Why don't brits take care of their teeth?

Why don't brits take care of their teeth?

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All the dentists are in Canada or America.

>I only have the balls to say this while most Bongs are asleep
To answer your question however, its mostly a meme. Tea probably has an effect on Bong teeth.

Is it the shitty accent that gives you the cavities?

A shitty diet that mostly comprises of tea, biscuits, scones and choccies.

What's the name of that language you're typing in? I'll wait.

At this point? American, as are you.

I'm honour bound to refute this.

On who's bound?


Ever see the Queen Mum's teeth? One of the wealthiest people on earth and her fucking teeth were green.



it's the height of arrogance to consider yourself a babe magnet and not brush your teeth; which is what the British gentleman has done for centuries.

Is it just the older generations or do young people have shit teeth as well?

>White British
Well which one is it?

pick one nigel

Because you have no foreskins. strawpoll.me/12293149

>CTR incoming shit post threads

>implying they don't take care of it
You know how much work it takes to get that subtle color ? Nothing can buy that

Jolly good kek, good sir

>4x as many white people in America