How can you say the holocaust didn't happen? My ancestors went through this hell and SURVIVED!! Don't you feel shame...

How can you say the holocaust didn't happen? My ancestors went through this hell and SURVIVED!! Don't you feel shame? You're all on the wrong side of history and you know it.

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fuck off kike


That is actually a photo of the auditions for The Machinist.

That's Christian Bale in the middle.

I was holocausted AMA


It's not that it didn't happen. Jews were killed, but it wasn't MUH 6 QUINTILLION





is that you?

not only kikes were butchered during the holohoax you fucking morons.


My son was castrated by a group of starving Jews.

The Jews of today deserve worse than gas chambers for what they've done since WW2.

we want to ride the holocoaster too

huh wow

kek jews really do have small dicks.

99% of anything that's ever lived on Earth is now extinct. Nature is cruel and even humanity isn't exempt from its wrath. This planey has been on a killing spree for BILLIONS of years, ZILLIONS of lifeforms destroyed by this maniacal, genocidal host. The ONLY thing left to do, is kill Earth before it kills us.

Be quiet Philippines. You're just naturally thin.

The Germans and jews actually lived peacefully in the Summer Camps. The counselors just ran out of money and could no longer provide free food so they asked everybody to pitch in a buck. The jews refused and starved.

poor quality bait. 1 post by this ID

mass kilings were done along history why is the extermination of jews so

100 milion indians were killed at the americans so why 6 gurilion jews is considered so abstract? in israel we have more guns then people , surely the germans could simply make shooting lines and mass graves ( not only to kikes calm your tits stupid goym).

>mfw I personally stuck 12 inches of wood up a jews arse

>mass kilings were done along history why is the extermination of jews so
Because Jews weren't exterminated, many Jews weren't even gulagged.

Whatever I hope we get 6 million more

They jews or POW's?

if they are Jews why aren't they dead?

There were no large scale gas chambers, no lamp shades, no soap rendered from jewlard, no death by masterbation machines, no rollercosters into ovens, no room sized electrocution chambers. Those were all jewish lies, the soviets actually built the gas chambers after the war for propaganda reasons.

There was starvation only because the germans had no food to give because we bombed the fuck out of there infrastructure. There was forced labor, because jews are lazy fuckers that needed to learn how to do a days work.

Had we been invaded and on the verge of being conquered by japan our population centers bombed out, our people shot from the air as they fled burning cities by Japanese fighter pilots our people starving on the streets; you can bet your ass we would have stopped feeding the Japanese in our concentration camps too.

>oh zshieet our prisoners of war are going hungry
>theres bombs n zheeit, we will just let allies take control of it and feed them

the thing is, is that I don't care about the holocaust. I don't care about it any more than anyone cares about the inquisition or the Armenian genocide.

care to back it up you dumb nigger?

jewish police in poland.

back to nub it cuck, you nig bumber huh?

those are soviet POWs, not jews

you mean yudenrats?

you still prove that

>>jews werne't exterminated.

jews wont take in syrian refugees.

Israel has taken ZERO refugees causing the syrian holocaust.

Why do Jews have no shame?


How many times?

How did you really die? Now that you are a ghost, how do you feel about your father selling your story for all those shekels?

kikes are lying scum

Let's just stop the 6 gorillion hoax

The shit the kikes are doing now, they've had in mind for a hundred fucking years.

Hey, I can post pictures of skinny people too.
Only these are American civilians that were interned by the Japanese during WW2.

War sucks.
get over it, soapflake.

>no lamp shades, no soap rendered from jewlard, no death by masterbation machines, no rollercosters into ovens, no room sized electrocution chambers.
Those stories aren't even propagated anymore by mainstream historians. They're thoroughly debunked. The gas chambers existed though.

US shouldn't've bombed the food routes.
Most people in the camps died cause of starvation not of other epic causes.

Those are just normal polacks



Ww2 was hell for everyone involved.And that starvation plus disease is the result of the supply lines being broken. Gas chambers are made up.

