What is Wrong with Slavs?

Why aren't they like other white people?
Their countries are shit.
Serious answers only please.

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Communism other than that they'd be just like the Irish.

>burger education


because they aren't white

We/re operating on an entirely new level

Squating is the best way to direct blood flow throughout the body to achieve critical brain utilization.

Because slavs are subhumans.
They are only good as slaves, that's their mentality.
Why do you think there are so many Jews here?
We rule them.


>Their countries are shit.
>Serious answers only please.

First try not to ask a question like shit


fuck off we're full

>Be Russian
>be scythians and sheeet
>not drink alcohol like all of europe did for 2000 years
>have most beautiful people because of this and hard work.
>get gommunism
>60% alcoholism and 50% smoking
>become braindead and catch up to the defects that Fetal alcohol syndrome did for euros the last 2000 years

Feels bad man.

They are mostly, but they have been subject to generations, eons even of repression and war, they are wired differently.

WW2.. well read the numbers, they lost all their best men, so only the super hot Slav girls got to breed, which is why all slavic girls are hot as fuck.

Also no chairs

and the ground is very cold

He isvright though. Except west slavs. They have ok tier countries.

Fuck you ,5columnist

Bad geographical position compared to Western European countries (who have acces to the Atlantic or the Med and aren't conquered by T*rks)


How offensive is "hohol" if said to a Russian trump supporter, even jokingly?

They mixed with sarmatians, that's why they have these repulsive appearence(as Tacitus mentioned)

Is that what happened? This is why "vodka-niggers" etc bla bla?

Communism, isolated geography, harsh environment, historically sparsely populated meaning mostly rural agrarian society instead of developed urban areas like Italty

I mean only 500 years ago Eastern Europe had a fraction of the population West Europe had. Despite that they're doing pretty well.

Don't take communism as an excuse. Some Slavs were always based. Czech for example or Croats and Ukrainians. Russia got fucked by Communism real hard - i can see that. But Poles would still have designated shitting streets without EU funds. They are just too irrational at average. And Catholicism plays a big part in that.

Getting Eiffel Towered by Europe and Russian, Humans and Muslims, Mongols and whoever constantly.

Basically geographical misfortune.

Poles are better than other Slavs and many Germanics, because they've given John Paul II to the world

Good hunting, stalker.

>1 post by this id

Medžuslovjanski jest język, ktory Slovjani iz råznyh narodov koristajųt, že by komunikovali medžu sobojų. To jest možno, ibo slovjanske języki sųt shodna i srodna grupa. Znanje jednogo języka obyčno jest dostatočno, že by imělo sę priblizno pojmanje, o čem jest tekst na kakom-nebųď drugom slovjanskom języku. Črěz věki, Slovjani sųt naučili dogovarjati sę s svojimi sųsědami posrědstvom prostyh, improvizovanyh narěčij. Jednočasno, medžusobna shodnosť vsěh slovjanskih językov jest nadyhala językoznavcev i drugih k tvorjenju generičnogo slovjanskogo języka, råzumlivogo vsěm Slovjanam. Srěd nih nahodęt sę slavny starocŕkovnoslovjanski język iz 9. stolětja, kako i mnoge ine projekty, publikovane od 16. stolětja do dneś pod imenami kako «vseslovjanski», «medžuslovjanski», «novoslovjanski», «obćeslovjanski» ili prosto «slovjanski», vse osnovane na těhže prědpoloženjah, čto čini ih blizko identičnymi.

Meджycлoвјaнcки јecт јeзык, ктopы Cлoвјaни из paзных нapoдoв кopиcтaјyт, жe бы кoмyникoвaли мeджy coбoјy. To јecт мoжнo, ибo cлoвјaнcкe јeзыки cyт cхoднa и cpoднa гpyпa. Знaнјe јeднoгo јeзыкa oбычнo јecт дocтaтoчнo, жe бы имeлo ce пpиблизнo пoјмaнјe, o чeм јecт тeкcт нa кaкoм-нeбyдь дpyгoм cлoвјaнcкoм јeзыкy. Чpeз вeки, Cлoвјaни cyт нayчили дoгoвapьaти ce c cвoјими cyceдaми пocpeдcтвoм пpocтых, импpoвизoвaных нapeчиј. Jeднoчacнo, мeджycoбнa cхoднocть вceх cлoвјaнcких јeзыкoв јecт нaдыхaлa јeзыкoзнaвцeв и дpyгих к твopјeнјy гeнepичнoгo cлoвјaнcкoгo јeзыкa, paзyмливoгo вceм Cлoвјaнaм. Cpeд них нaхoдeт ce cлaвны cтapoцpкoвнocлoвјaнcки јeзык из 9. cтoлeтјa, кaкo и мнoгe инe пpoјeкты, пyбликoвaнe oд 16. cтoлeтјa дo днec пoд имeнaми кaкo «вcecлoвјaнcки», «мeджycлoвјaнcки», «нoвocлoвјaнcки», «oбчecлoвјaнcки» или пpocтo «cлoвјaнcки», вce ocнoвaнe нa тeхжe пpeдпoлoжeнјaх, чтo чини их близкo идeнтичными.

