Am a 22 neet beta white male struggling to move out. I suffer aspergers...

Am a 22 neet beta white male struggling to move out. I suffer aspergers. Am redpilled classical liberal and Trump supporter. I've come to realize that a strong family unit is essential for survival of the West and to stop the coming white genocide.

I have desire to raise kids to carry the torch but I want to breed as much of my autism out as I can for my kids, what qualities should I look for in a woman that can do that?

Is race mixing totally ruled out for me? If not, which race or ethnicity is best for breeding my autism out? Can I donate sperm to a butch lesbian or something like pic related and hope the masculinity and the gay can cancel out the autism? Should I sequence my genome?

Inb4 never trust women, the question at hand is how do I make sure my autism genetics become recessive genes in my kids?

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Probably latinas honestly. I hear that they're usually very assertive as mothers, but many of them avoid degeneracy, especially if they're Catholics. Try and enroll your kid in sports early, or at least send him to daycare and see to it that he interacts healthily with others.

Make sure that you push him into extracurriculars so that he has something to talk to other kids about it and form relationships with others.

You should just kill yourself, Mein Juden!

>hope the masculinity and the gay can cancel out the autism.

Honestly, this is why I come to this place. Thanks for the kek.

I'd have to move out of Michigan. Interaction with children here is confined to Minecraft, Beyonce, and general degeneracy influenced by adults. Your suggestion only works in a place that hasnt had a grand leftist cucking control it's politics for 150 years.

>I suffer aspergers
Please don't have kids

Why not desu? I'm redpilled enough to know to children with aspergers raided in a strong nuclear family absent of degeneracy tends to do great things did the works. There's Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Nicolai Tesla, Thomas Jefferson, maybe George Washington. I feel I was cucked by being sent to shitty public school and being raised by I one alcoholic parent and one pothead parent.


Come to AZ, sure a lot of the women here are degenerate filth, but an abundance of latinos

Also as long as you stay outta phoenig, you can find intelligent like-minded conspiracy theorists.

...WUZ scientists, founding fathers, philosophers, authors, composers n everything else important to the expanding and rooting of white culture n western values n shit.

go to siberia
get a model

Siberians are whiter than Americans

Rapey alcoholic Russians prostitute children in their culture like they always have but leave it to one fag on pol to celebrate the genetic degeneracy of the Russians because they're (((white)))

This is the most Sup Forums post I've ever seen.

>Rapey alcoholic Russians prostitute children

watch the fucking video you tosser
there are plent of girls that just dont make the cut to start their careers, because the Japs are usually the ones to start them, and they start young.
The girls have to be in good conditions and the ones that dont get picked by Japs usually often just continue to live their lives in Sibera as normal people

Siberia isnt Russia
Siberia isnt Chechnya
Siberia isnt Moscow

I think you meant to go to blogger

Autism mean you have no business breeding. You are young, naive, and desperately looking for a place to fit in, but you can't ever be a good parent and your genes are defective.

Get a vasectomy. You'll save hundreds of thousands of dollars and if you can find another crazy to fuck you won't make any little mistakes.

> send them to daycare
fucking cuck

>pol at it again

white people have everything and yet you still complain like little bitches. I wish this white genocide shit was real because i would give anything to see Sup Forums collectively lose its shit

>I suffer aspergers.
dont think of it a negative
just hone it in into a charming personality

Marry a schizophrenic.

Your aspergers and your wife's schizophrenia will mutate and cancel out each other's disorders while creating a superhuman with all the added bonuses of schizophrenia and autism without all the negatives

+150 IQ+
+No hallucinations
+Resilience to most illnesses, sickness and pain
+Lightning fast brain processing
+Natural gifted savant with everything
+Eidietic, autobiographical memory

-Being so awesome at everything and having to not be smug about it

>Inb4 never trust women
And this is why you will never find good one, you have already given up.

Given your pessimistic attitude, you don't deserve a good women either way.
Minecraft is a game I would encourage my children to play. Minecraft is the reason why I now love the outdoors and homesteading.

you sure classical liberalism is compatible with strong family units?

Basically means one who believes in freedom of speech, self defense, legal justice, in the literal non leftist sense.

>many of them avoid degeneracy, especially if they're Catholics.

This is true, but must be qualified: the ones who avoid degeneracy will be married before 20. The latinas you see still single at 20 or older are degenerate.

just dont knock up a woman whos over 25 since then autism rates start to go up

Autism is the thing that makes whites successful, attention to detail and superlative grasp of their situation/desire to master their circumstances.

The problem is that faggots like you are raised soft and you never to learn to naturally overcome it and make it work for you, like previous generations did. I'm not blaming you, just stating that the way children are raised promotes weak autistes who do not master themselves and become mentats/intelligentsia, as they did in the past.

It's how you raise your kids that matters more than anything else.

Just looks for someone outgoing, an extrovert. Preferable non-obsessive.

Opposites attract, its natural, nature will help you. One of the partial theorized reasons for the rise of births on the spectrum is that all the people of both sexes who are partially inclined concentrated in a few geographical areas in similar carers mostly in IT, and then married and had kids. Yeah, two introverted spergy coders are going to have more chance of having a kid who only cares about how many cars of each color he can count each day.

Just go out and be social and find someone outgoing, and then woo her. Don't forget the same forces pull at her as well.

My mom was 25 when she had me then had 2 more kids, both of whom are less autistic.
Sounds good but not foolproof. Essentially what my dad did.

>I have desire to raise kids
Pick two

There is no foolproof when it comes to making kids

You can wisely gamble the choice most likely to have a preferred outcome

Yea but there is no foolproof, the Canadian gave good advice imo.

If you want foolproof wait another ??? amount of years until we can manipulate DNA

Would that be a sin?

Outgoing women are too often whores, the wife material is gone after they're 20 and the introvert women are guaranteed autismoX10

>george washington

lol no

Dude stfu you're a beta virgin, don't pretend you know women. There's lots of different women out there, surely ones you can connect with as well.

Yoy mean if having kids is a sin? I dunno, it's a gamble for sure

>save the white race
>probably latinos honestly
This is the state of neo-Sup Forums. Christcucks are truly a cancer that needs to be purged.

>outgoing women are whores
Just lol, the only difference between the outgoing and the quiet girl is their willingness to tell you how much cock they've sucked

Why do you want this fool who actually believes in mental illness to breed with our women, Aussie?

Autistic genes are necessary to drive a people forward. See Tesla

Did you even read what I said?

Nah, should I have?

Genetically altering your kid's genes before he's born
>Ecclesiastes 7:13 Consider the work of God: who can make straight what he has made crooked?
Oh yea
This gonna become this as soon as Trump gets his ban and sends the Muslim criminals back abbonigger

>but I want to breed as much of my autism out as I can for my kids
>which race or ethnicity is best for breeding my autism out?

Embrace your autism for what it is, then you will glean your real powers from it. If you refuse to do this then you'll just be an aspie without any aspie powers. The powers come from embracing it. There is no other way.

Basically stop resenting yourself this much and relax. Try actually having a successful date with a woman first before you consult the internet about having children, lol.

>this is gonna become this
And just lol at using a bible verse as an argument against genetic engineering.

Oh wait you meant an actual sin in the name of Christianity, then I don't care. It's outdated and not relevant anymore in real world dessicions.

Christianity is the sin if it wouldn't allow you to alter your kids DNA to be the best version of themselves (assuming we had such technology)

Fucking phone
>Australia is going to turn into this when Trump gets his ban back and sends you Muslim criminals

When two superfedoras square off in the wilderness it's always a tense situation.