John Oliver and Stephen Colbert wants America to fall

>Well Stephen, I think American's who want to save America and keep it in power are stupid. Americans should enjoy their descent into destruction because then they wouldn't have to worry as much. That's right.

So this is the liberal mindset...

if america gets attacked, it is trump's fault. he is president. it's his job to protect the country.

the EO got rejected because he is incompetent. his incompetence is not the fault of liberals (patriots). if america gets attacked, it is because trump failed.

I don't understand, how is it Trump's fault if he tries to take safety precautions but is blocked by anti nationalistic politicians who care more about feelings and inclusiveness than the safety of the nation? If Trump is right, as we're attacked, then it'll be their own fault for stopping him.

It will be Trumps fault for writing moronic clauses in the EO that target muslims in the writing. He gave a preference to muslims over christians, which is very unconstitutional. He has to rewrite it if there truly is an attack eminent.

Where does this mindset come from? Why do some people think it's "wrong" to be the most powerful? Why are white people across the West forgetting where they came from? Why don't they want to dominate the world again?

>christians over muslims*

>t. basement dweller

Because they don't want to feel guilty about anything. They'd literally rather die and be tortured than feel like they might've done someone wrong. They are that beta.

>t. trump voter
irony is thicc af here

leftists hate strength of any kind

>I'd rather let a black man fuck my wife than be accused of racism.

>Equating Liberals today as Patriots

You almost got away with it

Founding Fathers would kick leftist like you in the teeth. Go back to Tumblr.

>that target muslims in the writing.
Only certain muslim countries were banned and those were the most unstable ones (including Iran for bullshit reasons).

>He gave a preference to muslims over christians, which is very unconstitutional.
It's almost like Christians in ME countries are the ones who get persecuted the most and there's also 0% chanve of them commiting terrorist acts compared to Muslims.

Holy shit, I didn't notice that. I'm pretty sure liberals are the least patriotic people in the world. They want to destroy borders, eliminate western power, and let foreign powers overtake their culture. They're practically suicidal.

islam is a jihad ideology, user
it is not "terrorism" we're dealing with, nor "radical islamism", it is jihad and the qran is all about waging jihad to impose sharia to the whole world.
time to accept this fact before western civilization goes away, fucko
Not just the qran but the track record of 14 centuries of islam and shitslims (pbuh).

And how is this different from the last 8 years? There must have been thousands of topics with you faggots screaming for the nigger to fail. The cuckservative leaders even said from the very beginning that they would not work with him and wanted to see him fail.

1/ jews
2/ (((marxism)))
3/ freemasonry
4/ luciferianism
5/ archons (cf john lash)



Obama has failed, and it has been by his own hand. Race relations are downhill and the country is on a economical decline. All of this under Obama's watch.