Any acceptable blacks to Sup Forums?

Are there any nignogs you guys can accept? I give you Sheriff Clarke.
>Hates BLM
>Hates rioters
>For freedom
>Calls it like it is
What say you? Can he be an honorary white when the day of the ropes comes?

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Sup Forums isn't one person. I for one only hate the Jews and the Koreans but otherwise don't normally discriminate by race.


Patrice O'Neal

RIP in peace

Yes, have an aspiration outside of getting into the nba or making beats and don't let your children grow up lacking a parent.

That's about it.


Theres a bell curve obviously.

Quite a few for me. Most of them are conservative, well educated mem and women.

Tommy Sotomayor

I forgot about Tommy. That dude gets it.

Blacks are just as much a victim of Jewry as white people are, just differently.

>only hate Jews and Koreans
Both are superior to whites, really makes me think.

millions of whites support those issues and you don't give them special status

They're white. We are already special.

lmao, yeah blacks are such victims, they can chimp out, burn their cities, and the media blames white supremacy

stop it with this nonsense. last i checked we aren't flooding african nations with diversity and telling them that "hey it's ok if africa becomes multiracial, at least they disagree with liberals right!"

Sure there are acceptable blacks, but they should be acceptable somewhere else. He's only a sheriff over here, but if he was in Africa he'd probably be a warlord.

So you're saying he'd be a leader wherever he was?

The jews are the ones responsible for making them that way. Years upon years of brainwashing and continual decline in their culture and society by Jewry has made an already aggressive race more aggressive. We just started seeing what Jewry can do to the white race with the ANTIFA riots. Jews make blacks hate whites more and more through the garbage rap music and media. Jews make whites hate other whites by dividing them into ANTIFA and Nazi.

Compared to other blacks sure. But he's only a mid level guy in a white country because there's more competition here

Lil Wayne is pretty based even though most of his music promoted degeneracy.
>hates BLM
>has openly stated that he's never experienced racism
>is capable of holding intelligent discussions when he wants to
Kanye also seems to be waking up from all the leftist bullshit he's been fed his entire life. Sadly the media is treating him as being literally mentally ill solely because of his meeting with Trump.

are jews calling for more immigration into africa? no, of course not.

negroes have always had serious behavioral issues. you are just playing the "blacks only fail because of democrat policies" card which doesn't explain african societies or haiti, which are largely free of jewish and/or democrat influence.

what did we do with blacks when jews didn't have control? we separated from them. believe me, your white ancestors didn't want to live around negroes any more than rich liberals do today.

My best friend is black, very redpilled. He's the reason that I support segregation rather than death camps.

I've seen the interview.

I feel like you are leaving out the part in my original statement when I said they're victims in a different way. You keep implying this means the same exact way as white people. As in losing their culture and population numbers. It doesn't. They're being used as tools to foster anti-American and anti-White sentiment. They're being put into a culture they simply do not belong to and are being brainwashed more and more each day to hate authority and white people which only makes white people lose.

Why does Milwaukee keep electing him? I know that once you're in, Sheriff can be tough to get removed from but jesus christ.

He's registered as a democrat, sure, but he's been making the Fox rounds for a good while now. How dumb are Milwaukee niggers?

Blacks that have achieved the American dream are acceptable. They are productive members of society. I don't mean successful rappers, they are all just used by Jews to fuck up American culture.

Sheriff Clarke has been declared Honorary white. Its already been decided

then what the fuck was up with that amerikkka song?

lil wayne is fuckin insane from sizzurp

This fine nigger.

you said they are "just as much" of a victim. i'd argue they are hardly victims at all. they get free reign to do whatever they want and they are always excused for their bad behavior because of "racism".

did you ever think for one second that blacks and whites just have different interests? you assume that blacks want the same things we want, but that just isn't the case.

Big Joe
Morgan Freeman

RIP Patrice

Thomas Sowell
Clarence Thomas
Tim Scott
Cardinals Peter Turkson and Robert Sarah

I'm pretty sure he's a GMO invented by Monsanto.

>blacks and whites just have different interests?