Well there you go then

he might be a goy that didnt pass.

why do you guys think that only jews died in the holohoax?

LE RAB DAB MAN SPEAKS FOR ALLLLLLL KIKES (he is quite popular but still not all of us agree with him, to assume that straight away insults your low intelect)

le one yudenrat speaks for EVERY kike that died in that time period.

holy shit his on to us!!! we all have a sort of hive mind and we eat forskins!!!!!!
how old are you? do you guys realize how stupid you sound?
just to mention im nationalist but you guys are the reason why no one takes nationalists seriously......

just keep suporting that spencer fag that will eventually make the nationalist right into a controlled oposition.... you play into the globalist elite hands :,)

Jews were rounded up and put into work caps in WWII. Many tens or even hundreds of thousands died due to poor conditions and harsh treatment. Guess what? People all over the world died in the millions in WWII. Jews don't get special treatment forever because of it. Chinese were slaughtered in the millions by the Japanese. Their were literally entire cities where every single woman was raped multiple times and watched as their babies were bayonetted. China is still pissed off at the Japs for it, but they don't get to demand to be a protected class because of it.

Jesus Christ.

>The gas chambers existed though.

Mock gas chambers existed after the Russians built them.

The idea of how easy it would be to just shoot people is what makes it all so unbelievable. The gas chambers bullshit makes no sense. And the number of Jews caught making shit up in order to exploit people has mad it hard to believe anything.

What I know is everyone involved suffered some of the worst shit in ww2. And Jews did not suffer worse then some others. Neither were the Jewish people innocent with a great deal of blood on their own hands.

>100 milion indians were killed at the americans
An inflated number which has to do with the pandemics that broke out across the Western hemisphere once the Spanish made contact with the Indians. 95% of those numbers were the result of Indians being fucked by having zero exposure to Old World diseases.

Not the same thing as an organized genocide.

The goalposts moving makes it even harder to believe.

sure i never said that the holohoax was escpecially horrible, but it DID happened , mass murder isnt something new , the romans did it, we did it (700 bc) and the indians did it to each other. eradication a foriegn populace a part of the human nature.

of a ###

But shooting them is a waste of resources and they didn't want to waste their resources on their work force and manpower so they just set up elaborate ways to kill them. :)

This, allies didn't want publicly admit to accidentally killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.
Jews went along with cuz
>muh israel

>My ancestors went through this hell and SURVIVED!!
Sorry for the shitty work.

Muh six gorillion.

We all know Jews are nationalists. That's one of the main reasons they are so dangerous. They infiltrate other countries, often going so far as to change there names and pretend to be christian. They spy on there new countries and subvert them from within. They control our politicians and brainwash our Christians all for the sake of Israel. They need to be gassed locally and glassed in there homeland.

Good, then kindly work to convince your people to stop demanding that everyone on earth treat them with kid gloves because of it.

Everyone does believe it happened on here, the only ones who don't are from:

YouTube Comments
Former GamerGaters
and Sup Forums

AKA, edgelords. The rest of us understand that it happened, just because we say that Jews are behind some things doesn't mean we don't acknowledge it, we just know they're smart and like to role play every now and then. If nothing else we do it because it works at keeping thin-skinned morons and "literally Hitler" from other websites out so we can have intellectual discussions.

Pic related. It's an unspoken agreement that we all come from different backgrounds and respect that. We don't force it. What really "divides us" is the people trying to force muh love and acceptance but don't realize everyone is different.

We aren't Neo-Nazis and we don't want to "ethnic cleanse" people for real, it's a stereotype pushed by the new left. It's just dark humor that we can all have a good laugh at.

The truly redpilled will realize that.

I think about half were from disease. The rest were from the natural expansion of a superior culture and who knows how many bred in. Especially with the Spanish converting and raping them.

Thanks Spaniards now we can have the desendents of Spanish rape babies claiming this is their "native" land.


