Why is there so much hatred for Christianity?

Why is there so much hatred for Christianity?
A lot of people treat it as they should treat Islam and Judaism.

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because missinformation about what being a christian is

Because most people think Christians are Catholics/proddies, when early Christians were actually gnostics

schools slander that fuck out of religion.
I have witnessed it first hand. I hope by cuck leftist anthropology teacher dies the worst slowest death imaginable.

Because it teaches you to roll over and let Jamal and Mohammad fuck your life up, steal your women and that if you do all this without ever retaliating, all whilst doing the most you can to enable this behavior. Then, you will be rewarded AFTER you die.

That couldn't possibly be a Jewish trick, could it?

Thank the jews and bleeding hearts everywhere for convincing legions of people that "muh salvation" is won through being a fucking push over.
There's a big difference between being kind to others-and just letting the fuck you over cause it gives you imaginary good boy points.


>Because it teaches you to roll over and let Jamal and Mohammad fuck your life up, steal your women and that if you do all this without ever retaliating, all whilst doing the most you can to enable this behavior. Then, you will be rewarded AFTER you die.

Where does it say this?

Religions are best when they are weak in organization, leadership and politically. They should remain as personal matters only and have no place in the public space.

When they become strong, ambitious and greedy, you get shit like religious turf war inside the religion leadership themselves, without counting about those between different religions yet.
People also start treating religion as another aspect of politics and the religion leadership start begging for personal handouts to influence their followers, whether to buy a product or to hate a entire group of people.

>Why is there so much hatred for Christianity?

there isn't

if there is, then it wouldn't have 2.1 billion followers

>In the Gospel of Matthew, an alternative for "an eye for an eye" is given by Jesus: 38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: 39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Cuckoldry: the religion.

At least Judaism and Islam tell you to stand up for yourself.

Religion is the antithesis to spirituality, Jesus never started a religion

Bring back god's hellfire and brimstone. The fear of god should be instilled.

>these 2 sandnigger religions are so bad, they shouldn't be respected
>my sandnigger religion is good though, respect it or I'm going to get triggered.

Because Evangelicals and other heavy religious groups are a very reliable voter base, but often push for anti-science legislation in the name of their religion.

On a personal note, Christians who use Old Testament laws like Leviticus to justify calling out the gays and divorce, but forget about what it says about Shrimp, the composition of cloth in clothing, and not eating pork piss me off.

Either Follow all the old Jew rules or just follow the New Testament.

The New Testament also condemns homosexuality. Sorry, you're not supposed to chug dicks.

Nah bro.

The Jews have been railing against it for decades.

Perverting the teaching and spreading lies about it.

The useful idiots and Jewish shills just eat that shit up.

>haha cucktianity amirite fellow goyim?

I don't care if your religion says no to the gays. That's your right, regardless of what other people believe.

It's when they specifically refer to Old Testament laws, but ignore the rest of the holy laws.

Leftist communist media.

It's designed to destroy the western society.
Attacking Christianity means attacking families and creates damaged nihilistic drones dependent on the state.

>has same rotten root with jewdaism and mudslam
>caused countless sorrow in Europe and beyond
>is one of the reasons why we still don't have proper biotech
Gee I wonder why

Dumb post.
The same shills on here spouting anti trump rhetoric are the ones talking shit about Christianity because they're one and the same evil to them. Anything that isn't liberal is evil.


because fedorashits learn multiplication table in school and start considering themselves scientists. to strengthen that impression in public they attack religion they know even less about.

Thanks for posting that explanation. Really cleared some things up for me.


basically this

Christianity, like it or not, is a fundamental building block of western civilization. Therefore, the left (marxists) shit on it constantly just like they do for anything else that's western European.

Kikes and Cultural marxism poisoned society. They're literally teaching the youth how to turn their back on God through entertianment and social media. That it's "hip" and "cool", that it's "smart". Instead of learning the traditional values that make the human character great or how to deal with the hardness that comes with life with preseverance and prayer, they get coddled and told to virtue signal over it instead of facing it head on. That love alone could triumph over all.
Kind of a mass indoctrination.

That's a lot idiots. Add in all the kikes and Muslims and you have. Lot of stupid, religious zealots around.

They do not understand Good and Evil, describing them as cosmological objective forces instead of personal subjective ones.

What this means is that you cannot trust an Abrahamic to really understand the difference between right and wrong in a secular civil context.

