The Difference Between A Liberal And Conservative Brain

>First, let's take a look at the liberal brain. Studies have found that, on average, the brains of liberals have greater volume in a region known as the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). This area has been linked to several functions, including conflict detection, which enables us to regulate our behavior by identifying discrepancies between instinctual, habit-driven impulses and our actual intentions. So whether you're swerving to dodge a deer that's abruptly run onto the road, or halting before eating that one rotten grape from the fruit bowl, you can thank your ACC for its conflict detection capabilities.

>Beyond its greater size, the ACC of the liberal brain also fires more frequently while detecting these differences between instinct and intention. In a political context, this may enable liberals to approach policy issues with greater sensitivity to when their habitual tendencies are ill suited for addressing the issue at hand.

>The conservative brain, on the other hand, has greater volume in a region called the amygdala, an almond-shaped structure implicated in emotional and fear-based learning. In one study, researchers found that when conservatives hear shocking noise stimuli, such as a blast of white noise, they exhibit more fearful instinctual reactions as measured by blink response, an indicator of amygdala activity. These findings have led some to speculate that larger and more sensitive amygdalae in conservatives may cause them to be more driven by fear and emotional rewards.

Makes sense. And yes, the source cites the studies.

Other urls found in this thread:

Haha right wingers are unnuanced and emotion driven in their thinking.

I'll take whichever one can crop a fucking picture properly.

So liberals are rational problem solvers and conservatives are scared of everything.

Explains policy differences pretty well.

Fix the picture.
Paint skills are not satisfactory

The fact that ideologies can change very easily sometimes, invalidates this

>herrrderrr people who value tradition are fearful and retarded

More leftist lies. Do they do ANYTHING other than find ways to hurt people in more diverse ways? Seriously...someone dedicated finances towards "discovering" this theory.

No, your brain actually grows if you go liberal. It's the real redpill.

>Conservatives are the ones driven by emotion

The Amygdala is also the part responsible for Memory, thought processing, problem solving, and decision making. Nice of you to exclude that part though.

The fact that people can change ideologies does not invalidate the multiple, independent papers cited.

If you read some of the work on this, you'll find the explanation that a person can be persuaded to the opposite affiliation view point with arguments that appeal to their particular reasoning.

>in conservatives may cause them to be more driven by fear and emotional rewards

So which one was more likely to survive when being stalked by predator?
And which one actually recognizes threats to their survival in the modern world?

>this may enable liberals to approach policy issues with greater sensitivity to when their habitual tendencies are ill suited for addressing the issue at hand.

It's multiple studies, papers published in different scientific journals, and their methodology is all available for you to look at and properly refute. If you can't do that, you're a hurr durr right-winger.

The ACC is associated with emotion as well.

>The ACC area in the brain is associated with many functions that are correlated with conscious experience. Greater ACC activation levels were present in more emotionally aware female participants when shown short ‘emotional’ video clips.[24] Better emotional awareness is associated with improved recognition of emotional cues or targets, which is reflected by ACC activation.

Conservatives having a larger amygdala makes them more perceptible to threats. This is a good thing.


Every time they publish fake science, it's another argument against global warming ;^)

What did I just observe?

drumpf is not my president u shitlord

The differences in volume are real, but the interpretations are always faulty. Well it's more likely that this blogger just made up his interpretation and the actual scientists did not say much on the subject.

How often have you been stalked by a predator?

And also, barring any other physical difference, both are equally likely. It's not like a person would stop to think 'huh, is there any way that my basic instinct would not be practical in this situation'.

The point is that the more right you are, the more likely it is that you WON'T stop to think if say, a policy, was truly rational and the best course of action over your fear of refugees, etc.


This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.

"performance art"

Reality proves this bullshit "only liberals are enlightened" garbage wrong.

"Shhh, you're suppose to listen to my rhetoric"

Holy shit, read the actual papers. They cover the difference in volume, the fear responses to different stimulus, and more. If you want to say it's false, you have to submit an alternative explanation to REAL findings.

I'm not saying you can't, but you're not even trying-- which proves the point.

I want to see a study on the brains of Sup Forums posters, desu. Of course they'd need to find some Sup Forums posters with brains first, but if they ever do, that's a study I'd be interested in reading.



the juxtaposition of the form and the metaphor viz a viz the artistic narrative makes us feel, and in feeling we learn about reality

What if you began as a liberal, then turned far right?

(Conservatives are irrelevant.)

