Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide...

Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,

Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.

The Pew Research Center's statistics show that atheism is expected to continue to decline all the way into 2050 with a continued growth of religion. Other research also shows a huge surge in growth for Christianity in China which is currently the world's most "atheist" nation because of the atheist communist government suppressing religion, the research suggests that China will soon become the world's most Christian nation within 15 years.

This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.

Sources for the legion of whiny /Redditor/ fedoras that will no doubt show up it this thread:

Stop larping faggot. You're not being oppressed by evil atheists. Furthermore, atheism is only shrinking in the third world. In the west it's growing. So your only new larp friends are niggers.

Literally no one cares about atheism after Christianity died in the 90s

Stop posting this bullshit and poison yourself with arsenic

Amazing Grace
How Sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see


Okay chunder fuck

non denominational Christanity
Catholicism is where it's at now because Lucifer dindu nuffin


Christianity is only dead in urban areas. It is a big fucking deal in rural America and Asia.

>tfw no Viggo Mortensen LARP friend

This kinda sucks actually. I'd take a fedora tipper over a suicide bomber any day.

>falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020

That couldn't have anything to do with all those arab countries falling to snackbar revolutions since the 70's could it.


At least athecucks allow fun things.

>Christianity died in the 90's


Or how about this:

>Kalam Cosmological Argument
>Anthropic Principle
>no evidence for multiverses
>Fulfilled predictions in the scriptures

>implying that nothing can explode
Which violates the Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy; Quantum physics cannot explain the creation of matter from nothing

>implying that sentient, complex life can evolve from algae/bacteria (or that life can come from a lack of life)

Let's face it; Atheism is so 2006. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.

Atheists just can't get over the fact that they lost the culture war.

Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2006:
>atheism on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday
>atheist leaders like Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens are respected voices in the community
>r/atheism is one of the top boards on bleddit
>corporate stores trying to push things like "Happy Holidays" and having "Holiday Trees"

Cut to today:
>Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchen (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views
>r/atheism moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage
>things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are other atheist leaders)
>"Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" are a distant memory
>liberal atheists in Britain crushed by Brexit

And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad

>christian suicide bombers
keep telling yourself that faggot.

Good. Atheism is the ultimate blue pill.

>implying more people haven't died because of communism than any other force.

When did atheism become a religion? Which of the hundreds of gods do we believe in?

When mudslimes and niggers breed like rabbits around the world it's no wonder everything but islam is shrinking.

>not believing in deities is a religion

I am glad. Atheism is not for the masses.

>not believing in deities means you believe in communism instead
>believing that people who don't follow your religion are immoral sinners doesn't make you hostile towards them

>Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion
>Atheism is a religion

Stopped reading right there, I assume this is some really bad copypasta or you're a moron.


>if there's more than one person who doesn't believe in deities, it makes not believing in deities a religion

>atheism isn't a religion
>religion: a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance

Why do you idiots keep posting this dumb thread when the central argument is easily refuted? Christianity is only growing in "developing" nations. In all the places that actually matter and aren't open air-testing ranges for assorted air forces of major powers, christianity is either irrelevant already or losing relevance quickly.

>everyone who doesn't believe in deities ascribes supreme importance to his lack of belief in deities

>religion: the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods

Communists are Atheists. The USSR was an Atheist state. China under Mao was an Atheist state. These are indisputable facts.

Anyone who considers themselves both religious and a Communist doesn't know what Communism is. It's like saying you're a Christian and a Muslim.

why the fuck is islam the fastest growing religion are that many people that psychopathic

>belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe.

>disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

>the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
>a particular system of faith and worship.

I don't believe in santa or the tooth fairy, does that mean I now belong to a religion?

Atheism isn't a religion.
Anti-theism or Humanism is closer to a religion but it's still just a group of people who advocate for science and human rights, it's not an actual religion.

Lol, stop making threads like this. Of course your going to be circlejerked, Christcucks and goatfuckers are some of the most outspoken people ever.
>not having the belief that no man, CAN be god
But, God will let the broad masses continue to LARP, until you die.

Yeah of course atheism is small religion becouse people who are atheist say they have no religion.

Is this some sort of religious mantra for atheists?

>if you don't believe in deities, it means you believe in communism
Okay, Cletus.

Which one of those advocates for science?

>pointing out that someone is trivially wrong is a religious mantra

Correct, and the first world population is being dwarfed by the non-white population, all of whom have convictions that they're willing to kill dissenters over. Oh yeah did I mention there's a lot more of them than there are of us?

It's just that Commies are the ISIS of atheists.

It's not wrong. Veganism is a diet, even though they don't eat real food.

No, because communism isn't based on a dogmatic interpretation of the lack of belief in deities.

Why do you care how many people believe in your shit? Religion is for the community not for the world, you globalist shill.

>something is a religion even if it doesn't fit the definition of a religion
The sad thing about religious people is that their arguments are hard to tell apart from trolling.

Except that it is. You see, the existence of the divine leads to a whole lot of things. All of which communism rejects.
Things don't exist in a vacuum. They are derived from something. To them, all those things were arbitrary or in the way.

