Is this what you wanted? Now that Trump is president and Jeff Sessions is attorney general...

Is this what you wanted? Now that Trump is president and Jeff Sessions is attorney general, the police are actually arresting nonviolent protesters. How is this OK?

Pack your bags hombres, you and your taco-tongue amigos are about to take a guacwalk back to beanland.

Nothing gives me greater pleasure than seeing leftist shits and their pet minorities being smeared over the pavement.

So yes. It's what I wanted.

When I hear the left saying non violent protesters, it's pretty much confirmed to be a lie, I look forward to seeing the video of these nonviolent protesters being violent and destroying shit.

Vamanos,vamanos to Mexico ese!

im sorry your paid soros protestors who are destroying things are getting arrested CTR.

>leaves trash everywhere
>destroys property
>commits felonys
>gets arrested


"Nos nos vamos" No, os sacan a hostias que es diferente. LOL

I'm outraged that the protesters were not just executed and left in the street as an example.

>(((Peaceful protests)))
When will this meme die already?


There is no such thing as police brutality towards a communist, its just ironic comeuppance.



what I want is actual tyranny
I want all of you mentally deranged liberal loonies to be arrested and put in camps or mental institutions forever.

Their definition of peaceful is pretty open-ended. Some people believe rioting is non-violent.


It's even better when they beg for help from the police to save them against counter protesters.


Pretty much, yeah.

>Is this what you wanted?

Yes, wish the crackdown was a little more violent though

News flash: op caught larping as a fag!

This just in! Update: op says, "not larping. I'm full blown gay."

Fuck protesters.
They're the kinds of people that don't need to have voting rights.

>Randomly arresting
>#NoNosVamos march

This shit is hilarious. Might as well just smear yourself with "I'm an illegal" from head to toe.

Mexican Intellectuals at their finest.


This is very okay

>Is this what you wanted?
Literally? Yes.

WTF. "Peaceful" blocking the road and breaking the law after they tell them to move out of it. Retard.

Only thing missing is some gender equality, only men smashed to the ground, time to fuck some liberal woman next, no female privilege.

"Randomly" you say? I don't think so.


>Arresting """"""non-violent"""""" (((Protesters))).
Why would we not be okay with this?

The commie isn't biting the curb so not quite.

They have to go back.


I thought y'all were constitutionalist? Are we just ignoring the right to peaceably assemble?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.






fuck these niggers bruh

The Constitution applies to citizens paco.

>nonviolent criminals

did they have a permit?


Praise be kek

Get the fuck out of the country, illegals

As a guy who lived through the Ferguson "protests"

Why yes, yes it is

Thank you! Now that we have suspended the Constitution, we can come and take your guns!

so happpy



Define "peaceful"
Actually, it doesn't matter. The answer is still yes.

Most of them are illegals anyway, they have no rights.

Ron Paul lost you dumb faggot.


very nice, I'm using this later

>Try to block the road
>Get arrested in seconds

>did they have a permit?

In the land of the """""free""""", you need a permit to protest.

The trail of beans

that's exactly why I voted for Trump

>no nos vamos
>Literally we wont leave
If people started a march called "We smoke crack" and proceed to gather the other crack heads do you honestly think the police wouldnt take issue with that?

Are they burning liberals at the stake on live television yet?

Until that happens, OP. No, this is not what I wanted.


it's about damn time

This is exactly what I wanted. Best vote I ever cast.

hehe kek

> totally know Spanish
> believe me

A jew move if there ever was one. Be mad, but we on to yall

>Is this what you wanted?


Yes it is.


it's so they don't block roads, riot, and get into battles with people who disagree with them. You are free to protest, you aren't free to disrupt everyone around you.

HAHAHAHA nice butthurt post, antifanigger. Get Guantanamo'd

>Are we just ignoring the right to peaceably assemble?

First understand what "peaceful" means.

You want to march? Fine don't block areas off especially when the march itself is to support illegal activities.

Instead of #Nonosvamos and promoting and justifying illegal immigration they should be instead marching for #wewillassimilate. As they promote getting their citizenship and being here legally.

>peacefully assemble

Keyword here is "peaceably". Pretty sure getting in people's faces and damaging property and assaulting people doesn't constitute "peaceably assembling".

by protest, you mean, obstruct the public roads and businesses that everyone else has a right to use as well?

Well now the impeachment sounds more plausible

In nazi land you need one to cross the street. Gtfo muzzy

Shoot protesters; bill their families for the cleanup.


>Is this what you wanted?

Uhhhh, this is what Trump campaigned on. Yes, absolutely this is what I wanted. In fact, I think they're not cracking down hard enough.

>You are free to protest,

Unless you have a permit.

That pesty, pesty 1st amendment.





lol they got that nigga face down in a NYC """"snow""""" bank.

Back in my day,people had common sense. Nowadays it seems like people don't know right from wrong.

Good thing we finally have a President who will make law and order a thing again.

What a time to be alive. 3 weeks in and this motherfucker is making the ground shake.It's refreshingly beautiful. America is going to be great again.


Sí, sí se van.

You also aren't allowed to block traffic and be in the streets, you have to get a permit to do block streets and march down streets.


None of those things are violent


>land of the free


I'm sure that's $100% exactly what happened.

taco burrito burrito



when the one that falls over creams into the snow I felt my dick twitch.

Those are some bad hombres.

should be guacwalk or guacawalk? I feel like having the A in there makes it roll off the tongue easier

looks ok to me op
