Are the ICE raids revenge for delaying the travel ban?

Are the ICE raids revenge for delaying the travel ban?

No, they're just allowed to do their job now

No they are another fulfilled campaign promise

It's actually enforcing the laws for a change.

No question about the specific timing?

No, it's just the way things are designed to work in action.

It's a crime against human rights.

No, it's their job.

Why can't it be Trump sending a message to the Left that actions have consequences?

It's a way to put pressure on congress. By aggressively enforcing existing law, it's now up to congress to change the law if they don't like the results.

>arresting criminals is a crime against human rights

>arresting people when the only "crime" they've comitted is crossing an imaginery line


No its just enforcment of law

>a national border is an imaginary line


What the fuck I'm #openborders now!

What's the point of even having a cuntry if you don't enforce your boarders

This would have happened either way and actually has nothing to do with the travel ban. The reason its so (((Publicized))) is because it coincides with trumps rhetoric. So now people are stirring themselves into a frenzy.

If that line is imaginary go try to cross into Canada go right up to their customs agents and tell them they aren't real.

The wall's going up so it stops being imaginary

I support the ICE raids

Those brown immigrants are criminals

>arresting people whose only crime is breaking imaginary laws

Well I'm sure that when a home invader is penetrating your boyfriend you'll be pleased to know that home of yours and his sphincter are just imaginary lines

Real are populations, race and religions
An imaginary border is not bad nor good
Its a tool

Some of those immigrants committed murder,kidnapping,rape and identity theft crimes.


>Are the ICE raids revenge for delaying the travel ban?

Ice has been around for decades, but were held back and reigned in. All that was changed, is that they are now allowed to do their job, as the law dictates and has dictated for many, many decades.

They couldn't actively pursuit person(s) of questionable origins due to sanctuary cities and safe states like commiefornia.

The laws against murder are imaginary though.

It's just stuff somebody made up one day.


No they were probably planned long ago. But that won't stop the media and liberals from saying it's Trump throwing a tantrum

>"night of the long vans"
kekked harder than I should have

They dont belong here, we're supposed to be taking in doctors/engineers/mathematicians, and theyre taking all their spots and weakening the future of our country.

It makes it look as if they are doing something. In reality the Mexicans get dumped over the border and just walk back.

And tax evasion and identity theft.


If anything, the travel ban was a diversionary tactic so the illegals could be removed.

>imaginary laws

What actually happens when illegals are caught? Are you immediately taken away, it do they get time to collect/sell their stuff?

Staying on property that you're unwelcome on isn't a human right.

Pretty sure the fact that they aren't murdered in the streets is a testament to how much we're willing to go above the essential laws of nature to be respectful.

Laws given by nature provide no protection to those that trespass on land claimed by those with sufficient force to enforce their claim.

>implying we aren't borderline obsessed with turning an 'imaginary' line into a 30ft high one topped with razor wire

..get it? 'borderline'?

long vans

what is the nuclear option?


5D chess, folks.

An imaginary line can be drawn if you have the means necessary to enforce it. That is the law of nature.

>enforcing the law is a form of retaliation.
Look I know we all got used to laws being meaningless under obama, but the party Is over.
It's time for us to be serious and understand that for a society to have value it needs structure

It's not revenge when it was going to happen all along. These fucks should know better than to delay Trump. He's got his hands in many pots at the same time, and if you delay him or act like you will remove him from power tomorrow, he will just start working 10 fold.

Just think of all the poor people that this site persecutes only because they want to have sex with little girls.

Persecution when the only crime they've carried out is wanting to cross an imaginary age restriction.

Borders are the result of mutual understanding between nations regarding jurisdictions for law enforcement and tax collection.
The reason mexicans can't come into america without permission is because without it they have not consented to obey our laws or pay our taxes.

They have to go back

my imaginary line is real as long I have the means to kill those who cross it

Trump blessed ICE to do their job while also implementing the travel ban in his first week of office. That the raids are happening a little bit after that is probably just that it took ICE some time to put together their intelligence and plan them since they hadn't had the chance in the last administration.

>What actually happens when illegals are caught?

For Mexicans that get caught near the border the immigrant people usually just drive them into Mexico and they have to walk back under their own power. If they get caught elsewhere in the US they usually get deported to northern Mexico, sometimes in the middle of the night.

>Manage to convince Trump to allow the beaners to live there
>They kill everybody

Lesson well learned. Thanks video games!

Pretty sure it's in their job description, so, no.

No it's idiotic if you think so, ICE raids probably take more than 24 hours to plan...

The line is a social construct :^)

I'm coming over for dinner. Don't call the police, your property is an imaginary line.

33rd interdimensional Chinese checkers.


They probably planned this for 8 years now under obongo administration who told them to sit still.
The moment Trump comes into office they go full power.
They're trying to appease Trump and win a ton of funding.

Senate rules used to be that nominations required 60 votes for approval, but the "nuclear option" is that this rule can be changed to simple majority. Because the rule itself is parliamentary, it can be changed via a simple majority vote. This was invoked by the Democrats last administration, but did not apply to SCOTUS nominations. So, the nuclear option for Republicans now is to change the rule to simple majority for all nominations, including SCOTUS.

Yes and no.

Yes, because Nationalists are fighting tooth and nail. Also ICE has a chance for the protestors to protest in the airports. No, because they are told to do their job.

It's a routine surge.

They're routine. The media is just making a big deal of it because Trump is in power.

I don't why there's an outcry now, they've been doing this for years

I imagine they were just chomping at the bit, waiting for Trump to take office.

I think you know why... Also, checked.