Yeah, that's why I said in different ways in my initial post which you again forgot because you have the reading comprehension skills of a retard. Jewry restricts blacks from being actual people and brainwashing them into being white-hating weapons who are allowed free reign to riot or kill anyone they see fit. Who do you think brainwashed them into having an entire culture dedicated to hating white people? Could it be the rappers and their jewish producers?

bullshit, i'm tired of the excuse that blacks have no agency. you are just as bad as liberals.

if we want a conservative society, then blacks need to be held accountable. i'm not like you where i believe every negro is a poor victim of circumstances. get over it, the pity party is over.

you read the black websites, many of them are aware of the jewish involvement of the slave trade. they don't care though, they'll still vote for gib after gib after gib.

This one, would even say we need more like him

Nigga can float

When you really think about it, if all black people were like Sheriff David Clarke, we would not be complaining about them at all. Most people aren't dumb enough to see someone who looks different from them and hate them because of it. Contrary to what many people think that's not the root cause of racism, at least not anymore. It stems more from what groups do, not what they look like.

I've always said that if the black community in the U.S. was to be improved, blacks would be a great ally to the white man in America. I honestly believe (((they))) created the welfare state and forced civil rights to keep black people in section 8. What (((they))) wanted to do was keep an eternal divide in America, the divide between the white man and the black man. The main issue in the black community is that black mothers use Uncle Sam as the father for their children. They use the welfare state to be dependent off the state and they raise their kids in a toxic environment, with most of these kids being abused by their mothers, living without a father, and living among gangs. Black men grow up resenting their women, filled with rage at not having a father or being given a fair chance. They are told that gang life is acceptable by rap music, who conveniently always have a record label owned by (((them))). Of course we all know the Jews push the anti-white propaganda and encourage black people to scapegoat white people for their problems.

With Sheriff David Clark I see a man who has transcended the lies and the issues with his community, and someone who also looks at the black community and says "we simply are just not doing good enough."

The divide between white American and black America could have been healed along time ago and the black community could be thriving now and not holding the rest of the country back. But we all know who a divided America wouldn't benefit, right?

>you are just as bad as liberals.


>you read the black websites, many of them are aware of the jewish involvement of the slave trade. they don't care though, they'll still vote for gib after gib after gib.

Almost like they're brainwashed or something. Blacks should of course be held accountable. They're an aggressive lot and the only way to undo decades of brainwashing is by holding them accountable for their actions now. But holding them accountable doesn't solve the real issue.

You keep putting shit into a black-and-white (the colors, not the races) spectrum of "He thinks blacks are the victims too so that must mean he doesn't hold them accountable for their actions" which is wrong.

That is one thing I admire about him. He can look at his own community and say we are fucking up and can do better. Pretty points valid as well. Enjoy a (you).

Another "Democrats are the real racists" post.

Yeah man, before the Jews, we Southerners loved blacks so much that we did everything we could to avoid them.

This idea that blacks are helpless people under mind control is just another excuse for poor behavior.

So what is the real issue? We just ship the Jews to Israel and everything course corrects? This goes way deeper than that man.

You blaming all black failure on the Jews is no different than liberals blaming black failure on whites. Sure, Jews have done some nasty things and have aggravated the situation. But if you think blacks would be on par with whites without Jewish influence you'd be wrong.

>We just ship the Jews to Israel and everything course corrects? This goes way deeper than that man.

Yeah that would be a great start actually. Removes a huge negative influence that has bogged down this country for over a century. They could never impact our country again.

>You blaming all black failure on the Jews is no different than liberals blaming black failure on whites.


Are you one of those civic nationalists that is afraid to point out the Jewish Influence? Look how Jews brainwashed white people. They
brainwashed a lot of whites into thinking any sign of pride for country and nationalism is bad and multiculturalism and globalism is good. This benefits them. They brainwashed blacks into being an entire culture who hates white people and authority.

>But if you think blacks would be on par with whites without Jewish influence you'd be wrong.

I never implied that at all, you fucking insolent retard.

I never said anything about Democrats you fucking idiot. But you should look at the facts of why blacks actually stay within their communities and why they are killing each other. No they aren't helpless, they need to try harder, and more leaders in the black community like David Clark need to stand up. It's not justifying their poor behavior whatsoever. It's pointing out why that poor behavior exists.

