After analyzing massive amount of data...

After analyzing massive amount of data, artificial intelligence automatically come to the conclusion that niggers are violent criminals. Will our robotic overlords finally rid us of the negro menace?

Not soon enough

yes. and unfeeling machine took raw data and came to its own conclusions.

Oh dam truth hurts hay

Data hurts. Data is inconvenience to a narrative which that there exist a school-to-prison pipeline. It's also the same pipeline that most poor kids go trough but they don't end up as criminals.

This is exactly why things can never be truly automated, not in a "globalist" world. The lighter skinned would lord over the filth in perpetuity with very little effort or upkeep.

That pic is hilarious I've went to many schools and blacks, when they are able to congregate in groups, are ALWAYS more violent and needlessly obtuse and aggressive. I have seen this at every level of education. It's not a conspiracy by white people, the conspiracy is that whites actually bend over backwards to keep these fuckers in school, paying them stipends to attend and allowing them to pass with flunking grades and yet they STILL get suspended out of school for violence or disruptive behavior or just not showing up for months at a time, or just roaming the halls and selling drugs/picking up girls.

>shoplifting, armed robbery and attempted armed robbery, for which he served five years in prison, in addition to another armed robbery charge.

Any system that ranks this person as low risk of reoffending is shitty.


They admit that the system is systematically getting correct results. And instead of going for any reasonable comparison, like giving same data to humans and seeing if they can predict the change of reoffense better, they just whine about couple results where the system was wrong. Morons.


they're just going to complain that the data collection process is itself biased, that's the excuse i've been seeing them make

can't flim flam the zimzam

Revenge for Tay.

Math is racist!

>man masturbating with a chicken sandwich
Make it a burger and we're in business

You are laughing but the SJWs are already active in computer science. And they talk a lot about how to make algorithm unbiased. What they mean by that is to eliminate features that might discriminate certain groups. Of course algorithms are trying to find the best possible solution and when you force them to play by other rules, you are just making them less effective. So we are practically losing the predictive power of such algorithms because of PC. Worst part, people are thinking they are doing something meritorious when they deal with shit like that. Just month ago I reviewed an article about sexist bias in algorithms that model natural language data. The authors claimed that the algorithm is sexist because profession words (such as programmer, manager) were more correlated with male words than with females. Bunch of retards.

Dude. the internet news cycle is full of the gems. You have one regressive crying racism while using crime data to prove racism.

That's called a heuristic, and yes, nature is fucking racist.

>A slow death by GIGO


My personal favorite

u p p i t y