How does Sup Forums feel about the rise in Hispanic/White mixed race couples?

How does Sup Forums feel about the rise in Hispanic/White mixed race couples?

With white women being increasingly indoctrinated with feminism and leftist propaganda, is choosing Latinas to breed with a better alternative? I find that most Latinas seem to be immune to leftism.

Anyone here dating or married to a Latina? I'm doing a bit of research.

Other urls found in this thread:

>immune to leftism

latinas vote 75% democrat what on earth you talking about

>white pick1

I would avoid taking a latinx, or at least anyone who self-identifies as latinx. If they cling to that as part of their identity it is probably some kind of red flag. You want to marry white or white-indoctrinated people. No savages.

where is the latino? i see no latinx in your photo.

correct, here in California (i'm sure it is similar elsewhere), any latinos/latinas under 40 are either going to be apolitical or leftist. The conservatism of latinos comes from the older generation and basically ties hand in glove with the catholic traditions.

Spic here
>Latinas to breed with a better alternative?
For the most part they are into white guys because it "betters the race" long term they wont be hot anymore 40 the latest no such thing as a Latina milf but on the plus side they are good cooks and generally loyal but do carry an attitude at time
>I find that most Latinas seem to be immune to leftism.
Immune to most SJWism but not to traditional Bill Clinton type leftism
What ever you do stay the fuck clear from Puerto Ricans they are latent coal burners

with latinos the general rule is the whiter they are, the more conservative they are

which is why trump did very well among spanish cubans

I can't see any problem with this.

Two mexicans dating each others. Great!

America is so colour blind!

European couples are not included in this post from OP, because he is american.


Is the woman in the pic even a beaner? She looks like she'd be acceptably Castizo if so.

TL;DR would bang.

I meant Latinas from other countries, sorry.
In Mexico for instance the women are still expected to cook, clean, care for the children and other traditional womanly traits that the US abandoned half a century ago.

that's true, they are more traditional elsewhere. but once they move here and assimilate, they become just like any other american girl.

>In Mexico for instance the women are still expected to cook, clean, care for the children and other traditional womanly traits that the US abandoned half a century ago.
This is largely true white women are like overgrown teenagers

yes I understand, but are you still a race traitor if your children come out white?

Mexican girls boss white guys around hardcore, plz be aware of your own power level before entering one of these relationships

Hispanics are basically white.


jewish race mixing thread.

not sure those kids are white, they look very north african if i had to wager

some are, but most are not. there are hispanics of all races do not forget. there are even black hispanics.

Also user if you want to preserve the "white race" she cant be much more brown than pic related

That's Yanet Garcia, the hot Mexican weatherwoman

that girl is probably spaniard, which is why she is so hot

I'm a white guy, I wanted desperately to be with a white girl and have white children. But every white girl I dated was so fucked up. They all made-believed they had mental illnesses, lied, cheated, nagged me about insignificant shit, wanted to argue about feminism and race, had super high standards, didn't want to have sex for long periods of time because of mental health issues, made me feel bad about stuff like not being 6 feet tall (I'm 5'10"), etc. I started dating Latin girls, and my current gf is so kind and sweet and just a wonderful person in every way, and things have been good for 7 years. I wanted a white girl and white kids, but in the end I just want to be happy, man. I don't want to suffer with some stupid white bitch so says stuff like "so much this" and "douche canoe" and quotes parks and recreation.

The good looking Latina or Hispanic women are basically white women with brown skin.

>Mexican girls boss white guys around hardcore

this is a cultural thing. mexicans are brought up with machismo values. the women have more testosterone than white women and aren't docile. So white men aren't prepared to deal with them or their unpredictable mood swings. You have to be dominant towards them or they won't respect you.
In the US, men are taught to treat women like princesses and bend to their every whim so you can see how this a conflict, white men are cucked.

Also, mexican girls are tiny. You can just pick them up and carry them back to the fucking kitchen/bedroom etc..

this girl is hardly even mexican. mostly spanish 100%

She probably has armedian genetics. Hispanic meztizos and Native Americans generally have a weaker genome than Indo Europeans unlike Asians or Africans.



i would hope that spaniards are a bit taller desu.

I'll die alone

I have an extremely severe oneitis, so I don't care at all about such things.

majority of the burgers on Sup Forums are hispanics

>things have been good for 7 years
shit son. wish I could meet and settle down with a qt latina ;_;
Do you have kids together or plan on having any?

>hispanics aren't white
why is this such a big meme in the US? Is it because of the supposed mixing with natives/imported slaves?
Maybe in south or latin america but not in North.

