Do right wingers realize they're the bad guys?

Do right wingers realize they're the bad guys?

I get it. It can be fun to root for the bad guy. Maybe it's even fun to be the bad guy. Sometimes the villain is "cooler" than the hero. But, do right wingers actually believe they're on the good side?

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for you


it feels good being on the right side of history

there is no 'good side' user
everything is subjective

Usually the bad guy is a powerful malicious empire that sometimes exists in secret. That applies to the globalist media conglomerate more than anything.


nice bait faggot.
>for you

Considering that Leftists tend to be atheists--and relativists whenever it suits them--we right wingers blossom with amusement whenever we hear liberals make moral value judgments.


Someday user you'll realize that "good" and "evil" are terms invented by those who want to control you.

All that matters are a man's ability to conduct violence, to reproduce, to acquire the power and resources necessary to provide for his progeny.

>against degenerate homosexuality
>against man-hating feminists
>against letting people come into the country illegally
>against terrorism

He's right. We're on the wrong side, guys. What were we thinking?

Of course we are the good side. The leftists are the ones that want to import rapists and terrorism, they are the ones that commit acts like Rotherham (talking about the leftist bureaucracy that made the mass-rapes possible), the most evil act for decades.

If tradition and conservatism was "the right side of history" we would be in caves waging wars on other tribes.

Progressive liberal values destroyed tribalism to allow us to confederate into cities, states, nations and multi-national alliances.

Progressive liberal values destroyed oppressive monarchies and enabled the people to choose their leaders and policies.

Progressive liberal values saved White children from 10+ hour long days in deadly factories.

I could go on but you get the idea.

George Soros would be a very good Sith Lord indeed

Good and bad are purely speculative and neither couls exist without the other. What you see as "good" could be a detriment to others. You are a faggot.

Just say it. Usually the bad guy is the Jews.

Man invented cars.
Man invented computers.
You don't need to own a car to understand computers.

Man invented God.
Man invented morality.
You don't need God to understand morality.


That makes no sense. Doesn't that imply you're evil because your descendants will be more left wing than you? Either everyone of your ancestors becomes progressively more villainous the farther back you go or you should stop framing it in those words.

Don't bother. Christfags make all right-wingers look dumb

Bad guys are Leftists because they are enemies of God.


Funniest thread today.

People LOVE a good story. That there's a definite good guy, a definite bad guy, and that the good guy will somehow win in the end. They love stories so much that they align their worldview around it. There always has to be a "us versus them" narrative of some sort.

Unfortunately, the world isn't so neat. Reality doesn't really give a shit about if there's a hero or a villain. In reality, if anything it's just a story of two villains fighting to determine who gets to call themselves the hero.


Doesn't realize the jedis are just as authoritarian as the empire, and the sith just want to bring back balance.

>Man invented God

So Man invented Planets and Moons and Sun then?
LMFAO Man did not even had country language or culture just 8000 years ago.

>Do right wingers realize they're the bad guys?
>Man invented morality

Isn't this an admission they exist on another moral paradigm than leftists?

Why am I replying to b8?

>against degenerate homosexuality
>against man-hating feminists
>against letting people come into the country illegally
All the same things terrorists are against.

>against terrorism
Who happen to be right wing and share your values.

Is that almond activating yet?


i luv memes

Was nobody there to tuck you in?

Who the "good guy" truly always determined by who wins. We intend to win.

We arent the bad guys. The left is.

Have a great day!

I'm white. Just because the left slanders me as the villain doesn't make it so.

all muslim terrorists are left-wing though, as shown by Osama bin-Laden always quoting Chomsky.

>these are bedtime narratives that leftists actually recite to themselves

why exactly are we the bad guys?

Notwithstanding moral arguments, statistics don't lie. Right-wing philosophy is better for a country and for its people than leftist babbling.

no one's good except jesus. Yes I'm a bad guy. But I think you are too. So don't fuck with me.

they BAD

nice simplistic cartoon morality system you got there. that's really how the real world works. everyone is either a hero or a villain.

Indeed, might is right.

>Thinks life is a movie with well-defined heroes and villains
Oh user, you need to grow up and stop being so naive.

Right-wing doesn't necessarily mean conservative.

So you're saying that we should allow people that hate us and want us to die to come into our country just because they dislike some of the things that we dislike? That's idiotic.

Just because someone is the enemy of my enemy does not make them my ally.

Countries should keep their unique culture.

Imagine Epcot center in 50 years. Kek
A museum of dead cultures



>So you're saying that we should allow people that hate us and want us to die to come into our country just because they dislike some of the things that we dislike?
Yeah, that's exactly what I said. Word for word.

