and leave high school and get a real job. They get a union that creates rules where it's nearly impossible to fire them. Then they indoctrinate their students into leftism because their job depends on mo' money fo' dem education programs n shit.

They are generally nothing but giant fucking parasites.

"those that can't do teach"

You're giving them too much credit.

It's not a 9-5 job, more like 9-3. And of that time how many classes do you actually teach in high school? 2? Maybe 3? So maybe 3 hours of dealing with students. Oh and your summers are off, also long breaks for holidays. That work you have to do? Basically talk for 30 minutes about something, maybe watch a video here and there. The extra work after school? Put stuff through a scantron or use a key to grade some stuff? Sure you have to have your lesson plan ready.... oh wait most teachers just bum them off the guy that came before them and recycle them for the next 40 years.

Teachers are a joke. The helping others thing? Sure that's nice, but they are probably overpaid for what they really do.

Source: I have a friend that teaches high school at a "good high school"

Tenure is no longer a thing in many states.

Teaching is sacred, all of these people in politics have no understanding of such things. Neither do most teachers these days :\


>3 months off in summer
>week at christmas
>week at easter
>week in february
>every major holiday off
>use the same lesson plan for 15 years

>anyone who went to college for it is qualified for many other better jobs
>implying it's not a glorified sociology degree
>implying getting a teaching degree is difficult at all

>Shitting on people who actually have jobs
>Trying to get others to follow you

good flags desu


Please realize that "tenure" doesn't mean that you can't be fired. It means you can't be fired without a hearing. New teachers can be let go or not have their contracts renewed for any reason (usually that reason being they're bad at their jobs.) A tenured teacher gets the right to a hearing as to why the administration is firing them.

The best it means is that they get a reason for being let go.

The un-fire-able teacher meme is so terribly forced.

I hate teachers. They are dogs and should be treated as such. Most of them are nothing but indocrinators. The left wouldn't have gotten so far if wasn't for them. I say value your masters and fuck your teachers up.

Education majors are some of the absolute dumbest college majors going by test scores, so I'm not sure how much it matters that some teachers don't major in it


I would show disdain for your job, but seeing as you don't have one.

are you a pothead fokker?

My school requires me to be there at 7:00am. I'm lucky if I leave at 6:00pm. I plan lessons and projects constantly, because I want my students to enjoy the experience but also grow job-applicable skills. I leave comments on every student's work. I muzzle any remotely political opinion while I teach, because that isn't part of my job. Oh, and I make fuckall money for this.

What do you do?

>75% of teachers are stuck in adolescence

Fucking THIS. Jesus Christ, this is why I never wanted to become a teacher despite what all of my teachers said. I was so desperate to get the fuck out of high school I skipped my graduation ceremony and grabbed my diploma from the school office a few days after.

Saw one of my teachers a few years after graduation. Dumb bitch asked why I didn't go to school to become a teacher. Told her that sitting in a room with thirty-odd teens was bad enough as a kid, trying to teach them while having teens that refused to grow up as coworkers would result in a mass shooting.

She hated my guts right away after that.


Teachers are a fucking joke. I once had a public school teacher who did not know the correct pronunciation of the word colonel, no larp.

>75% of teachers are stuck in adolescence
can confirm, we have one of those as prime minister

Union teachers are hard to fire. Often they're just moved. There are many cases of pedo teachers who were just shuffled off to a different school

Thanks op i was looking at doing a teaching degree to push back against the leftist scumbags in the industry and i genuinly have a passion for western civilisation and it's ideals. But you're right it's a trash job so i guess I'll keep looking for other careers.

Honestly, becoming a teacher would be a good strategic area for getting back at leftism still.

But if it were me, I would say to work in the workforce for at least 10 years doing something other than teaching before becoming a teacher.

That might at the very least kick any adolescence out of you very quickly.

>Union teachers are hard to fire

Of course they're hard to fire. The district has to prove that incompetence/wrongdoing is taking place.

Say they're incompetent? Look at their kids' test scores, look at their lesson plans, observe their classes. Put together documented details of poor performance.

The case of pedo teachers is something different. Typically if there's criminal allegations, the teacher is immediately taken out of the classroom and given a job in the mail room until the allegations are proven and he's arrested and fired, or his name is cleared and he can go back to work.
Often times, even if their name is cleared, they have such a stain on their names that they get moved to a different school to reduce distraction.

from everything i've heard, learning how to teach at uni is just a course on leftist bullshit, almost none of it has anything to do with teaching

I'll be a teacher by the end of next summer. I want to do good by these kids but I'm afraid of indoctrinating them. I am a liberal but pretty much open to all political ideologies. He'll I even brought up pol during my class at university the other day to discuss whether or not pol significantly helped fhe election of trump. They thought I was crazy. Anyways my question is how do I do well as a teacher? I don't want to recycle stupid lesson plans or just phone it in every class.

