How can we relax the tension between the far left and the far right, because after all, we need each other?

How can we relax the tension between the far left and the far right, because after all, we need each other?

Conservatives keep the order in a society. They are the administrators.
Liberals create the new ideas. They are the inventors. Some new ideas can be hurtful to society, but some highly beneficial.
A totally orderly society is bad, because it makes innovation impossible and society stagnates.
A totally open society is bad, because most new ideas are destructive and drive society into chaos.
We have to create balance, knowledge the value of the other side and bring more people back to the rational center.

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I like your picture, but your thread is shit, fuck you

Destroy the far left. No enemies? No problems.

>we need each other?
No we fuckin don't.


>Liberals create the new ideas. They are the inventors
Also false.

>because after all, we need each other?
People who have irreconcilable world views should not force themselves to be together. The result is and always has been misery and conflict.

You let me do my thing.
I'll let you do yours.
Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone, and neither of us will suffer and die.

>You let me do my thing.
>I'll let you do yours.
>Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone, and neither of us will suffer and die.
This is an incredibly defeatist attitude
This way you will not make an relationship work. In all relationships problems will arise. On the individual and on the group level. If people can not honestly and respectfully argue with each other a society or a relationship will fall apart.

What do you mean defeatist?
Who the hell is being defeated?
I'm happily living my life and not having your views that I despise shoved in my face and *physically forced upon me* by *force of law* and you're happily living your life without *ME* mandating to you *by force of law* things that *YOU* despise and object to.

All that happens is WINNING.

The left has been consumed by jewish tricks. They are agents of satan mr.friendo. don't trust their lies.

Nope. Lol. One of the core concepts of leftism is that everyone needs to work together and everyone's opinion needs to be heard. The left will get their shit kicked in. We have no time to pander to them. We've already done that for 8+ years. Get fucked ahmed

leftist invent wut? they just destroy what others build, a relentless force towards chaos

Liberals literally can't comprehend the fact that they are wrong and the people who know they are wrong don't actually have to work with them or come to some middle ground. They literally can't understand the concept of losing

The ideas of the Left will not always be as horrible as they currently are.

We don't.

Left has pushed their shit so far, that anyone who doesn't agree with extreme liberal left is immediately slandered as sexist homophobe nazi fascist racist. Even if you are classical liberal, it is utterly unavoidable. You either bend the knee and suck their dick, or be smeared and bullied. Fine! You want civilized discussion to end? You purposedly fail to understand others points of view and attack them? Fine! Then I will become the genocidal racist nazi fascist you claim I am, for the exclusive purpose of getting rid of you retarded stupid bastards. I am so tired of their inane bullshit I am waiting for the DotR.

My hate is constant and sharp. I do not want for better world for them. In fact, I want my hate to be inflicted on them. I want not a single liberal to escape. Though you may see my smile and think I'm just a fellow left-leaning liberal, and you may shake my hand and feel the warm flesh, there is only catharsis.

It's not about winning or losing.
It's about not *FORCING OTHER PEOPLE* to live according to your worldview *OR ELSE*.
If you want your communist hippy ut(dys)topia, you go ahead and do that *WITHOUT ME*, and you leave me the fuck alone you freak.

>not having your views that I despise shoved in my face and *physically forced upon me*
now I am not even sure if you might even be a leftist.

I don't want to force anything on you. On the contrary. The far Left and the far right usually force their dogma on others. That is the problem. I argue for a civil discourse.

You're right. Because every time they lose they double down. So they're just gonna get more extreme and thus worse.

be careful not to become like your enemy

and how are you destroying them? Did you kill anybody? Most you can do to destroy something is to cast your vote and hope something changes.

>I argue for a civil discourse

"I would like to show off my moral superiority"

>The far Left and the far right usually force their dogma on others

"Mommy and daddy please stop fighting!"

Lol. It's not about forcing anything. It's about right and wrong. And you are wrong. And if you choose to continue your bullshit, you will simply be removed.

