Ylyl thread?

ylyl thread?
ylyl thread.

wew lad
Delusional fuckwads are destroying this country, and they're doing it for the kikes.


Old but good


Also this


This doesn't make me laugh, it just pisses me off.

It's too accurate to be funny....




we need to make some for the 9th circuit ruling and the 6hrs later where ICE started hitting the streets

Good read





Solid gold comedy.


how dare you assume genders of people of latin descent!!



Laci green BEST GIRL


I don't have lgbt+, female, black, latino/a, or muslim friends. I don't have any friends

There is active /ptg/ thread already faggot.



>Wants to be noticed
>Installs a door knocker on her nose

Even if you did. You don't owe them a goddamm explanation

>I can scream I AM HERE

SJWs in a nutshell. Attention is all that matters to these broken and sad people.


>having lgbt, latinos, black and Muslim friends
Top Kek

This one ain't that bad. Sure they're a leftist, but it really just seems like typical woman behavior.

At least they had the courtesy to wish our great country good luck. More than one can say for most cunts that night.

Ya gotta cut our countrymen some slack, my man.
If they are willing to support the Republic then they should be treated just like any one of us and coerced into reason.

too true.

>no Nigel Farage "Wakey Wakey"

>notice me senpai

Top kek



Well played, oldest ally!






20 years later
>Omg why can't I settle down with a chad reee
Because hes a chad and now you're empty. Literally .

The love of many waxes cold

I'm pretty sure that's just the plot of a Paranoia campaign

Lmao like you will be the chad. Bitch please
Fat fuckers like yerself only believe. The redpill because you are incompaterbil with socierty




Based Japan strikes again

it has never ceased to blow me mind over the last year and a half how wildly uninformed these people are yet they scream and shout their ignorance to anyone who will listen. it's clear next to none of them did anything such as watch the debates or read the candidates positions in their own words, content to soak up CNN alarmist propaganda and call it good.
as if their entire social studies/history education consisted of a teacher reading them 1984 over a bullhorn in a small room then told them that is what will happen if a republican is ever elected again and that was the end of it.
just wtf

>Lmao like you will be the chad. Bitch please
Fat fuckers like yerself only believe.

I'm no chad or a neckbeard. Just the truth that woman have it easy over the sort term but men get it easier over the long term.


Either troll or triggered. Unless you have a child you might as well be a virgin.

good one



Dude come on, this isn't a cringe thread.





This literally had me laughing out loud, which rarely happens. It wouldn't be nearly as funny if the monkey didn't win.

It ain't a leaf thread either yet here you are


Classic. I pray to Kek this is genuine.


And yet every single time we see communism rear its ugly head it seems to only get worse.

Did I mention Marx was a faggot?


>when you want some fried chicken but no KFC nearby


OC. This is a real human being.

hehe, nice


Nips dropping knawlidj as usual

I wanna shake that gook's hand.



Bitch thought her fellow white women owed her something

I found a female who looks exactly like the Australian shitposter meme today


motherfuckin saved


>I don't have any friends


Holy shit user how dud you find this
also check'd

This isn't a cringe-thread

holy fuck I am quietly losing my shit at the office over this. the fucking sandal throw... the dirt throw lmfao holy fuck



totally telling this at happy hour after work

One frequent sign of autism is repeating words or phrases that other people say.


I mean its fucking true though. Liberals push this appropriation shit because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Because they automatically assume the worst, that people are only doing it to ridicule, but even if they are, stop being an abysmal faggot and laugh about it instead.

you can see his ribs at one point

pretty neato

Just an article about that radio lass

One frequent sign of autism is repeating words or phrases that other people say.


Peruvian forces vs Brazil's Special Operations

I don't want to see this, what is he doing?



christ almighty I know right... and he's just sitting there... slowly dying... and the guy filming just walks around like "oh let me get a better look at what's going on on the other side of him" fuckin a man... was not ready for this at 7am