I am going to tell you information that you will likely assume is a lie. It is not. My fifth grade teacher was an alcoholic. Her best friend taught in the room next door. She was also an alcoholic. The neighboring teacher cam in drunk daily. Sleeping on the desk drunk. Daily. Often her class would come to my class for "movie time" because she was too drunk too teach and my teacher would cover for her (once my teacher was too drunk and the opposite scenario played out). That teacher and my teacher would talk on the phone for hours at a time while we watched movies. On several occasions, the teachers were escorted by their fellow fifth grade teachers to see the school nurse (my mother at the time) because they were "sick." Both were sent home regularly by administration. Both were allowed three two-month leaves of abscence for rehab, salary, treatment and all fully paid by the state. My teachers friend finally lost her job 7 years after she first came in drunk because of a domestic dispute that lead to arrest. My teacher was fired several years later when she took her class outside in the middle of february, fell asleep on a picnic table, and her kids piled their coats on her. They were outside in 18 degree weather for two hours. My teachers friend is currently in jail. My teacher OD'd in a parking lot in my home town last spring. She kept her jobs for a decade.

It isn't. Have you heard of pedagogy?

Be engaged, and find ways to keep your kids engaged.

>americans speaking on australian universities

fair enough, I live in NY where it is very much a thing

work 12 months a year

Cool story, but what's your point?

teacher here
the job is not easy
there is no "easy day"

you can't just hide behind a desk for a period the kids will basically start a mini revolution

that being said I'm not taking to be glorified

just let me teach about investing subjects instead of the bullshit they force us to do

you get zero support from administration, the parents are shit and kids are too

really a thankless job and all of societies problems are thrown at us for shit pay

>bring up Sup Forums in class


NEVER EVER fucking do this again you retard

we tell ourselves we like teachers because we want to pretend like the education system isn't a huge piece of shit

if i had a stake in a terrible dirty pizza place i'd say it tasted good

yes, fixing the restaurant would result in better pizza, but that takes effort. and the pizza boy union won't let me. those pizza boys need all those benefits to keep up that excellent pizza quality!

it's a mutual lie that can't be corrected because that would involve admitting it's a lie

I was a teacher for 16 years and it got worse and worse with each year. All I wanted to do was go to work each day and just teach kids. But now being a teacher means being a parent, a behavioural specialist and a spy who must report things to the Police. And because I wasn't allowed to be a teacher while at work, I had to do it in my own time at home, marking work late at night or on my weekends, or preparing class materials.

I now do private tutoring.

I have respect for those that still want to do it. I have no respect for those who confuse teaching of facts with teaching political/world views. Kids figure that out for themselves as they grow, they don't need to be told.


Just don't take yourself too seriously, stay above the immature bullshit and care about your students and you will be fine

If you were ever a teacher you would know that you could never teach 12 months a year or you would burn out so fast

That being said I don't make enough so I have to work in the summer

Office jobs are fucking easy. You sit in a comfy chair. Bullshit for 2 hours. long lunch break. get to shitpost online. fucking cake

>It's the biggest joke of a profession
And who exactly should raise the next generation then, you fucking retard? Teachers are shit because society gives them no respect and shit pay.

B b but they're educators!

the point is its fucking hard to fire a tenured teacher. Name me one other profession where you could show up drunk and not expect to be fired on the spot?

Please tell me this isn't a pasta I seriously want to believe this.


I was mainly interested in teaching because it is a job i could do around the world. I wouldn't ever want to be a long term teacher at one school.

Be someone who enjoys learning.

You know what, did you ever have a teacher you really liked? Why did you like them? Now contrast them with teachers you didn't like. What did that teacher you like do that those others did not? Get deep with this.

I can say that I thought the study of Linguistics was boring until I had a teacher that really loved that stuff.

Fred Rogers said something like, "The best gift you can give to someone is your true honest self. A kid can recognize a phony a mile away."

So be yourself, and love what you teach. If your students want to learn, they will love you.

If your students are niggers, there is little if anything you can do.

Good luck!

beautiful flags btw

My dude, are you the same user that was always in those betting threads during the US election??

