Unintentionally based moments in your life

>Find my 3rd grade notebook
>Read a short story I wrote for class about a digimon I made up
>Called him NigaBirdmon
>Got a check + by my teacher

I got student of the month twice that year by the same teacher.

>not pokemon
i wouldnt ever tell this story again

>be me
>parents came from ussr, father served in army
>obsessed with army since childhood, due to father
>watch ukrainian/russian comedies about WWII
>swastikas and hammer and sickles everywhere
>i liked to doodle too
>draw war scenes
>soviets v nazis every time
>soviet hammer and sickle was hard to draw in 3rd grade, just use a star
>swastika is dead easy
>be in 5th grade, summer, and no work in class
>start doodling a battle scene
>teacher walks over and sees my drawing
>"oh, that's really nic-"
>teacher is speechless, tells me to stop drawing and hobbles away
>after she's gone, continue drawing

>Implying there was an arc in Pokemon that topped the malomyotis arc

Topkek, it's ironic how unintentionally brilliant childhood ignorance is

>implying i know anything about the GREAT VALUE version of pokemon

OK that's it. This board is well over the top.

OP this story made me smile.

Do your parents know you are gay?

Poland how about you take a seat over there & I'll deal with you if I have time

Digimon was based af
>Pokemon: good games
>Digimon: good tv show
They came on in the same block, nigger

Digimon on psx was amazingggggggg

This was the coolest one niggers

It was shit

I wanted it to be good but it was too slow...

the digimon games where you would have to let your digimon take a shit were good

also the handheld one that you shake was based

>be in 6th grade
>school had this black janitor guy that would always give us grief for any reason he could
>went on silent protest
>would poop on the floors in the bathroom
>sometimes poop in the urinals
>janitor (his name was Mr. Dixon) eventually stopped harassing us
>tfw Indian
>tfw not poo in loo is an effective strategy

"some kid" kept on drawing swastikas on the school walls and bathrooms stalls.

"some kid" crossed out the isreal flag on the jewish text book and draw a swastika on it.

"some kid" printed out a extract from mein kampf and put it on a jewish maths teachers desk

>tfw when i was "some kid"

I get the feeling "some kid" was autistic

Yeah "some kid" did seem a little strange when i met him

Maybe deal with

>Implying I'm making this up


Op was okay today