>redditors believe the holocaust didn't happen

Holy shit I knew CTR was horrible at pretending to fit in here but jesus this takes the cake.

>My ancestors went through this hell and SURVIVED!!
For the sake of playing devil's advocate: The fact they survived doesn't prove it happened. Quite the opposite.

Other than that, half the time holocaust is mentioned here in context of falsehoods, it's people memeing. Calm your tits.

>oy vey

>Neo Nazis support Hitler!
>Neo Nazis evil because they're holocaust deniers who believe that Hitler never tried to exterminate all of the Jews!
>Neo Nazis therefore support killing all of the Jews!

Almonds activated.


Then why do we caught it the Holocaust? Its not even the worst attempt at wiping out a people.

Shit happened in ww2 but decades of lies and exploitation is going to sink I to the populations of the world. They'll remember.

Call it*


i didn't blame you for """""exterminating"""""" them , some settlers simply fought against the indian tribes that tried to drive the settlers off.

and at the southern continent they pillaged the main cities but its still not an orginized genocide.

I dunno, last book I read on the subject was 1491. They said the general consensus is at least 90%, and that it's not a hyperbole despite what normies would think.

The pandemics were probably the worst in history.

That wasn't an accident it was war but yes talking openly about it was a bad idea. All the winners helped with the propaganda. The people in camps would inevitably suffer when you fight the enemy the only thing you can do it try to get there as soon as possible.

>Then why do we caught it the Holocaust?

Holocaust is a kike word meaning burnt offering.

>national socialists declare that they do not want to murder Jews
>therefore National Socialists want to murder Jews

how will i woke the commoners? im but a
a simple merchant :)

If if it's proven that it didn't, it doesn't change shit. UK and France didn't do Holacoast(tm), and they're still guilted and cucked because of colonies etc..

You'd be surprised. Try /r/holocaust, it's the only subreddit worth checking because of their archive of books and documents.


The diseases were fucking terrible its frightening when you realize how easy that happened. Same thing with ww1 and 2 the number of people who died from lack of food sanitation simple medical care is staggering. Its a history lesson we should highlight more often.

>Not literally a greek word
Come on dude, you discredit yourself.

Why does everyone else adopt it.

the gas chamber idea is dumb as fuck. cleanup would take a long time and getting slave workers in to clean up the bodies would be hard.

You are fucked the holocaust fetishisation in isreal has got to be insane.

cry some more , who fucking cares theyll manage.

They deserved it for what they did to the Slavs. You deserve it again for what you've done to all White countries.

It would also be a very poor idea to exterminate a slave labor force when all of your working age men are out fighting the Russians and creating a huge demand for war materials.

It happened, but it's been exploited to no end.

It's made national socialism, of all forms, unacceptable.

Why didn't the moustachioed man just deport the likes like he planned?

Actually made me chuckle, Schlomo.

That's why they didn't gas fit Jews. They were sent to labour camps and worked to death.

I can still hear the gas coming through the vent, I was only 7 but I managed to survive

Ask a survivor of the holocaust anything

>Middle English: from Old French holocauste, via late Latin from Greek holokauston, from holos ‘whole’ + kaustos ‘burned’ (from kaiein ‘burn’).

>a Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned completely on an altar.

Did you even read the definition? Google literally defines it as a satanic Jewish animal sacrifice ritual.

Oh please. The European settlers knew of the disease and went out of the way to give the natives infected blankets. It was pre meditated biological warfare

This proves it didn't happen

por que no hablas en español?

That did happen, but by the time that was going on, most of the population in the Americas already suffered from the pandemics.

So the kill count was lot lower. It was picking off the survivors from the previous pandemics.

You're bringing up shit from the 17th Century, when most Indians were killed circa 1500.

>6 million Jews died
>750 million WWII deaths total
>.008% gets all the attention

porque estamos en un foro internacional de habla inglesa y porque si hablo en español, no solo no me entiende nadie, sino que me gano un baneo