I'm not saying you should like each other. I'm saying that from where I stand I can't much of a difference between you and them.


neck yourself lmao

That's why we call it the redpill. It's the hard truth. One that isn't sunshine and rainbows. John Wayne doesn't ride off into the sunset.

>Terrorists believe in a plethora of shit that's directly anti-western
You forgot the most important part.


>I'm saying that from where I stand I can't much of a difference between you and them.

So why would the "good guys" want to import more people who you find repulsive?

Literally everyone's between neutral and bad, mate.

There has rarely been any good guys in history.

>explain why 2 + 2 = 3

Who ever said they wanted to import terrorists?

Kikes and the high ups have to know what they are doing. Everyone below them has just been deceived and lied to.

What regions on the map do most terrorists come from? What religion has created a lot of terrorists in the past few years?

Which side is promoting more immigration from those areas?

>importing people that have cultures that hate western society and gays
>saying its ok because they are a different culture
>not expecting conflict

Right wing extremist is anti-western. Putin's mission statement is to destroy the west and the new right is basically his personal army.

I just want to see this animal get put away. In prison. Where he can't kidnap and brutally and sadistically rape any more children.

Does that make me the bad guy? Because if I say this out loud, in public, I'm "right wing." I'm a "racist." And I can be pepper sprayed for being on the wrong side of the protest line, and leftists will all cheer because they got a "bad guy."

You can laugh at me for being "triggered." You can gloat at how your side is winning the culture war, at how my "bigoted" views are rejected by the mainstream. You can call me every political label you like, and believe it as much as you want. Fine, I'm a "Nazi."

What you can't do, is tell me that the man who kidnapped and raped this twelve year old deserves 22 hours community service for his crime, and that this community is safe with him out on the streets, you can't tell me that and call yourself "the good guy."

The fact that you view political ideologies as "good guys" and "bad guys" just indicates you have the mentality of a child. Can't really say I'm surprised, considering your views.

Not a fucking argument faggot, there are more than just two options. Maybe people just want to preserve their culture, not have their people bred out, and not have to go through terrorist attacks you fucking autist. Either a cuck or a shit skin, either way the day of the rope cannot come sooner.

We are the good guys. The people rioting and burning down buildings and murdering people in the streets are all leftists. I have yet to see a serious right wing death squad materialize even though faggots like you claim they are around the corner. The only death squads i see are communists.

That is why you are so evil OP. You cry out in pain and pretend to be a victim even as you are raping/beating/murdering other people and destroying civilization.

Even if i was a full blown Nazi and screamed "gas the kikes race war now!" and goosestepped everywhere i went I still could never come close to being as sadistically evil as you or the Ideology that drives you.

You are the true villian OP. We are the Heroes. This is an objective and irrefutable fact. Thais why normal people in the center are gravitating toward us and not you. If we were the delusional ones then the centrists would be pulling away from us and towards you.

>Face it OP, you were raised on a lie and now you have become the Monster that you always accused your enemies(victims) of being.

Youre destruction is imminent Leftist


>the bad guys?
Your childish notions of good and bad are laughable.

I've never heard anybody say we need more middle eastern immigrants. You keep changing the goalposts.

My personal view is that Arabs and Muslims are not inherently dangerous to the extreme that they need to be banned. I believe that Arab and Muslim asylum seekers should be treated the same as we would a Cuban or North Korean defector. I believe all immigrants should be properly vetted. I don't believe a blanket ban of any particular race or religion is necessary or advantageous.

Do left wingers realize they're the bad guys?

I get it. It can be fun to root for the bad guy. Maybe it's even fun to be the bad guy. Sometimes the villain is "cooler" than the hero. But, do left wingers actually believe they're on the good side?

No one ever said we need more middle eastern immigrants? You just love to lie don't you? Did you seriously think refugees are not what that is?

You keep using that word. We don't import immigrants.

>I've never heard anybody say we need more middle eastern immigrants

Relative to what?

>You keep changing the goalposts.

Continuing middle eastern immigration is, increasing the amount of middle eastern immigrants. A decrease or a pause would be saying we need less middle eastern immigrants, do you support that?

Nothing inherently wrong with having national pride, wanting to defend against the islamification of your traditions and values. Most immigrants tend to adapt, it's the muslims that keep wanting to influence and take over. If it is a muslim ban that is required, so be it. Remember people fought and died for similar causes- defending borders in days gone by.

Also nothing wrong with peacefully opposing liberals and sjws who also pose a threat not only to values & traditions but all forms of structure- including gender and marriage etc etc. Somehow they seem to think they know what's best for all. The silent majority is with the right..and we don't like change.