60 million christian whites were genocided and exterminated by the jews. The best of the crop even. The artists, the writers, anything or anyone who could oppose the jewish narrative weavers.

the remaining whites were mentally destroyed and scarred to such a huge extent that they are still recovering from it today. Psychologically that is.

>Everybody who doesnt like corruption or ER is 5 column
KYK, white negro. I am more patriotic than you.

Slavs are cool in my book, 'tis a shame they were all forced into communism

May that never happen again, in a couple of generations we'll reemerge I'm certain of it

Please respond

She lives in Russia half the time and grew up there. Nationalist

Swedish vikangz made Russia. The Rus tribe went there and ruled over the slavic tribes like slavemasters. But eventually they killed their nobility and now they're shit tier.

Vodka niggers and hohols are worst. Russia still has ridiculous smoking and alcohol rate today still but at least recovering.

Russians have many intelligent people, but many more retards.


You dont know what are you talking about. Their nazis are literally funded by jew oligarchs. And they are fine with that.

short answer they aren't racially western europeans long answer, who cares they are good enough whites.

>Russians have many intelligent people, but many more retards.
You could say the exact same thing about our country senpai.

I wonder often. Our IQ is mostly on par with the rest, we score relatively high in all those bullshit education tests, we can certainly produce a few high achieving people, maybe not as much as the west, but that is mostly because of the society is shit in the first place and doesn't support high achievers, so they fuck off to some place else or just give up and become mediocre like the rest.

We certainly got a late start with the civilization thing, and never really grew past feudalism, oligarchy is basically modern feudalism. Being Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox rather than Protestant probably doesn't help either.

It could offend her, yes. Better dont. Some people could ounch you for that here. Or stop talking to.

Holy shit, I can understand it perfectly

>isolated geography
No more than Sweden or Finland.
Some slavs even have access to the Medieterran.
>harsh environment
Not all Slavland is Siberia.
>historically sparsely populated meaning mostly rural agrarian society instead of developed urban areas like Italty.
Like most european countries.

Those "racially western euros" are being replaced by foreigners right before their eyes.

slavs are bad

nobody should own slavs


>western europeans
Like brown frenchies? Or spaniards and italians? Good.

Jews do same in eastern europ, not like people can vote if they want to have racial foreigners.


I'm not talking about modern day Ukrainians. You're right i really don't know much about them.


Sup Forums in a nutshell

Yes exactly like those populations.

Coming for Xuan the favela ape.

>Not knowing that Slavland was Communist for 45 years after a devastating war on their home soil
> wonders why slavic countries are a bit behind

Is this that weird pan-slavic language that supposedly easy to read for any slavic speaker? I mean it's pretty easy for me to read in Russian, even if it's sounds weird, but perfectly delivers the meaning behind the text.

>after a devastating war on their home soil
Infrastructure and industry did not decrease.

Go to bed

>fapping to useless snowniggers

>in eastern europ
No, only in Russia. For now.
There were not any "Ukranians" till soviet korenizatsya. Are bavarians not germans? Are prussians not germans? Ukraine and Belorussia were bastions of russian nationalisn in the tsar time (just look how they voted in the parliament elections). That is why soviets did divide and conquer to russian people.

>Ethnic Russians
Lolno, the Scythians were Turkic/Iranic steppe nomads. The East Slavs were a bunch of irrelevant fucking cavemen until the Varangians swooped in from Scandanavia and gave them the gift of civilization.



>Infrastructure and industry did not decrease.
Are you high?

Nice try, but slavs developed later than germanics.

Holy shit, i can understand it perfectly.

American education at its finest.
>until the Varangians swooped in from Scandanavia and gave them the gift of civilization
West and South slavs alredy had countries at that time, mr.50%.

>coasts are more civilized
>Minesota is the center of all Civilization in North America
>voted Democrat the past ten elections

Yet another proof englightened, intelligent urban voters all voted for Hillary, and rural and suburban retards voted for Trump

Literally just communism. Besides Russia and some of the Balkans most Slavic countries have historically been pretty good in terms of standards of living and wealth.

Sweden has access to the unfrozen baltic sea with trade routes to denmark, northern germany, the lowlands, france, and the british isles. This is how the vikings were able to raid and loot from a strategic area of operation.

Finland before the past 50 years was a desolate land of lakes and forests.

Montenegro had access to the Mediterranean and was a rich trading state, same with Ragusa.

>Not all Slavland is Siberia.
Have you ever visited Moscow. Outside the city it's hundreds and hundreds of miles of desolate forest. During the winter it can reach -20 C and the winter lasts easily for 6 months of the year. Napoleon and the nazis failed to invade Russia because of the low supply limits, harsh winter and spring, and large distances of nothingness.