>Name me one other profession where you could show up drunk and not expect to be fired on the spot?

Pretty much any salaried position. Hourly employees that can be replaced by the next Mexican that walks through the door are easier to replace than a trained professional.

If you're a professional who shows up to work drunk, you'll be sent home, you'll have to get on an improvement plan and have a chat with a lot of your managers, but you won't be fired unless that's specifically part of the terms of your employment.

>City schools don't even require teaching degrees to teach
How to become teacher? I'd teach in a heartbeat, even if it was just basic elementary science or world history.

Bro I'm sorry but I just have absolutely zero sympathy for you. I'm a PA. I work in a hospital 50 hours a week 12 months a year plus call and you want to complain about burnout? Im not saying this to stroke my own cock, I just want you to realize that most jobs are a lot more difficult than teaching.

This is 100% true. I live in Western NY where public unions run wild. Found her in the parking lot of tops in the D&L plaza

>tfw always wanted to be a literature/English teacher

>realize I'd probably be teaching shitskins

Fuck anons, I just wanted to talk about Tennessee Williams and shit.

Teaching wouldn't be bad if I could actually discipline kids properly.

I should be able to call home to a parent

>hi sir you kid was a total shitlord today
>oh really I'm so sorry
>I'm recommending the belt sir
>good idea and he's losing his cell phone too
>thank you for being so cooperative

Parents are fucking pussies. Especially the rich ones. They think money is a substitute for actually raising your child.

To fix teaching you have to give teachers actual power in their classroom to make the right decisions. You are basically a pawn of multiple people and it doesn't work.

Treating teachers with respect and giving them intellectual freedom will encourage smart people to join the profession. The expectations need to be higher

Also people need to stop being so obsessed with fucking data. Its like the nerds won and now numbers are a substitute for reality. Fuck data. Most of it is all bullshit anyway

The data shows....actually no it fucking doesn't..the data is useless. Its like these faggot nerds want to turn art into science. Ever hear of a gut instinct. If you don't have that instinct that lets you know what you need to be doing in your class you shouldn't be a teacher

Also the teachers unions don't do shit for us

Try 7-4

>3 hours of dealing with students
More like 7-8 hours. You don't get lunches off. You have to sit with and monitor the little shits.

>watch a video here and there.
My dad (who is a teacher) turned his back to write a question on the board and a little girl started clawing on the eyes of the kid next to her. You must always be observant.

My dad has taught 5th grade math for 25 years.

Bhutan I hear is really comfy, tell us about it

>mfw when administrator in Kansas
>mfw schools are hardly "diverse"
>mfw when my wife is a well payed vet
>mfw we're both very young for our positions
>mfw being a male administrator is actually very highly sought after
>mfw I can get a job in any district I want
>mfw I actually enjoy working with shitbag kids because even when they get their shit together just a little bit it feels great

Administration is a whole different beast than teaching. I do miss having my own classroom and kids and the hours were actually better. But I dig trying out different theories and methods on a school wide basis.

Yeah but you are getting fairly compensated for being the doctor's bitch

Also have you ever tried to teach 100 Jamal McNiggers anything? Try doing that all year without killing yourself. Good luck.

What world do you live in? Seriously, what jobs have you held down?

Most states require a 4 year degree.

(((They))) are all in education. That's why. You're paying for you kid's indoctrination.

If you don't feel sorry for them for having to deal with unruly niglets, I don't know what to tell you.

I'd get the fuck over it because I would have some of the best job security in the country

>And who exactly should raise the next generation then, you fucking retard?

The kid's parents should always be raising their kids. It is nobody's job but theirs to ensure that their kids thrive in their futures. The problem is, teachers are taking place of that critical spot that parents are supposed to be filling; that of their child's education.

Dude pretty much the bulk of teaching English now a days is teaching a 16 year old how to identify a fucking verb. If you wanna teach actual literature you need to go to a private school (most will pay worse than public elementary schools) or teach college (in the worst job market in the nation)

Why don't you homeschool, leaf? That way you can indoctrinate them yourself.

How long were you a teacher for? How old are you now?

I feel like you need to be at least 35 before you can even consider being an admin.

Maybe its my district but every admin seems to fucking forget what its like inside a classroom as soon as they have power

Usually losers who can't survive in the free market become teachers. Large overlap with perverts and child molesters when it's a man. Feminists and Shabbos Shiksa's when it's a woman.