Their morality is inferior, life denying and basic.

Christians in particular are all convinced of the validity of human sacrifice as a method of atonement whether they know it or not.

Christ died for our sins because God (See: Christ) would not forgive man until this occurred.

This gives us the absurd story of God having to conceive, incarnate and eventually kill himself in order to convince himself forgive mankind for being exactly what he made them into, and then nothing really changes afterwards, like at all, and people carry on as usual.

Pointless, stupid, makes no narrative or ethical sense.

How exactly does one gain forgiveness for someone else by being killed?

How is that responsible, or sound of judgement, or right?

Metaphysical answers will be returned to sender, I want ethically sound arguments for WHY Christ needed to die on the cross, because nothing about that story has EVER sat right with me.

It's a leftover from a mystery cult from antiquity.

Honestly, the worst crime was destroying the European ancestral religions. We never got to saw them evolve. They would have probably ended up like Zoroastrianism or Catholicism without muh bible.

I've personally never cared for either Testament. The Old Testament is full of murder, incest, betrayal and pornography, from our "heroes", exactly what I'd expect from a Jew. It lacks the heroic and noble quality of Homer that displays the true European soul.

This is why they didn't want common people reading the Bible, and didn't want it translated to common tongue. They wouldn't understand it without context, so priests had to explain what scripture meant to people, instead of the masses reading and interpreting it on their own.

Protestantism was a mistake.

Because having a jew and therefore an alien as our prophet as the european civilization is what has been condemning us to our self-destruction, since the foundations of Christianity (not the actual Christ teachings) are what allowed the advance of all egalitarian doctrines like democracy, communism, feminism, etc., and that presents us the greatest challenge to overcome if we as europeans and westerners want to become true to ourselves again.

Yeah, listen to a fucking jew (Hitchens mother was jewish) talk about christianity.

Because Christianity is truth and goes against their degenerate lifestyle

this is why u follow revelations of paul in europe only. none of that earlier preaching to jews stuff

For those interested this series is pretty interesting. He talks, among other things, about the writers of the bible not being jewish et cetera.






because they're idiots and have absolutely zero understanding about any religion let alone the religion of their fathers

and they think that the pagan religion of the barbarians who eventually became Europeans are more important than 99% of Christian European history

also they have no faith and nothing to live for

aside from those things there's nothing wrong with them

Pol is a Christian board

I'll never forgive the church for housing refugees in my town.

Christianity =! Pope Faggius the magnificent
Just because the cucktholic church for the most part has been infiltrated does not mean that it's the fault of the teachings of Christianity

Because I don't want to be brothers in Christ with Jamal and Tariq.

Oh, and goys, your gods were definitely devils and absolutely worthless (Pik related). Please keep fighting religious wars and telling yourselves that sex and the human body are unclean. It's not like there was ever a period in your history in which the beauty of the body was celebrated and people were taught to live monogamous, moral lives.

Sounds an awful lot like what we hear muzzies say when one of them has their usual episodes

Christ was a jew, and not one of us.

Sounds like he is reaching a bit.


Okay kike.

*Jamal, Tariq, and Shlomo ejemple: inquisition.

And again, devils want you to act like pic related. Trust me, goys.

Fedoras usually dont habe the guts to shit on islam, so they Attack all relegions.

Teachers, atleast here in Germany have to teach/study two subjects, one Main subject and one side subject. The more soft a topic is, the easier it ist. So lazy muzzie loving lefty whores end up teaching Religion in elementary school.
My fucking sister, who tried to Inform the family about them racist Fake News about the poor refugees 15 min ago, is auch a case

Christians dont kill you for talkin shi about them

Dont get me wrong though, the only good thing abou christianity is that it is a dead religion.
Islam isn't worse in prnciple, but is still alive, but it's harder to attack islam and get away with it.

So resort to passive aggressive shaming tactics? That will totally work against the Muslim hordes.

What an effeminate religion!

>passive aggressive shaming tactics

Alot of hatred for the church here in Ireland and for good reason too. Back in the 1980s there was scandals that priests were molesting little boys and children. It turned out to be true. Biggest scandal was a Bishop had a son and he refused to acknowledge him. Then the church lost its power and continues too. They only have themselves to blame.

>most popular religion in the world
persecution complex

If Europeans followed a racial warrior ideology we would be colonizing the solar system right now