>God is omniscient (Psalm 139:4)
>God is omnipotent (Matthew 19:26)
>God is omnipresent (Proverbs 15:3)
>God predates the universe and created it (Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:17)

So God is sitting around before existence (as we know it). He knows everything about all things that could ever happen. He also has the power to create any universe he pleases. God would have full knowledge of all details of any universe he could make, because he's omniscient.

God then decides to create this exact universe. In this universe, Adam and Eve are created. Eve betrays God, and creates original sin. Then, God casts all humans out from the Garden of Eden and creates a list of arbitrary and sometimes conflicting rules for people to follow if they don't want to spend eternity suffering.

Why did God do that? Why did God create this universe if he knew this would happen? The typical response I get is something along the lines of "God created man, MAN created sin."

God created humans knowing damn well they would sin, because God's omniscient, right? He could have created a universe that was nothing but happiness, yet he created a universe that he knew would end up in pain, sin, and death.

One of two things is true:
Either the Christian God is sadistic
The Christian God isn't real

>the existence of the divine leads to a whole lot of things
It doesn't lead to any of those things except for the last one.

>Things don't exist in a vacuum. They are derived from something
Then show me how you logically derive communism from the assumption that deities don't exist.

But I am trolling. Your special snowflake genderfluid religion that is not a religion is a religion. It acts like it was.
If it was like not believing in Santa Claus, you would not be making communities around it, or center your identity so hard around it that every ho ho ho you hear triggers you.

OP would be unrelated to you. You would not be a group.

>It doesn't lead to any of those things except for the last one
It leads to all those things. Which is why the educated minds dismantle old behavior. Such as property rights, norms etc.
Divine retribution is the cold shower.

>it was like not believing in Santa Claus...
>OP would be unrelated to you.
If there was a large segment of the population that religiously believed in Santa Claus and kept claiming that not believing in Santa Claus is a religion, maybe I would try to explain to them why they're wrong as well. When it's a handful of schizophrenics doing it, it's just funny. When it's billions of people, it's not so funny anymore.

>You would not be a group.
I'm not a "group". Atheist movements are a group. Not believing in deities doesn't automatically make you a part of it or any other "group".

Atheism promotes moral relativism and materialism, both of which are wrong.
Meanwhile human consciousness expands since its the Age of Aquarius.

>if it was possible to ask the moneys why to not go up the ladder
Well the monkeys would have communicated to each-other why they shouldn't in that case, so obviously that knowledge would have passed down as well.

>It leads to all those things
It doesn't lead to any of those things. Even if we assumed that some kind of deity created the universe, nothing logically follows from this because you don't know anything about its nature. You still have to come up with morals, values etc. and then convince everyone that it's what your deity wants.

babby tier arguments

Nothing is arbitrary, the laws put forward by God are for our own benefit. You may choose to view the world as one great recruitment and training ground for God; there is more than this life that we are working towards.

You do a poor job, and learn nothing of God, into the trash you go.

>Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.

"Atheism is the fastest growing religion" was and likely is true for most of the west.

The third world has a much higher birthrate and much higher rate of religiosity. Of course the worldwide picture is going to favor religion. If we keep importing muslims to the west it's going to change here too, especially in countries like Sweden and Norway where unbelief is already shy high (potential for growth is capped).

>Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.

What kind of dimension do you come from?

It's hilarious anyone would defend the utter tepid piss Christianity that exists in the west. Your own leaders want to open all borders to muslims, the pope demands it and kisses the feet of Syrians, protestants have readings from the Quran in churches..

Christianity is a spineless religion that will be skullfucked by Muslims if you people ever have a faceoff.

A big part of the reason people abandon Christianity is that it does nothing for ordinary people. It stands for nothing. It's a happy feel good pile of bullshit ceremony and moral philosophy not even found in the Bible itself, just marxist leftism juryrigged into Christian language.

You're losing because you're weak.

If it's such a "babby tier" argument, why do theists always fail to address it (yourself included)? You literally can't explain why humans bear any responsibility for their actions if they were created by God and all of their actions are predetermined.

There are like 20 responses to this argument of determinism vs free will and omniparadox
take your pick

>If there was a large segment of the population that religiously believed in Santa Claus and kept claiming that not believing in Santa Claus is a religion
So you define yourself based on religion, and not divine?

So you didn't get it? Religion is passing down that knowledge. Some start to question it and if allowed, will climb the ladder and release hordes of niggers into your lands.


You know nothing of Christianity, only of the heretical hijackers

>Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion

Atheism is a religious belief, not a religion in of itself.

>there are so many counter arguments that i can't even make one
Thanks for playing.

>It doesn't lead to any of those things
It does. Which is why similar religious morals produce similarly functioning societies. Atheists will die out.

Future belongs to Mormons, Muslims, old faith, Orthodox Jews etc. Who outbreed the others. Secular society killed the mild religious behavior already.

>So you define yourself based on religion, and not divine?
I don't "define myself" based on either. Can you try to be coherent?

>it does
Prove your claim. Let's assume some kind of deity created the universe. Now show me the logical deduction that leads from this premise to whatever your values and morals are. Good luck.