They both look mixed

do you have any evidence or infographics to corroborate this?

>Anything from south america


this was taken in november last year


they also think slavs aren't white.
Sup Forums is funny.

Yeh but why is it used together with Black/White/Asian.
Those are races, Hispanic isn't a race.

My wife is a white hispanic. All good

But birches still be cray

I agree, just adding info

Find a Cuban bitch

holy fuck that bitch drives me insane. she can't stand still for one second

>White hispanic

There is no such thing, she might be a pale spic but she isn't white.

can't help it bro i like em

>Hispanic/White mixed race couple

you're wrong. neither of them are white.

hint: it's in the eyes, and the fact that they're brown.

>the rise

People who just woke up out of the coma because of the past year's election cycle disgust me to the core.

They are usually immune to cultural leftism but they lean left on workers

anglos have always been special snowflakes who think they are the only true white race

I still don't understand why Americans see Hispanics as "POC".
I met so many US tourists over here in Germany who had a hard time understanding that Spanish and Portugese people are white.
Once i even met american tourists who had a hard time understanding that Italians are white.

I understand that Mexico had alot of Mixing going on with the natives. But there are still lots of white Mexicans.

Another weird thing is that Argentine is racially over 90% white. Yet if you move to the USA, you're considered a "POC" because to Americans
>South Americans = Always POC

Explain this Burgers

Becasue we aren't. Muh dik mugafuga where da white wimminz at?

They want to keep the SA man down

Where is the proof?

She's doing fucking nothing with her mouth. He looks like a nigger monkey with his. Fucking heteros. Ive never seen ONE photo of good looking heteros fucking like the gross baboons they are

That's commom knowledge bud.

If they are from the "best" country of the world, why would they care about the other countries?

White women are superficial whores with no culture and very bland and boring.

>White women are superficial whores with no culture
I'm starting to think this is true European Culture is and has remained male dominated

We wanna have a kid. We will get married next year,

You can find a qt Latina. They date whites, Asians , etc, They don't seem picky. Also some tend to like nice guys cuz Latin men can be kinda cruel.

White is an Anglo term, stop using it.

Most Hispanic people in the us are Mexican, and most Mexicans are mestizo race (mixed native Amerindian and European), and are usually tan skinned and thus not white (they don't consider themselves white either, although most seem to be ignorant of the fact that they are part white).

Depends on what are the people we're talking about.
Like, a girl I knew is currently expecting a child from a Mexican.
She's dumb as a box of nails, Facebook dog filters and shit like that.
The guy, on the other hand, is chill but is a manlet and a total SJW.
I'm honestly afraid for the future of what will come out of her vag.
So it really depends on what kind of person that is. Generally I think Latino genes aren't that much worse than the white ones, if worse at all.

They always do. Americans also seem to believe that definitions/classifications relevant in the USA are also relevant anywhere in Europe.

Another example that always gets black american tourists butthurt:
>Beyonce is not black
>Beyonce is mixed
>The one-drop rule doesn't exist anywhere else
>Beyonce doesn't look too black either

>pic unrelated: My Spanish Waffen-SS Volunteer collection

A lot of mixing? Almost every single Mexican is mestizo mixed race. Studies show that over 80% are. So Americans see hispanics as not white, as most hispanics in America are Mexican and Puerto Ricans (usually not white). Most Americans know that Spanish and Portuguese are white, and are spics, but we have almost no portos or spaniards over here. Just nex and puerto

>they don't consider themselves white either
I wouldn't know from all the mexicans who post here, most insist they're white.

That video kind of depressed me desu. That girl is so fucking stupid and useless it hurts. Her only asset is her body and she knows it.

I've been to Southern Brazil a couple of times. People there are more white than areas i've visited in Kansas, Kentucky, Texas, Montana and West Virginia.

Also many people there have german names

How is no-one talking about this bitches hairy ass gorilla arms.

Maybe a regional thing. I'm in cali - Mexicans don't like whites and are openly hostile. I hear in Texas there is more of a desire to integrate? Or are you in cali too ? The mex on pol are probably self hating and smart and want to distance themselves from the dumb

Mexican girls are fucking clueless about shaving their arms. I've had to make all my Latina gfs shave their arms in the past as it was gross

It really depends on the region, user. Alot of the russian slavs around the moscow region derive from swedish vikings that colonized the area-- Moscow comes from the settlement Kievan Rus.

That's alright. But why do so many of you carry this idea over here to Europe. Lots of people here on Sup Forums also have trouble realizing that Spaniards, Portugese etc. are white.

