Why are these pro-black type girls so obsessed with white cock

why are these pro-black type girls so obsessed with white cock

the more shit they talk about white men the more likely it is they suck white cock at night

women crave for dominants
If they believe white men hold all the power, they will inevitably suck up to them.

I'm dating one it's so weird. She acts out in all ways but getting frisky she goes as far as wanting to be degraded. It really makes me uncomfortable.

coal burner


Same reason Sup Forums jerks it to cuck porn

Nice bait, but a good portion of Sup Forums is actually doing nofap, and every one here knows (((who))) is behind the porn industry

Because the black male rejected them, so they feel the need to be pro black in order for black men to like them again.

Meanwhile, these black women, while being rejected by black men, step down their game and date whites.

I'd love a black woman to suck me off

Slave genes, their great grandmas swallowed white dick all the time.

>oil driller

More like cement mixer.

She's very outward and active about BLM and vocally outspoken about black rights and superiority and white bashing. Similarly she wears the pants in the relationship because she's a normie and has a dominant personality.

In bed though she acts completely subservient and wants to be abused and degraded and be called nigger and refers to me as white master or oppressor. I'm not comfortable with it but if I wanted to I could do horrible shit to her and she'd probably love it.

i haven't fapped in a while, but im so fucking horny right now

>why are these pro-black type girls so obsessed with white cock
they are women.
they don't know what the fuck they want.

>she goes as far as wanting to be degraded. It really makes me uncomfortable.
white people are wired for an equal relationship
she is fucked up and your relationship will fail

I am not expecting a serious or long term relationship of it, and you're right it will probably fail. I'm just rolling with it because I was a KHV and didn't have to do anything, she kind of just forcibly inserted herself into my life.

Wow how'd she even meet you?

After Trump won there was all the usual hullabaloo on campus, we're both in college. Out of curiosity I started showing up to things on campus and didn't try to hide who I voted for. I got a lot of hate for it, including from her though she also sort of took it upon herself to try and like, convert or de-racist-ize me and started focusing on me even away from these campus events. Eventually she kind of forced herself into my life and strongarmed me into a relationship. I went along with it because it was some human attention for the first time ever.

This guy is living a raceplay dream and I'm trying to get Keeper wins in BoI. I need to re-evaluate my priorities.

Because they're only half or quadroon

It's not really a dream since I don't like it. I'm sure there are many on Sup Forums who would love to give her what she wants, though I'm not comfortable with it. Just saying it's the way things are for us.

Don't fall for the white male and black female meme! Cure your jungle Fever before it's too late...

Have you tried to redpill her?

That's my fetish desu.

Because American blacks have been selectively bred to recognize superiority.

Not really, she's more assertive than me. If I try she'll argue me down or even get physical. Her attempts to convert me have been in vain though but she thinks it works just because I'm not outward about it. Like she thinks before we met I was at Nazi rallies, and now we're together and I'm not, that's a victory for her.

I dated a qt 9/10 black girl, dumb as a brick, but so fucking hot. Run. They're fucking insane.

I am ok if white people Pump and Dump black whores at least we will dilute African Nigger gene pool and probably rise half black babies IQ by few points.

Its better to have less retarded mixed babies than pure nigger retarded ones.

This is at least what Niggers have been doing to white girls

Damn man good luck with her enjoy it while it lasts I'd say


>Like she thinks before we met I was at Nazi rallies, and now we're together and I'm not, that's a victory for her.

You're the living bad boy fantasy for her without even being a douchebag or asshole...un-fucking-real. She's trying to "tame" you, you're her bad boy but somehow she's the dominant one. It's so fucked up.

>In bed though she acts completely subservient and wants to be abused and degraded and be called nigger and refers to me as white master or oppressor.

People who are at the extremes can easily turn their hatred or taboo into a fetish, jews with nazis, blacks with white nationalists, fathers who tell their daughters not to do x or y end up with a daughter who does just that. Anytime someone focuses their attention on something negative or positive, it has a chance to grow in their mind, in this case the negativity becomes a fetish that they hate and love. The myths about black women being raped in slavery, whips and chains and total domination of the race culminate to create a mythological white man that is somehow god-like and devilish simultaneously.

This. Black women are wise to know that we are still the master race. Other than brainwashed niggerlovers

That's women for you.
>I can save him with my vagina!


have you met a "mixed" or as they call it, "light skin" nigger? they're literally just as dumb.

I love new pol

Yea but not dumb as full blown African Nigger.
Point is just to increase IQ for 10% at least.
Isn't better to have slightly intelligent baboons then more retarded ones right?

Stop posting these threads you stupid little teenager. This board is about politics not your interracial dating fantasies


That's like my recent gf who was hardcore feminist. blathered on about all that stuff and acted like a misandrist, but in bed I choked her with my belt and she wanted me to beat the shit out of her (which I did).

She was kinda crazy and it wasn't gonna last long term so I just broke up with her this past week. still kinda feelsbad

That's good. Get the T flowing through you, go out and find a white girl to fulfill the 14 words with.

They're not as dumb. The average black american is at 85 while their african cousins sit at 70 IQ points. That's 1 full standard deviation. Black americans would have naturally increased over time, they've been in contact with a white civilization for 300+ years. Simply being in a society that forbids serious crimes and rewards merit would promote breeding of the best blacks. But that extra 20% white blood helps A LOT. As for famous blacks, it's much higher- most are probably straight mulattos like obama but don't even realize it. When vanessa williams was tested she turned out to be ~50/50 even though both her parents were "black". The white grandparents are forgotten because even mulattos usually look black. Here's vanessa, she and her brother have blue eyes...

>This board is about politics not your
It's politically incorrect discussions, not only politics.

>blathered on about all that stuff and acted like a misandrist, but in bed I choked her with my belt and she wanted me to beat the shit out of her (which I did).

Liberals are all masochists...they promote the destruction of their own culture and race then say we "deserve it". That's code for "I want more pain".
