Mixed race people

So, can someone who is half-white be alt-right? A friend of mine is 50% Finnish and 50% Iranian but he's redpilled. This gives me mixed feelings. On one hand, he has the same political views, but on the other, he's almost a sandnigger even though he looks white. What does Sup Forums think?

Gas him

But he's still my friend :(

No alt-right groups accept non-whites.

Try the alt-lite

But isn't race realism and holocaust revisionism a redeeming factor?

>But isn't race realism and holocaust revisionism a redeeming factor?

Alt-right is a whites only movement.

This is just natural law.

We're out to destroy degenerate culture, not ethnicities, we're not racists. I'd accept anyone as long as they denounces degeneracy

He can always be your friend. But the sad thing about him is that he will never be able to join any real movements involving identity politics as is the case with all mixed race people. It would make him and the people in the movement feel awkward.
I have a half indian dude that's one of my best friends, we share pretty much the exact same views but I can't imagine him ever being at any real life events with me.

>we're not racists

Ummmmm yes we are. Fucking nordic cucks. Can't be trusted not to cuck out on anything.

moi. consider the following:

there is a glass of clean water
there is a glass of diarrhea
there is an empty glass
pour half of the clean water in the empty glass
pour half of the diarrhea in the empty glass

alt right is a meme from fake news.

thats why the (((media))) is pushing so hard for race-mixing. it creates facts on the ground and confusion.

keep it simple : white + X = abomination

Well being 50% Finnish is a problem, I'm not sure he will ever be able to get rid of the Mongol blood.

I know, but it's the only proper term I could think of
Well, I wouldn't use the word cuck, it's not like HE chose to be half a sandnigger.

If he is a true warrior then he will be an honorary Aryan.

i'm already so race mixed i don't even want to have children. i just want to find some sexy secular persian woman to suck my dick every night.

you can be whatever the fuck you want and be "alt right". it's just a title. there was that chink nazi and he seemed to get along fine. you can be a black national socialist. who fucking cares?

however if you'd ask me if i'd support that that would be a different question.

Iranians are white

>Well, I wouldn't use the word cuck, it's not like HE chose to be half a sandnigger.

you need to lurk more.

The only thing you should care about is that 50% of his genes are complete shit. What he looks like doesn't come first.

There no such ting as an alt right, but he can be whatever stupid made up lable he wants to be.

He doesn't belong in Fingolia though.

>mixed race

Finns arn't white either

Oh come on. Everybody knows we finns have the purest white genes in Europe!

Yes, your friend is perfectly free to become an idiot.


Ill give you a real scientific answer in just a minute

Two non-white people can have white children it seems.

Thanks for the answer

Martin Luther King Jr dreamed of a nation where people "will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character". I don't think his goal was too contradictory with Sup Forums's. Judge people by their personality and actions rather than the physical traits that they were born with. We should've been treating the migrants based on their actions; desertion, illegal border-crossings, systematic abuse of the asylum system, crime, etc. Likewise, we should've been calling out American blacks for their ghetto culture and crab mentality. However, because of the social justice movement and identity politics, Western countries have been judging these people by their skin color instead. They've been labeled as poor oppressed victims, and people have been much more lenient with their misconduct than they would be with white people doing the same things.

IMO you should judge your friend by what he says and does rather than his heritage. If your buddy is a cool person, I don't see a problem. Even if a country's been taken over by islam, individuals from that country can still be good people. Also, if you friend's half-Iranian, he's not all that different from Europeans anyway. The word "Aryan" has its roots in Iran.

It's really making me think

They are as white as Southern French or Italians.

We don't hate the unintelligent blacks because they are black
We hate them because they don't conform to society and act like chimps
We don't hate Muslims because they are brown
We hate Muslims because the tenants of their religion consist of hatred of non-Muslims and spreading Islam wherever they go.
This causes them to act like they live in the Middle Ages; stonings, public executions, etc

This might be anwer you seek.
In Poland at least our nationalism is not so much based on skin color, but rather sharing common value and cultural bond. I mean, we dislike arabs, but not because they are arabs, but because of their culture, which is in confrontation with our culture. That's why we beat shitskins, and if there are few innocent ones or non-muslim ones:
>deus vult
>god will recognize the chosen ones.

Hrs half Finnish so he has more right to Finland than some "white" person from America.

having a small immigrant population is ok, but no racemixing.