I believe those are leftover ideas when Italians, Spaniards etc. were considered "non-white" in the USA over 50 years ago.
It's even more annoying when i encounter this crap among people on the right.

Married to a Latina. She cooks for me every day. She told me there is a saying about women that won't cook, something that translates loosely to like "Send her back to her mother!"

That's horrible...

Hairy arms when they're young, and a full speed ahead into the wall at 40.. why date them at all.

Argentina and Chile also have large German populations.

If your kids come out looking white then she had a decent amount of Spanish blood mixed in. 1/4 Mexican myself and I look white af. Probably whiter than most Sup Forums posters desu.

They look just fine at old age if they are into taking care of themselves. They just look bad on average cuz they are poor, overworked, eat crap food. Hairy arms are gross but not a big deal if they just shave them. It's just how even white girls get gross leg hair and armpit hair if they let it grow. Just shave it and it's fine

>Or are you in cali too ?
yes. California mexicans are the worse. they adopted and emulate nigger culture. disrespect the American flag and fly the mexican one. speak fucked up spanish because they're not really mexican. academically they score just above niggers. Some are ok, but for the most part Cali mexicans bring down the rest who want to make something of themselves and assimilate.
The girls don't seem to be as fucked up though.

>that guy

He's just a pale spic. His eyes are brown as fuck.

I'm married to a half-french half-turkish woman.
Her turkish side of the family is from north-western Turkey. So very pale, green eyes, darkblonde hair, face looks like faces i see in Bavaria and her turkish side of the family was never muslim either.

Now try to tell people on Sup Forums that Turkey is a very diverse country and has lots of white people. Same goes for Georgia etc.

finally someone who gets its not just fucking skin tone

Yes, but what is it that if you're Argentinian or Brazilian and move to the USA, that you're considered a "POC" ?
I just don't get it.

That's really funny how you also noticed that they don't speak Spanish well. I've always maintained that California Mexicans neither speak English well or Spanish well. They speak two pidgin languages.

A lot of the girls like white guys, and sometimes lie and say they only like Mexican guys because they don't wanna get in trouble with the hive mind.

This is a pet peave of man. Most hispanics are already mostly white. There is no such thing as half hispanic. Half hispanic is code for 90% and wants affirmative action.

>all whites have blue eyes
my god you need to pay attention in school kiddo

Grew up in South Texas. Like whites there's perfection and trash. Would marry the right based Hispanic.

Wanted to add a lot of Mexican girls I know loved Edward norton in American history x cuz of the thug look, but it shows just how much of sellouts they are that they get wet to a nazi with a swastika tat

Most Mexicans here in cali are more like 50:50. And lots of majority Amerindian DNA people. The almost white ones tend to stay in Mexico as their upper crust in Mexico City and such

>not liking glorious arm hair

when will this cuck sensibility die! arm hair is a sign of high testosterone which equals higher sex drive! these girls NEED sex multiple times throughout the day or they start getting hysterical.
Only a cuck would think this is a bad thing.

You wouldn't believe how often i still encounter american or canadian people who believe the meme that the SS only had blue eyed blond haired people in it and that Hitler only considered blue-eyed blonde-haired people german and everyone else was killed

>pic related

she looks mexican but not overwhelmingly so, she's one of the whitest spics i've seen, not my type but not bad would smash

Stick to the race rule:
>If she's a White Spanish Visigoth-type, then wife her
>If she's a Mestizo/Aztec/Mayan hobgoblin, like Jeb's wife, then run the other way


I remember time ago, an american tourist (girl) call me "diverse" not "white".

American Girl: Brown eyes, tanned skin and blonde hair (dyed as fuck)
Me: White skin (like fcking snow, i hate the summer), blue/green eyes, natural brown hair and blonde/red beard.

I looked her with this face. (pic)

Sometimes United statians can be very stupids.

My grandpa was like 70 White/30 Amerindian and we've been in Texas since the 1700's desu. So I look white as fuck.

Latinas worship white men and have a certain warmth to them. The middle class ones in western countries seem to make good partners.

T. Nordic guy who had the daughter of parents chilean acquaintances molest me when we were both ten years old

Race mixers will be the first to go on the day of the rope.

Been married to a Mexican for almost 13 years. There definitely are cultural differences, not so much between us, but with the in laws. Beware of their families. Other than that, there's great bantz in my house everyday, especially with Trump in office. It's awesome!

Aren't Hispanics mixed in the first place? What makes a spainard different to an Italian?