So liberals lack basic survival instincts?

Who didn't see that coming.

Get fucked nigger.



does this difference exist at birth?

is it learned or preset?

how do you know if they are making it up?

So conservatives are the ones who are driven by emotion?

I thought we were the heartless ones, which is it liberals?

Your brain shrank and you are no longer a good person.


It's better to be afraid than to be frightened.

No, it's bullshit. It's literally the opposite and any cursory review of reality proves this.

>people read this and actually think that science has a political bias
>especially a type of bias that just happens to align with their worldview



that's why they don't see the problem with importing the third world. they're oblivious

No you dumbass, you didn't read what I said. The data and differences are real, but the interpretation is just shit the author made up. For instance:

>In another study, researchers investigated the emotional differences between the two groups and found that when faced with risky decision-making, the amygdalae of Republicans fire at a greater rate than those of Democrats. This suggests that Republicans might be relatively more influenced by emotions in their decision-making process.

No it fucking doesn't. It could just mean that Republicans are more risk averse than Democrats.


You dumb shit. BOTH parts of the brain are closely linked to memory and problem solving. The point is that the amygdala is tied to --emotional-- learning, the ACC to more complex reasoning, such as error detection, conflict monitoring, and higher functions of consciousness.

Don't take my word for it, study this shit yourself.

(((Author: Dylan Goldstein)))

>Greater ACC activation levels were present in more emotionally aware female participants when shown short ‘emotional’ video clips.[24] Better emotional awareness is associated with improved recognition of emotional cues or targets, which is reflected by ACC activation.
Nice lie by omission.

Left wingers are only bred when right wingers make life comfortable enough for their feeble minds/bodies.

Obviously this study on applies to modern American conceptions of the liberal conservative dichotomy, but similar differences in brain structure probably account for ideological differences.

I am not an expert, but I would figure that some sort of bias would exist at birth. However, upbringing significantly affects brain development up to adulthood. London taxis cab drivers have a significantly larger hippocampus due to the large amount of memorization they need to preform, as a part of their job. I could imagine upbringing could influence the brain in this way.

On the subject of liberals, this is purely a liberal mindset to be in that pisses me off but...

The most racist and sexist people I know are the liberals that say you can't be racist toward white people, or sexist toward men.

I was just asked by somebody I know in real life to provide an instance of white people "being oppressed or killed for being white". I referenced South Africa, provided links, she responded with "You people sure love alternative facts, good luck with all the oppression you'll face for being white in life".

Every fucking time.

Literally every single thing leftists lust after are based off emotional bullshit.

Do you faggots really have no self awareness?

> arguing on Sup Forums
> calling me a dumb shit
if you wanted a real discussion, you shouldn't have come to a laotian weaving board you fucking stoop ape

>acting on emotion is bad

Science is not used to make implications like this, faggot.

>I wonder whos behind this?

Pol right-wingers:

Uses Science to post unscientific eugenics bullshit to further their own racist ideology.

Surely you white supremacists realize that as humans we were and will survive by mixing our DNA as much as possible?

Love the fact that you all go on holiday to get a TAN.

Good post.


This. Liberals are only compatible with a world that was cleared for them.

Both are driven by emotion retard. Conservatives are driven by fear but more so selfishness and Liberals by compassion.

not gonna attempt my other questions?

inb4: what other questiopns

Your study is horse shit.

>liberals are more empathetic
Empathy is a function of more complex reasoning, and is evolutionary novel compared to the functions of the amygdala.

Conservatives are more driven by basic fear responses, and less empathetic (as the paper states), they find it hard to care about people outside of their own groups (I.e. American, Christian, White, Straight... Does this sound familiar?)

Again, study more.

Oldest trick in the book. Instead of admitting you get everything wrong all the time, declare your opponents insane.

Plenty of money for shit "research" like this to make conservatives look bad. Not a dime for real research on differences in intelligence across ethnicities.

I don't fear refugees, I just see them as an unnecessary burden.

There's our fucking answer.

Some kike WILL make this shit up and no one is going to do this entire study again. It will never be checked for validity.

The face when this cuck is probably for both race mixing and diversity.

Protip. you can't have both faggot.

Um that's racist. So your also saying that black people are less intelligent just because their prefrontal cortex and cranial cavities are smaller. What a cishit WHITE MALE thing to say. Science is a constrict invented by white supremacists.

>meanwhile in india

*she turns around*

oh wait...

