Drumpf supporters are snowflakes and get easily triggered by this image.

But he won

>5 million less votes than Hilary

lol no

>fat greasy numale drinking anyone tears
how far are those people off their rockers

I don't get it.

>electoral college

We're a republic, not a mob rule democracy.

>5 million
it was 6 million, you retard

>5 million more votes and still lost
wew lad what a looser


why would they draw the guy to look like an absolute faggot

Pretty sure those are tears of laughter.

You mean 6 gorillions.

DotR when you CTR shill

>Hillary won the popular vote by a few million
>We've now started deporting illegals
Can you imagine what a big coincidence it would be if we end up deporting a few million illegals and those votes mysteriously vanish in the next election?

>3 million

this is how the jews started

Inner city ghetto votes do not count anymore since they do no pay taxes.

Left sees not looking like a fagot as some kind of cardinal sin. Men should be as unthreatening as possible.

What's he celebrating?

This image made me think I don't really care. Have fun. Drinking liberal tears is sort of fun, but its honestly pretty annoying, grating, also.

Who is in the white house, you emu rape-baby?

It's hilarious to me that they think of this picture as an insult. Top cuck.

>6 million

it was 7 million, you retard

I must have missed that part where Indians begged ICE immigrants to murder their neighbors with their boomsticks.

Same way how they depicted themselves here as brave womyn of color while trump supporters are metal-as-fuck werewolves, undead and lizardmen.

Eh, It more or less a grab for attention anyway. The liberals got a brick through their window with Trump, now they're trying to do the same with marshmallows.

Australia, I've missed you.

lmao wow

me on the right


>screaming and fleshy squelches

>despite frostbite, activists
>frostbite, activists
>frostbite and activists

Why are Lefties so anti-immigration?

>So salty over an L that you LARP being a winner



I'm using that


Its 6 gorillian you bigot

no man,it was totally 6



the Jew in the back on the left...


God I love that picture. Feels good being the baddie.

that jewosh sillouette makes me think the picture is a false flag by some Sup Forumsack

Wait ok
1) that complete disregard for the actual demographics of the United States
2) is this actually the lens through which they view the world?
3) dibs on being the croc


Notice how all leftist memes are cheap incantations of our own meme magic?

>the guys who cried about Spencer being punched by an anarchist are apparently going to defeat Trump's demon hell army by waving their signs
>even a fucking dove just to really hammer home these are useless pacifists
Liberals sure are delusional.

Australians and Leafs you cant keep getting away with your blatant shitposts!

Not bad, but please post the original next time.

>7 million
No goy, she had 700 sheboonillion more votes than Drumpf!

It was 8 Million you retard

It was 9 Million you retard

It was 10 Million you retard

>liberals literally screaming and crying on the streets since election
>biggest salt mine in history
>supreme court vetos Trump's migration ban
>lol consevashit btfo, delicious tears, stay mad
Damage control for how much they are hurt.

What did horsey mean by this?


It's actually 15-20 million now.

Trump literally got no votes at all. The Russians hacked everything.

It wasn't SCOTUS, it was the 9th circuit, which is stacked with liberal activist judges who care more about ideology than law and gets overturned 80% of the time.

Did someone say 8 million? Who dares name the 13 million in vain? Do you goyim not care about the 60 million innocent souls lost in the shoah? It is very problematic when we trivialize the 7 billion survivors who died in 1944. Why are you goyim obsessed with the 6 quadrillion anyway? just remember to donate more submarines and don't think of the 6 googol virtuous jews who died at the hands of white people. Remember you are a decadent race anyway, it is for the common good and in memory of the 6 graham^graham angels (pbut) that white men should perish as a race, shalom and stop resisting.

A mystery still.
it's actually 25 million now

i really think that all numale disorders are brought about by high school bullying or something. these numales got laughed at by white chads and now they see strong white men as the worst evil on earth.

The guy who drew this did it with rage in his heart so impotent and so debilitating that he had to stop every few strokes to shake in fury and scream.

The average Leftist isn't laying back smugly or plotting for the future, they're mad as fuck and lashing out mindlessly at everyone around them.

They genuinely think that this massive display of projection is some sort of comeback?

875 gajillion, moron

Are you retarded? Its 100 zillion dumbass.



The Russians hacked your mom to make her fuck me.

Russians are known for their intelligence and hacking abilities