Who poisoned Bill Burr?

Who poisoned Bill Burr?

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The US and UK to frame Russia. They tried to kill Roger Stone using the same MO.



That's a big dosage.

for you

for you

Oh man I really love these tinfoil conspiracies. Under your thinking, that man can do no wrong.

how do we know that USA and England didn't poison him to promote the demonizing of Putin and Russia? get woke

Made me lol

His nigger wife did. Fried chicken cursed with black magic

>Ahw, it's brutal!

>tinfoil conspiracy

idk the left has been sounding pretty paranoid

>russia "hacked" the election
>Berkeley protesters were not antifa but right-wing provocateurs
>wikileaks are russian agents

all this while Hillary Clinton sold 20% of us weapons uranium to Russia and Bill short after got a million dollars in a "speech" in Russia. You people have no ground to stand on.

>Thank you HA Goodman.

and also, every conspiracy on the left in unfounded, 0 evidence, while you call our information a conspiracy even though there is plenty of evidence

>Hillary colluded with the DNC and the media to cheap Bernie in the primary.

Who shot the protesters at maidan?

Who faked the chemical attacks on syria?

Who had the brazilian vice president and members of the Brazilian media on the payroll before the coup?

Who is starving venezuela?

Who sabotaged the brazilian and chinese space programs?

We can do this all day long


who pays the shills?

Milo Yiannopolous.

a manlet


Who does he serve ? Himself ?

Im starting to think its something like this.

Hmmm... Bill Burr started to OD on the red pill.

Comedy lovers


>america government has taken mentally ill people filled them with drugs to test effectiveness against their will
>america government came up with the plan to commit terrorism against its own citizens to stir movement
lemme guess

Jack Daniel and Mr. Jameson