But why is it that almost all rap artists are owned by some Jews? Why is it that Jews push all the anti-white propaganda that is marketed towards blacks? Why is it that government welfare programs are always so aggressively advocated for in ghettos. You really can't doubt that Jews wouldn't want to keep America divided, and that suppressing the black community is the perfect way to do it

Thanks, user.

Good luck trying to talk any sense. He'll just say you're a liberal.

Do you want your grandchildren to be half 'honorary white'?

We should be yoked with EXACTLY ZERO non-whites.

There has always been division. You guys are acting as if we had perfect race relations prior to the 1960s. We didn't. Matter of fact, we fought Washington to keep the negroes out of our schools and towns.

You must be in some Northern state where you don't have to live around blacks. Trust me, we weren't friends because we know how they acted (and still do act).

I can agree that Jews exacerbated the problem. But let's be real, these issues existed long before Hart-Cellar and will continue to exist because diversity itself causes conflict due to differences in interest.



>whites are so oppressed by le Joos wahh
>what? Blacks? Oppressed? Dont be silly user xD

I didn't call you a liberal, I said you were making an argument with a similar principle.

Blacks are victims because of x group. Liberals would say that x group is "white racists". You would say Jews. But the answer is a lot more complex than that.

Tell me user, if this is only due to the Jews, why did my Southern ancestors do all they could to keep blacks out of our schools? To keep us separate? They knew how negroes really were.

I'll agree that Jews were behind many of these communist agitator groups that promoted integration (ACLU, NAACP, etc.). But negroes were used as a weapon precisely because they were here and easy to use.

>Hah! Those liberals are so irrational for not liking us! We aren't racist! Dear White People is muh genocide
>oh and there are no good niggers

I don't want Colin Powell anymore. Can we trade him?

Just because he's black doesn't mean he doesn't possess attributes to be a leader

You're giving them too much credit. I hate the kikes as much as the next guy, but blacks are stunted biologically. The jews didn't fuck up SA or Rhodesia by directly influencing their behavior. That's of their own free will

Put your money where your mouth is. If you feel that the black man can't get ahead then go lift him up. You'll fail though, just like every other do gooder.

Sheriff Clarke, Tom Sowell, Larry Elder, Tommy Sotomayor, Those Hotep, JQ-aware, bros to the alt-right...

Right-wing 'woke' black folks are all bros

They know it's the Jews and don't hate whitey

Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell.
>all based black men have Thomas in their name

>Lil' Wayne

This guy is a moron. Stop holding them to a lower standard like lefties. The only legitimate blacks worth celebrating are:

Clarence Thomas
Thomas Sowell
Walter Williams
Booker T. Washington
Sheriff Clarke
Tim Scott
Frederick Douglass
Larry Elder
Ben Carson

If these guys were white, I'd like them just as much. Enough of that double standard bullshit.

There are decent blacks out there but they spawn masses of filthy niggers. I'd say ethnic cleansing works because you don't have to worry about his niglets growing up and spreading the black disease.

>You must be in some Northern state
I live in between DC and Baltimore. I go to college in Baltimore. Just shut the fuck up.

>Trust me, we weren't friends because we know how they acted (and still do act).

No fucking shit. The only person here saying whites and blacks would be equals is you who is putting words into our mouths.

Blacks are being used as tools to bring down white people. Which is being a victim.

>Blacks are victims because of x group. Liberals would say that x group is "white racists". You would say Jews. But the answer is a lot more complex than that.

Holy Christ you are retarded.

>why did my Southern ancestors do all they could to keep blacks out of our schools? To keep us separate? They knew how negroes really were.

If they were so smart they would have deported them back to Africa or some island in the Gulf. Your ancestors are fucking retarded.

>But negroes were used as a weapon precisely because they were here and easy to use.

Good job, finally understanding my point. You did it.

>blacks are stunted biologically.
Ironically the post you replied to of mine said they were an aggressive race.

About 5-10% of them are acceptable

Allen West seems to be pretty based.

>Another "Democrats are the real racists" post.


It's not a hard fucking concept. Even when you account for all outside variables, the constant that remains the same for performance and crime is race.

