Soros is /ourguy/

Everything he's done has effectively succeeded in one aspect: pushing people to the right.

BLM, OWS, the Refugees, Antifa, "Dear White People" - not a single one of these things is viewed favorably by reasonable people, and he knows it. You don't become as rich as he has while being out-of-touch and stupid. He's completely aware that he's seen as a pariah, and intentionally floats his name out there with causes that are viewed as destructive liberal extremism to embolden the other side. Tucker Carlsen literally makes his living putting the kind of idiots that Soros funds on TV and showing how stupid they are.

Soros isn't fighting white people, he's fighting socialism.

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t. edgy user

Soros is almost single-handedly responsible for Brexit, and the rise of right-wing nationalism in Europe. Western Europe was becoming more and more cucked, complacent, and socialist until he helped bring refugees over to shake things up.

This would make sense, especially considering that Trump is still letting him just do his thing. Why stop antifa now, when they are driving people over to the right so effectively? Also, Soros could just the sacrificial scape goat to take the heat off the Rothschilds, somebody to hate while he is rewarded by his masters with vast sums of money.

Reminder that he helped Hitler.

pol virgins just hate Soros because his end game is making flag posting unnecessary

Didn't he break Britain in the early 90s with stocks and shit?

Is "good guy Soros" the new red pill?

Speaking of his end game, when is this fucker going to die already? It is hard to imagine he has more than a few years left by looking at him, but he just keeps ticking over somehow, thanks to rejuvenation therapy, human sacrifice, blood of innocent children, etc... Think his son will be able to be as evil? Doesn't make much sense to shoot the old fucker when it seems like nature is about to do the work for you, AND he has his son/clone to carry on the family business.

So are we supposed to thank him for this?

His son is a beta male. He's pretty dumb and has been pampered his whole life, so he wont have the same ingenuity that Soros had to be able to pull off such schemes.

he has done more damage to the western world than any other individual or country in the last 50 years. He deserves a 655 gr. 50 caliber professionally fired projectile to the brainpan....only my humble opinion of course

he'll successfully transplant his brain into his sons body thus achieving a degree of immortality and the ability to further destablize the west with his insidious meddling


Together we will destroy white people and nations faster than Merkel could ever have imagined!

He's /yourgoy/

Soros is pretty much just the real life version of Ozymandias from watchmen.

he infact called out jewish neighbours to the SS with 14years

So, he's making himself a really obvious target in order to give his 'opponents' a target to take down (because a social system is too vague to properly fight against) in order to invigorate them and lead to new prosperity?


quote from wikipedia
Views on antisemitism and Israel
>Soros has argued that Jews are partly responsible for antisemitism,[133] and that Jews would overcome antisemitism "by giv[ing] up on the tribalness."[134] On November 5, 2003, at a Jewish forum in New York City, Soros partially attributed a recent resurgence of antisemitism to the policies of Israel and the United States, and the role of wealthy and influential individuals:

>There is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush administration and the Sharon administration contribute to that. It's not specifically anti-Semitism, but it does manifest itself in anti-Semitism as well. I'm critical of those policies... If we change that direction, then anti-Semitism also will diminish. I can't see how one could confront it directly... I'm also very concerned about my own role because the new anti-Semitism holds that the Jews rule the world... As an unintended consequence of my actions... I also contribute to that image.[135]

Oy vey, we don't rule the world goyim

I've been starting to look at it more and more this way as well. By having so many extremes coming out of the left side, it exposes all the shit so much more to the point that it causes an opposite ripple effect that shifts the narrative away from it more and more. Nothing lives forever, including ideologies.

I still don't trust the guy, but it's clear that the left is crumbling in many ways.

only the wicked mind of a hebrew could come up with bs like that. no, he isn't. he's a (((nwo))) wallet for the rothschilds, nothing else.

and he's s nazi collaborator. he doesn't give a flying fuck about his own brood. (((nwo))) jews are the worst jews, even amongst the wicked & evil shlomos themselves.

a pure khazar. evil itself. bloodline of the fallen.

Soros is pushing for a world wide conservative movement.

He's doing it by pushing refugees into Europe , funding blm, funding Hillary while having his voting machines rig it for trump

The liberals are taking the bait by accepting his funding not knowing it backfires

He is /our guy/


He's the man we need, but don't deserve.
So we troll and flame him because he can take it.
Because he's not our hero.

He's a silent guardian.
A watchful protector.
A Dark Knight.

been saying this for awhile

>Guy who stands to gain the most from a conservative and far right world where might is right and money is true power is behind the advancement of such things and making the causes held by the left seems completely insane.

Colour me surprised!

I hope you like eating bug paste, Sup Forums.

eh, I don't mind. I eat fried crickets as is (super food, most redpilled snack) so it isn't much of a change.

High in protein, fiber, and calcium.
Low in fat, cholesterol, and calories.

sys.Sup Soros runs the Siraj Palestine fund registered in the Cayman islands Littlefield&exact_phrase=&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&publication_type[]=42&publication_type[]=46&new_search=False&order_by=most_relevant#results[]=46&new_search=False&order_by=most_relevant#results

I'm pretty sure that he was responsible for the Arab Spring

He worked for the Nazis (They probably red-pilled him). I think this could be plausible.