Look at those lovely German couple

Look at those lovely German couple.

He was from Gambia, but now after wedding they are a both German citizens. Love is sweet bois.




Good for him. Now he can enroll in college and become an engineer...which is what most African immigrants do (in u.s.a. at least..where it's harder to pay for college)

What the fug, kek
How old is she? She looks definitely too old too breed so it´s not too much of a loss.

problem with clowns like you is that you over-represent one type of interracial relationship, when theres in fact many


inb4 he bashes her head in

>when you realize old German women invited all those niggers because they are the only ones who will fuck their crusty asses


>tfw to intelligent too use proper grammer

>look at the flag
>its a leaf

a proper grammar*

Yeah no

wtf I hate krauts now

Problem with this is, OP is not shitting you guys here
they get some old or fat bitch horny, marry her, get Citizenship, leave her fat ass, get a lifetime of Gibsmedats and are free to do crime in our Country
Even our Media does some TV reports warning old Bitches from These guys
and yet when i was in Passau at the Macdonalds those Nogs were all over old ugly ass bitches just for that

I know about that problem. But that exists in every western country. It´s not like they can behave criminal how they want without being married to a citizen anyway. As long we have globalist governments, europeans live in dager of dying out.

>marry her, get Citizenship
Hmm, this should not be possible anymore.
It should be "marry, nothing changes, no citizenship."
Problem solved

Hahaha. Rationalize. Rationalize. Hahaha. Laughing at you.


They should change the law so the bitches get citizenship to whatever shithole the nogs claim they came from while losing German citizenship.