You do. You base your central identity around the fact that there are religions so you have to identify as atheist. You're not just neutral or skeptical, you deny. That is a religious belief.

>You base your central identity around the fact that there are religions
But you're just lying.

>You're not just neutral or skeptical, you deny.
I don't deny the possibility that deities exist. Maybe they do. I just don't see a valid reason to believe in them.


>hierarchy is holy
>ownership is sanctified
Compare to
>everybody is equal
>law of the jungle
Etc. Same with family. Even Gays want the religious rites, despite the fact that it goes against everything.

You weren't born into a vacuum. There are many ancient structures still around that the leftist ISIS hasn't purged yet. When they do...

I repeat:
Prove your claim. Let's assume some kind of deity created the universe. Now show me the logical deduction that leads from this premise to whatever your values and morals are.

Your post doesn't contain any logical deduction.

>But you're just lying.
You came here triggered over op. You were religiously hurt. Your beliefs about some abstract progress (with no goal) were being challenged, likely.

Atheist behavior is akin to the behavior of a religious fanatic.

Idk what the stats are but I feel like just about every person I know under age 30 feels the same way as you, but somehow there must be a bunch of militant atheists out there giving us a bad name claiming that God CANT POSSIBLY EXIST, and they are SO CERTAIN of this that they have made it the central part of their identity

But you're literally just lying again.

'Belief in a divine' is enough for my point. The belief in the divine shapes every aspect of our lives. Not equally everywhere and with everybody, but religion is the social glue that sticks it all together.
You'll be an Arab country soon enough. Just keep on having those abortions.

I'm assuming. You could have come here triggered by your autism too.

I asked you to prove your claim using logical deduction. Your post doesn't contain any logical deduction and your claim remains unproven.

>You could have come here triggered by your autism too
What, like you?

lets do the easy one then since you wont specify your particular issue:

if you develop 'laws of motion' as newton did, and realized that they dont function correctly when you get to astronomical masses. You dont say that the universe is invalid since your laws must be correct. You attempt to find the error in your laws of motion.

You attempt to understand why god would make humans responsible in a world where our actions are predetermined. "This does not make sense."

God does not make error, the error is with human understanding.

>You know nothing of Christianity, only of the heretical hijackers

List the denominations and churches that you think actually has a strong Christianity.

> the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
> a particular system of faith and worship.

Because it isn't a religion. It's a term to describe a disbelief in a deity. That's it. There's no book, no creed, no rules, no ceremony, no rituals, nothing to worship and no system.

I suspect the fact that theistic belief is rising correlates to the booming growth in third world populations and the decline in western populations. Not something I'm overjoyed about.

So your argument is literally "you're wrong because God said so"?

>Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world
Seeing as Atheism is not a religion, this makes zero sense.

No its god of the gaps.

Not a single country has been born out of atheism. Not a single one. They are all rooted in religious spooks, and spooks backed by religion.
Any tinkering with religion has an effect on these things. Tell people they don't have free will, and they'll choose to be more antisocial. Atheist countries outright deny many of the social aspects religion provides. Including property rights. Sure, people are greedy even without, but religion is what prevents social disharmony, so rich may live.

Your post... It doesn't contain any logical deduction. Do you understand what logical deduction is? Do you want me to explain what it is and why your post doesn't contain it?

i think you got your chasuble too tight.

The problem is that islam/buddhism are growing.

Atheists and Christians should join forces.

No i am making no assumption about what god says.

We try to understand something that 'is' but that 'is' is there regardless. if you see a star in the sky and it doesnt fit in with your world view you dont just say that star isnt there im just imagining it.

Think of god as that which we do not know

Atheism is infertile. It can't create or maintain anything.


Pick one and one only.

These threads never amount to anything.

I asked you to explain why people are responsible for their actions before God if they are his creations, and each one has a completely predetermined script to play out designed by God himself.

Saying "just because you don't understand doesn't mean it's not true" is not an argument because I wasn't making that claim in the first place.


>the lack of a belief in deities doesn't inspire people to create anything
Sure, but this literally doesn't prove any of your claims.

Your post doesn't contain any logical deduction. Do you understand what logical deduction is? Do you want me to explain what it is and why your post doesn't contain it?

I created this
haiku to say this truth
you are a faggot

>trying to frame muslims outbreeding both of us by almost double as a good thing

typical christcuck, just dont come crying to us when you can't pay the jizya

lets say if you learned that drinking a glass of vinegar each day would make you and those who do it healthier and smarter. You had an explanation for it and then new empirical evidence had disproved your explanation. Does that make the benefits from drinking the vinegar any less real?

>No, because communism isn't based on a dogmatic interpretation of the lack of belief in deities.
It kind of is. Haven't you ever asked why one of the first things Communist countries do is move to either ban or control religion? In communism there is only room for worship of one entity, the state. Communism is completely incompatible with religion

You're not addressing anything I said. It sounds like you're arguing with voices in your head.

>all of their actions are predetermined.
This is false.

>It kind of is
If it kind of is, then show me the logical deduction that leads one from the premise that deities can't possibly exist to the conclusion that the means of production should be socially owned without making any additional assumptions.