All governmental measures are forceful in nature. If make a law that says I can't not service gay people in my own business, you use violence to back that up.
You don't simply let me continue associating and not associating with whomever I please - you forcibly seize my property or otherwise use theft or violence against me if I continue to not associate with people I don't want to associate with. That is authoritarian and absurd, and I have no interest in dealing with people who unironically think that that's perfectly fine and reasonable.

Have you not seen what ancap have been spray painting? Liberals get the bullet too. If you actually value your life stick with the right wing mate they at least respect liberal values. While the far left communists hate liberals with every fibre of their being, do not believe it if they tell yo7 otherwise. They are hateful people

The far left never innovates, they just pump the same old cancer with different flavors according to targeted demographics (different kind of retards)
Nobody needs them. They never ever helped anybody else except by accident, and they consistently have worked to make things worse for mankind in general

>All governmental measures are forceful in nature.
That is why we should strive to a limited form of government.
Sometimes society needs correction. But these corrective measures can become totalitarian if not kept in check.

but thats false, most other great inventors and people were not lefties.

The peak of humanity, the most original and good people that to ever exist always follow the K selected archetype.

r selected degennies only can copy.

>Liberals create the new ideas. They are the inventors.
The only thing a liberal can invent is a new way to suck the shit out of another faggot's asshole at high speeds

Centrist shitstain detected.

>liberals create new ideas
Except the opposite is true.

Liberals create trash like mongrel babies and modern (((art))).

I rather concern myself how to bring back far left people and increasingly far right wing people back to a civil discourse. If you just want to destroy one another, don't claim to love your people. Don't claim to love your country. You want to destroy it.
To fix something, needs compassion.

They're totalitarian *IN FUNDAMENTAL NATURE*.
I only want to associate with people that I *WANT* to associate with. That's linguistically just the case.
The same goes for you - you only want to associate with people who you *WANT* to associate with.
And I *DO NOT* want to associate with people who believe in any system in which other people are subjected *by force of law* to things they personally object to and don't agree to. And that's every single system that leftists advocate because leftists all want government, and all governments forcibly compel people to do or not do certain things.

Well if everybody is needed in a functional society, extremists unresponsive to reason and argument are also needed.
So I'll keep believing leftism must be defeated.

The point is the right and left are designed to divide people.

If you break down these boundaries and enough people join the anti-establishment movement, the people in power have less ways to distract the citizens and prevent their opposition.

Presumably this was already foreseen, which is why people like Soros push for racial collectivist groups.

Left/Right had meaning in the past, but know we can see their leaders are in eachother's pockets, it's a pointless label.

How would you characterize the creative people who move into a run down city, because of low rent. They create the clubs and little shops and give the city life. Then when the city is cool, more normal people move there. The teachers and journalists and increasingly academics. The rents rise and soon the creative people have to move away because it is to expensive. The city becomes orderly, more conservative and boring.

(Left)Liberals are the creative. The free thinkers. The inventors. Those who move where they are the most free.

K or R?

It's been about a hundred years since our last civil war, people vs gommunists, it's time for another.

>and enough people join the anti-establishment movement

See what i mean? No innovation whatsoever, the same old philosophy since the 19th Century, just phrased in a slightly different way, or with some added detail

The redpill is understanding that there is no center. Blue pill has Leah's controlled the narrative. Every concession is blue pill will.

Go through the list of all the creators, how many of them were drug addicted degenerates? Many of them were the peak of being K selected, some of them even gained wizardry powers from abstaining from sex, like tesla.

But sex and the worship of it is a r selected degenny characteristic. And besides, I have seen your "creatives" from the shitty abstract art that tries to mimick higher art, to the horrible architecture. Its all so horrible.

r selected people really are the poor mans K selected lol

Hey I'm not saying i want to kill anyone. But the right wing has woken up to the fact that politcal courtisies and good will are not reciprocated by the left. So the spiral is going to get much worse before it starts to get better.

The context is different now, though.

In the 19th century you would be lucky to find villages who actually knew anything of the world beyond the few civilisations around them.

With the internet and a globally connected world, the battleground is different.

You realise what you wrote out the first time is literal communist propaganda right?