>Doubtful "Science" web
>Bad citations
>Weird papers without peer reviews posted in non high class or medium class science research webs

Not even worth to read, not even worth to reply. Kill yourself.

The study isn't horseshit, the interpretation is horseshit because the people who do these studies have a left-wing bias.

So that's why liberals are constantly scared of Trump and "nazis".

Childhood IQ is a greater predictor of adult political affiliation than gender or race, I believe. You'll have to look that up yourself, though.

this is deformed bullshit and you know it, try again

Shut your smug mouth you Muslim piece of trash.


>something developed for family/tribal society
>basis for policy affecting hundreds of millions

fucking lel

>the conservatives are basic and primitive meme
No, liberals just were born with a fucked up mutation that harms your chance of survival.

the amygdala is not the "fear center" of the brain, it is the threat detection center.

in short, liberals can not detect threats as easily as conservatives, which would explain a great deal of their behavior.

they also greatly misconstrue what the ACC does in regards to conflict detection. all studies have shown is that it simply detects the presence of a conflict (ie: RED being written in blue ink) and has very little to do with regulating behavior.

Well, I'm an engineering student. So I really don't know much else. But I can tell you that /sci/ thinks nearly all of psychology is bullshit non-science. It's really hard to prove something in psychology since it isn't a natural law like gravity. They can only come out with studies, and many time studies conflict with each other all the time.

This kills the bait

When they do these tests, do the liberals and conservatives self identify as such, or are they observed to have the traits of liberal or conservative? Contemporary Self identified liberals have very little in common with the classical liberal, traits like tolerance for others' views, logic based arguments and reason, and so on.

This isn't true at all. Race is a better indicator by far.

this is the most beautiful insight into a video of a woman pissing I've ever read

Also stop replying

Satanic quads rollin in.

this work for people identifyng themselves with ideological labels. we care about the truth, and the truth isn't liberal or conservative.... try harder faggot.

>But I can tell you that /sci/ thinks nearly all of psychology is bullshit non-science.
Because it is. Psychology is notoriously full of pseudo-scientific bullshit and hard to reproduce. You can believe actual data (ex. brain volumes ARE different), but the interpretations are bs.

>Both are driven by emotion retard
can you prove that?

>Conservatives are driven by fear but more so selfishness
are certain fears rational? e.g. of hyenas, jackals and other wild things?

selfishness? you don't survive for long if you give away all your food, shelter, clothing and work as a slave for others rather than catering for your own, and family's, needs

can too much compassion be a bad thing?

also, you seem to think that liberals only ver think compassionately, when they clearly don't feel that way about certain groups, such as THEIR OWN PEOPLE

What exactly do split second decisions have to do with politics? Took me years to realise the 3rd Reich was the perfect system of governance

whoa that actually made me think

>Although our data do not determine whether these regions play a causal role in the formation of political attitudes, they converge with previous work [ 4, 6 ] to suggest a possible link between brain structure and psychological mechanisms that mediate political attitudes.
Here we confront the chicken or egg problem. Did being brought up liberal vs. conservative change their brains, or did their brains change based on their positions? Actually we see through neuroscience that the brain is fairly plastic.

Its also convenient they don't mention the fact that the amygdala is also involved in memory retention, which is a part of intelligence, rendering their obvious bias moot.

Being "more risk averse" is the point. People on the right are far more likely to base their politics on fear, despite overwhelming evidence to show that there is actually very little risk.

That's the literal fucking point, numbnuts

So in other words, nothing was accomplished by this thread, as the science has yet to be settled.
Nice work OP. I don't know why I bother with these studies when there's always another one throwing it into doubt.

So many stereotypes in one brief moment


>overwhelming evidence to show that there is actually very little risk.
Nice hot opinion there jackass.

Liberals are bad mutations and not fit to recognize risks to society and are compassionate to the point of self-destruction.

Shut your mouth kike. Empathy is equally driven by emotion and is often IRRATIONAL AND DANGEROUS. Utilizing empathy as a rule rather than making sound judgements to protect yourself is the sign of an unstable and irrational mind...

Big fucking surprise. This entire insane post is explained. Your idiotic attempt to use science to vilify and denigrate everyone who disagrees with you is a sign of mental illness. You're sick.

You're making the same mistake (or more likely deliberate choice) the kike who did your study made.

I've said it in another argument, but empathy is a function of the ACC and not the same as the basic emotional responses of the amygdala

Obviously from dumbass marxist professors broadcasting his inherent cognitive bias.