A few teachers are awesome though.

look at his posts dude he's a teacher reciting NEA talking points about how it's theoretically possible to fire teachers and hey other careers have employee protections too

My parents were blue pilled. Fortunately I was able to see through the kike bullshit. I'm in Uni Now though so it's all in the past. Most prof's in my faculty are bro tier.

which is part of the problem with teaching. out of touch old ass faggots get tenure and then specialize in ass kissing admin

we have a guy in the building who basically specialized in being a dick to kids and playing games/watching anime while he gave the kids a reading. took them about 4 years to put him on an improvement plan and I'm sure he'll keep his job. he a good boy now, he dun changed

Lower the taxes nationwide and just get rid of public schools

>Usually losers who can't survive in the free market become teachers.
Kek, whatever that means. You get a degree like everyone else.

nearly everyone related to finance.
Fucking leeches.

oh noooo their dream didn't shape out like they wanted like 95% of adults. Whatever will they do with 4 months paid time off and a job that basically amounts to babysitting?

You're a retarded little faggot.

>What are teachers unions
The whole thing is a kike run commie racket.

As a teacher, I can assure you a teacher's goals and the administration's goals are radically different.

For example, I was once made to give 1300 extra credit points to a student, because NCLB prevented me from giving more than 4 Fs in a single class.

>My dad (who is a teacher)
Oy vey Mr Kohen. I didn't know this was ur lad XD

Teachers unions aren't a guarantee you'll get or keep a job you autist.

Anything below 7th grade is a glorified daycare.

It's almost impossible to fire you faggots, try anything and (((They))) will shoah you

Office Job
>hungover as fuck
>get to work at 9
>pretend to work and look at my computer
>grab some food
>chat shit with neighbor
>pretend to do shit on computer
>do an hour of actual work
>collect nice paycheck
>contribute nothing to civilization
>have wife and 2.5 kids

Even college is turning into a daycare for grown-ass adults.

This is all satire :p

>75% of teachers are stuck in adolescence and the other 25% are based because they realize their job is cake.
Conservative projectionism.

>try anything and (((They))) will shoah you
Oh yeah, I forgot I was on Sup Forums for a moment there.

>What world do you live in? Seriously, what jobs have you held down?
While I was in high school and college, I worked in a medical supply factory.
After college, I was a computer programmer for a defense contractor for eight years, then I became a high school math teacher, taking us to the present day.

I'm not in a teacher's union either, before you accuse me of that.

My mother is a teacher.
She has studied for it several years.
School time is from 8-2. Before and after a small conference, all in all from 7.30-2.30.
Once per week she comes home around 5 because a bigger conference. Then preparing the lessons for the next day. Mostly 3-4 different classes, means 3-4 different preparations. Sometimes grading tests. Not with a sheet, because there are no multipe choice questions in germany. On top of that come school projects. They are time consuming.
On rare occasion class or school conferences to punish someone. Calls with parents about their little brats and some other shit.
Once per month a parental conference where shit about projects and stuff gets discussed with parents.
The hardest time was the start when you had to work out your own lessons. There is no how-to-teach book. Every little step and mistake you have got to figure out by yourself.
2 times a year a school trip that lasts about 5 days mostly, you have to pay for it by yourself. That means 24/7 awake and not getting paid for overtime.
All materials have to be bought by yourself. I mean the books for your work (not only the school books) and such stuff. My mom got a library full of books, self written shit, concepts, etc. pp.
That's a lot of work time.
Yes the holidays are something. But you got to keep in mind that holidays don't mean you got free time automatically. Technically it's not a vacation for you and things get done over the summer that couldn't be done at school time. Like paintings for the walls and such stuff. Maintaining shit.
Bureaucracy is hell on earth. Every fuck gets discussed.
Either you are a teacher or you quit after some years. It's not that well paid, but as a civil servant you have access to some nice benefits like not paying some shit normal workers have to pay for in germany.

>a degree like everyone else
getting a teaching degree is not the same as getting an engineering degree

It's true. Tribalism is a thing and they have infested our judicial system. Even Trump is struggling to get shit done.


Teachers Union

>automatically take money from my paycheck
>don't actually improve my pay or do anything of value
>send me stupid emails about liberal faggots I should support
>cozy up with admin

No thanks

Betsy should absolutely smash public education with an iron fist

We bleed money like a stuck pig

But the real problem is that eduction is infested with liberals from the top down who have absolutely no common sense

I'm not clicking that image, JIDF :^)

Too much work, if you're an alcoholic just get a job at any warehouse and work hard. Sure you're replaceable, but as long as you don't fuck up anything they aren't going to bother.

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