>You guys are acting as if we had perfect race relations prior to the 1960s
I know we didn't. But they haven't really improved either honestly and it's stupid because they can improve.
> because diversity itself causes conflict due to differences in interest.
Identity politics do this. Group politics do this. Jews forced this upon us. Forced us to think in terms of groups and only care about our groups. It's insanity and it's divided America for so long, because everyone thinks everyone else is out to get each other. Even if Hispanics were the majority of this country this shit will still persist, because we've been conditioned to not care about the country and rather care about the in-groups and out-groups. This obviously fucks over whites the most because minority ethnic groups are all taught to hate us more than any other group.

These issues are going to still exist but at this point we can't have segregation and we can't ship them back to Africa. All we can do is encourage them to start working for themselves and support guys like David Clark who want to bring real change to his own community

>Do you want your grandchildren to be half 'honorary white'?
kek, yes?

Identity politics are a product of diversity user. Jews only exploited a weakness that was already there.

You can't divide people along racial lines in a homogenous society. But you can in a diverse society. Like you said, these issues will still persist.

I was like you at one point. I thought we could put this all aside and unite as Americans. But there are racial differences, and some of these are attitude differences. Some groups are more individualist, some are more tribal.

We've seen that by and large minority races are a lot more tribal than whites. Even mixed people tend to identify with their non-white half.


True NatSoc Sup Forumsacks should only hate KIKES and MOSLEMS

They are the only 2 supremacy ideologies that seek to destroy the world

everybody else is cool, well, you might think other groups are idiots to us, like the cholos or the niggers or the chinks, but who are we to judge, they should have their own nation and their own determination and determine what's best for them. No hard feelings. They just shouldn't be on our welfare system

If we had separate nationalities in separate nations all would be well

>le based black men XD

There is no need to get triggered. I just want separation and I think that is what you want.

We could have that if the feds allowed for freedom of association. After all, you go to many major cities and they are in effect segregated. People prefer those like them.

agreed, the same reason why we should return the vote to the family.

Larry elder and Thomas sowell(inb4 uncle "thom" ref) as well.

>second African-American appointed to the Supreme Court succeeding the first African-American on the court
>but he's conservative, so he isn't an important figure in black politics

Dude I totally agree with you I know we can't get away from tribalism. But we aren't getting an ethnostate anytime soon so the best we can try to do is encourage less tribalism.

We gotta be realistic here diversity cannot be stopped at this point. We can take less people in, we can accept more immigration from Europe, but with our demographics now if we don't try to stop identity politics we're only going to go down a slippery slope.

>Identity politics are a product of diversity
Exactly and keyword here, they're a product. Sticking to your own group is natural, but the propaganda makes this situation a heck of a lot worse. It exacerbates it ten fold

what does based mean?

The inability for whites and blacks to get along has literally been one of the leading causes for the erosion of federalism in this country. Multiracialism slowly destroys societies, let alone ones predicated on individual autonomy and self-governance.

>Sent my wife back to college
>Worked two jobs to make it happen
>Wife graduates, make twice as much as me with two jobs
>mfw I agree with the idea, but can't vote anymore because I don't win bread.

No, the American Negroid is to be judged based on their culture overall. When you see an American Negroid who claims to be part of our group why don't you ask yourself, "How much can I trust a race traitor?"

There are obvious exceptions to the rule, but the stereotypes exist for a reason. Any amount of niggers can be based, but their children are going to statistically cause more crime and be less intelligent. What are the odds that every single member of a nigger's family is going to share the same values and defy all stereotypes when statistics make this nearly impossible? There are definitely some that I like, trust, and even admire. But that shit should be handled at a distance.

>But we aren't getting an ethnostate anytime soon so the best we can try to do is encourage less tribalism
Welcome to the last 50 years user. How has that worked out for us? We have to start pushing in the political realm to have our ideas implemented. Trump was only step one.

Then you are a cuck, give your wife up to a better man who can put her in her place as a broodmare.

you notice all the decent blacks have normal names

Not Alequisha, LaQueefa, TreMayne or Le(on)Bron(stein)

and not some fucking Muslime convert Jamal-Ahamayoun, Muhalal-Farakhandul or Mahmoud Ali

but pointing that out be rayciss

Speaking of based black people though, they are a very small minority of blacks. And this isn't because blacks are held down or not trying hard enough, they're just legitimately a stupid breed.
The based ones usually got lucky and had some good genes donated by a white guy a few generations ago.

But hasn't your solution been tried? Isn't what you are advocating for just basic big-tent conservatism? Focus on values instead of race?