Nice so instead of attacking the argument you point out that I used a word that is correct yet just used for a slightly different context usually.

that image is so true it makes me want to cry for how stupid liberals are.

We're the antithesis

Most countries have an asylum policy. You don't need to be Muslim to be a refugee. Edward Snowden is a refugee. Julian Assange is a refugee. We took German refugees during WW2. We took Soviet refugees during the Cold War. We took Cuban refugees until literally a month ago. Supporting these policies is not the same thing as being sympathetic to terrorists.

>I believe all immigrants should be properly vetted
39,000 muslims immigrated to the USA in 2016. That's 107 a day. How are you going to properly vet all of these immigrants, some of whom you know, absolutely, will be Islamic terrorists coming specifically to murder as many civilians as they can (ISIS has repeatedly boasted that they are doing this, and successfully)? These terrorists are going to hide their radical tendencies, will try to get through, and they are not dumb. A full background check of each individual is needed, and you just can't run 107 of those every day, indefinitely. So what do we do with them in the meantime? Let them all roam free in the USA, or not?

>Progressive liberal values destroyed tribalism to allow us to confederate into cities, states, nations and multi-national alliances.

No Retard. Agriculture did that.

>Progressive liberal values destroyed oppressive monarchies and enabled the people to choose their leaders and policies.

And resulted in Hundreds of millions of innocent men/women/children dying horrible deaths and spawned the most horrific and evil ideology (marxism) ever devised by man. So progressive......

>Progressive liberal values saved White children from 10+ hour long days in deadly factories.

First of all. Irish are not white. Second, the people who didnt want kids dying in factories do not share your values. If you went back in time and suggested that they do the things you so called "progressives" are doing now they would probably lynch you.


If America decided to cut down on all immigration, in your view, would that be immoral?

>Implying modern political ideologies can be applied to history before the 18th century
KYS, no idea what you're talking about


Well, at least the white people are moving into Argentina.

That's not what I'm doing. When you use words like "import" it makes it impossible to have a discussion. If you want to attack a liberal idea, spell it out.

>Liberals believe a travel ban isn't necessary, I disagree because...

>Liberals don't think immigration is ruining society, I disagree because...

Those I can work with. But when you say

>Liberals want to import Muslims...

then you've started on a false premise and there's point in arguing.

>I acually belive se this shit

Calm down, ctrl left. We are the good guys.

the left is lying to you. they've always been the party of the slave owner, not the slave.

back in the oven kike!

It is not a flase premise. Specifically, muslims are the problem at the moment. We should not be accepting any immigrants and protesting to accept refugess is literally protesting to import muslims. Dont fucking be dishonest with me kike.

>but true stateless communism has never been tried

Stop thinking with fiction cliches.

>39,000 muslims immigrated to the USA in 2016. That's 107 a day. How are you going to properly vet all of these immigrants
Because we don't vet 107 a day. Some are vetted longer than others. A Saudi prince with $20 mil in his bank account probably gets vetted sooner. Most of them are normal people who are not necessary from a country in the middle of a civil war.

The reality is we've had more American citizens go to the middle east to join ISIS than we've had foreign ISIS members come here.

No, it's not immoral. There are many practical reasons that the number would fluctuate.

I wouldn't even pass a value judgement on a homogenous nationalist country that didn't welcome immigrants, but America has never been such a country and I don't believe it's ever been to our detriment and I don't believe it's something we need to change.

>but America has never been such a country

America has always been 90%+ racially white till Hart-Cellar

>I don't believe it's ever been to our detriment

Do you believe diverse nations like Brazil, function better than Portugal?

I don't believe that. I've stated my views here: Muslims refugees are not detrimental to the US. Maybe they are in Europe and maybe Europe needs to take a different directions but we're not Europe.

And then progressive liberal values demanded that radical left-wing collectivists be allowed a voice in the media and education. And radical leftist collectivists, once they were "normalized," and then dominant in the media and education systems, co-opted progressive liberalism and hid behind it. Then they began aggressively censoring opposition, and diminishing the individual's rights in favour of promoting "intersectionality" ie. a group identity-based hierarchy.

The progessive liberals looking for equality and individual human rights now call themselves conservatives, and the authoritarian regime calls progessive liberal values like free speech and equality: "racism," and "fascism," while pretending that they are the representatives of progressive liberal values.

why take the risk and responsibility of accepting refugees when we gain little to nothing in return

We either die heroes or live long enough to see ourselves be the villains.

being racist is cool, and being cool is the only thing that matters in this world.

>Do you believe diverse nations like Brazil, function better than Portugal?
Maybe not. I believe the US is a better country than Portugal.