>Like most european countries.
Just no. Look at this map and see Eastern Europe during the 1600 was sparsely populated with most people living in the advanced high infrastructure urban areas of Western Europe

>Why aren't they like other white people?
>other white people

Slavs barely qualify as human, let alone white.

> infrastructure didn't decrease
Literally 90% of Poland's capital Warsaw was destroyed.
And that's just one city among thousands.



Yeah. You barely escaped our fate with Trump by the way.

Poorland was basically just a bunch of empty walls without roofs after ww2 and a fuckton of rubble



t. britbong

Same do somehow I.

I need some proofs you know?
what can prove the state of poland in ww2?

I'm sorry boy'os that eastern countries are shit. The politicians are fucking over people more and more every year. As a young man I have no reason to stay here and work for measly pay and not able to save, since the prices are rising.
Most shit talking towards slavs happen due to them migrating and being complete assholes - there's always cherry picking. Again no reason to stay in our shit countries unless for couples or families.

You finally admit it?

look like average slavs to me desu

>Sweden has access to the unfrozen baltic sea with trade routes to denmark, northern germany, the lowlands, france, and the british isles. This is how the vikings were able to raid and loot from a strategic area of operation.
Poland and the Russian Empire had it too.

>Have you ever visited Moscow. Outside the city it's hundreds and hundreds of miles of desolate forest. During the winter it can reach -20 C and the winter lasts easily for 6 months of the year.
Slavland is giant. If you go south or west, you'll find a lot of fertile land.

>Just no. Look at this map and see Eastern Europe during the 1600 was sparsely populated with most people living in the advanced high infrastructure urban areas of Western Europe
During the 1600s most people, even in West Europe still lived in rural areas. The exodus toward the cities become really big only during the industrialization.

Also, notice that Slavland doesn't have much more people than the norse or greeks


Why people run from Litva (3701K people in 1991, 2849 in 2017) but not so much from Estonia (1567 in 1991, 1317 in 2017), baltbro? Pls, explain. I thought you all were somewhat good countries.

this desu senpai

But when I move the cursor over everyone's color coded ID thing it always says "1 post by this ID" or if it's more, it's always just referring to posts made in the same thread.

So how can you determine anything from that.

God you guys are such cucks. Literally all the Poles I ever met looked exactly like Russians. Blue eyes and blonde hair are common but both look degenerate and fetal alcohol syndrome'd as fuck.

Alcoholism is ingrained in the Russian culture since the rule of Ivan the Terrible.
It did because we were forced to refuse the aid from the Marshall Plan.

Generally, it's the outcome of the war and years of communism.

>Literally all the Poles I ever met looked exactly like Russians
Russians have fringes, Poles don't

>their countries are shit
>mountain nigger
>parts of russia

haha :DDD

Russia had to conquer that land from the Balts and the Sweden took it. This is why Peter the Great built a city on a swampland next to the Baltic to be closer to the West and have a seaport. Unfortunately during the winter it freezes up so it's only open for a part of the year. This is also why a port on the Black Sea was historically important for Russia.

Poland had to conquer the Teutons and Prussia in order to gain that seaport.

>Slavland is giant. If you go south or west, you'll find a lot of fertile land.
Sure but distant from the seas where trading can happen.

>During the 1600s most people, even in West Europe still lived in rural areas. The exodus toward the cities become really big only during the industrialization.

Western Europe had more urban areas. Look how much urbanization was in Italy. This allowed the Renaissance to occur. A lot of innovation and specialization happened in urban areas which Eastern Europe didn't have.

Watch Varg's videos. Norway also had alcohol problems but they grew out of it with time. Alcoholism is just a phase and once things develop it will die down.


Short answer, they have cuck genetics. First, the Mongols cucked them. Then the Turks cucked them so hard, that the world "slave" literally derives from Slav. Finally, the Jews cucked them with communism in the last century.

The Slavic mind is easily manipulated and vastly inferior to those found in the West. They're basically sentient farm tools, who are only good at being used as manual labour by superior races.

Muslims from kosovo.

>refuse the aid from the Marshall Plan

We've been getting EU gibs for the last 8 years, you stupid nigger.

Marhsall Plan may have only helped to kickstart what was already there, it's not like Germany lost the human capital, like engineers, scientists, which is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing actually, what they needed is some capital expenditures to rebuild some factories, that's it. They didn't even get that much destroyed, not like us.

>but distant from the seas where trading can happen.
switzerland/austria has no sea access nor did all the french/german/italian kingdoms.

damn, sounds like some serbian but i can understand every word as native russian speaker
amazing, this is a good language, but should never replace the other "normal" slavic languages

honestly there's very little difference between us, besides money

vienna was also the richest city in the world at the time.