Julius Evola, know a little about him, can i get a quick rundown on his philosophy/guide?

Julius Evola, know a little about him, can i get a quick rundown on his philosophy/guide? nytimes.com/2017/02/10/world/europe/bannon-vatican-julius-evola-fascism.html?_r=0

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Someone so batshit crazy that he wanted to throw christians to the lions, restore Roman paganism and considered Mussolini and the blackshirts too tame. He advocated orgies as well iirc. They tried to imprison him post war but he was opposition the whole time.
Sex, rock&roll and fascism is what you need to know about Evola.



fuck off faggot
none of those things seem bad



Read Evola's wiki and then read Revolt Against the Modern World and Ride the Tiger. Both are pretty easy reads shouldn't take you long.
You should also read Guenon's works, he was Evola's guru.

I didn't know Bannon had quoted Evola, that is quite incredible.

Not gonna lie, former Dada here. This is fucking hilarious watching civilisation crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let Kali get the nuclear codes.

Here's a good summary.

any good documentaries youd reccomend? I think of myself as a European traditoalist of sorts and want to know more? my university library has nothing on him

bla bla bla something about being a hindu

how can one human look like a retarded pissed off house cat?

i dont care what some sandman thinks

how do i internal orgasm with eye cum???

>he wanted to throw christians to the lions, restore Roman paganism
>advocated orgies as well

Really? Can you give me a valid source confirming your words? Because seriously wtf.

why not give us a few tasty morsels to get us interested?

>He also unironically tried to volunteer for the Eastern Front, which was denied.
>he was publishing a paper in which he told how the fascists are soft faggots consorting with the catholics which almost got him killed so he stopped
>ran to Germany after fall of Italy, he joined the SS as a researcher.
>published a few books about sex and how pure aryans needed to have regular orgies Tantra, Yoga and other shit: „The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way", "Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex. "

Here is an interview he gave.
It is simple to find his books in PDF on the internet. The path of Cinnabar is his own autobiography which I have never actually read.
I would recommend reading Rene Guenon's The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times before reading Evola, as it will provide an introduction to Traditionalism.

Evola and Guenon are not products to be advertised. You will find them if you are meant to.
The fisherman catches the fish, not the other way around.

you just lost a customer

Give me minute, I'll get you a basic gestalt.

I ain't reading all that shit nigga