Minorities have by and large rejected that. We could remove Jews from the picture but there would of course still be black activists, Hispanic activists, etc. There were those types before Jews were here in large number.

And here is what I don't understand - you say we will not get an ethnostate, and who knows, maybe you are right about that. So how do you deal with the Jews then? If all minorities are going to stay put, why wouldn't the Jews also stay put.

Enjoy a well deserved you. Pic related.

There are no based blacks, only race traitors.

>all niggers are scum lynch em all!


I hate to say this but identity politics have helped in a way. Whites have much more of an identity themselves nowadays and are starting to vote as a bloc. White men and women are starting to vote republican in much higher numbers and if Democrats keep pushing anti-white shit it's only going to get worse for them.

Who knows what will happen in the next few decades. Whites are already starting to unite more than ever. It can only favor us

Are they really race traitors though if they're half white and side with their better half?

>New car
>Huge house
>Buy whatever I want
>Fuck off job with good pay and benefits
>Sexy wife who worships my benis
>I'm a cuck?

Mike Tyson is pretty based and takes no horseshit from anyone. He openly supports Trump as well.

>There is no need to get triggered.

No one is triggered.

>I just want separation and I think that is what you want.

No shit. That's why I want the Jews gone. If there was no Jewish Influence, white culture could grow again and black America would naturally separate itself. White people can't seperate because the Jewish media continually tells them it's wrong and racist and demean it.

The Jews being gone would be the first big step toward regaining a white dominant and majority culture in America.

The Jews are the real enemies here. It doesn't go deeper than them because they are the ones continually ruining every culture and country they touch. You said it yourself, Blacks know about the Jewish Influence on the slave trade but, much like every other race, they aren't taught to hate the Jews.

>Identity politics are a product of diversity user.
>We've seen that by and large minority races are a lot more tribal than whites.

Because Jews brainwashed all large minority races into becoming cultures of white hatred which, not only ruins the minority's own culture and stymies it's growth (and no this does not mean equal to white people it'd just better than it is now) but also turns white people against each other. Whites are taught to comingle because of the Jewish Influence and Blacks are taught to hate white people. This ruins white culture.

No Jewish Influence = a stronger white culture, society and less anti-white propaganda.

>Who knows what will happen in the next few decades. Whites are already starting to unite more than ever. It can only favor us
I can't predict the future, but I know what needs to happen. All we can do is try to spread the word before it's too late.

>Blacks are just as much a victim of Jewry as white people are, just differently.

This. Only (((they))) win from worsening race relations. Classic divide and conquer.

Also, stormfag types are just those who have minimal interactions with other groups.
It's not that rare at all to find exceptions to the stereotype in any race, you just have to go outside. At least in the USA that is.
USA #1

anyone who loves America is a bro.

I see where you're going with this, I just see removing the jews first much more difficult. kek unless it goes full GTKRWN and it all happens at once.

He died so that Americans of all colors might be free.


You poor misguided anons. Of course there will be outliers, that doesn't excuse the overbearing reality of the entire ethnicity.

There really isn't an answer of what can be done about the Jews. All I know is that more and more people need to be redpilled on them and then we can work from there.

What we have to do first and foremost is take back major cultural institutions. Big-tent conservatism has been tried but you want to know how it failed? Because Hollywood, academia, the media, TV, and the music industry has all been fighting against it.

What we need to do is start to redpilll the young generations hard. Show them how whites are actively being worked against. We need more young, white, and conservative professors. We need to do what the Left did in the 60's and retake cultural institutions, by having younger ideologues become professors and to become journalists, we can subvert cultural institutions from withing. Stop the lefts propaganda and replace it with ours. Advocate for white identity in more subtle ways. It's the only way we can make sure that we can take our country back for the future. The values and morals of our country are controlled through these institutions and we need to take them back

Whites who live around other races actually tend to be more conservative. It's usually those who live in mostly white areas who tend to take a more rosy view of race relations.

I live in the South in a town that is over a third negro. I know how most of them are as a race. You get rid of Jews today, and the black IQ isn't going to shoot up 30 points. Nor would you necessarily see everyone return to conservatism. The Jews may be responsible for the ideas, but the idea won't die if the Jews leave.

My great grandfather down to my father used the one drop rule so I should too.