Any socially autistic women here besides me

Any socially autistic women here besides me.

Post tits or fuck off to /soc/

lol there are no women on Sup Forums

I hang out with mostly edgy dudes who browse Sup Forums, just thought i'd do the same.

Will you be my sexmommy?

>ima gurrlll

you know the rules

There's lots of us but you know tits or gtfo and all. Don't worry you're not alone.

shame really



My sister is autistic. She is an alcoholic too. She had a boyfriend but he dumped her. He was filthy rich and pretty queer, but filthy rich. They should have had kids. Instead my sister has plushies.

Feminism, not even once.

I wish August posted her sometimes. Thatd be cool

Post bra with timestamp or gtfo

>Post bra

Everyone on 4chinz is gay

PLZ prove yerself

No one gives a shit about your vagina.

There are women here, but most of them don't mention it because they're not attention whores.

Any neckbeard loser can grab their mom's bra. I demand ass, tits, vagoo, balloon knot, and severed feet all in one elaborate photograph


Can anyone provide a quick rundown on this?



>mfw i was posting this and got duplicate error


Man, I was just about to post this. Thanks tobagbro

I know that your kid exists I'll take guess. Short hair and glasses?

>socially autistic women
The ultimate redpill is realizing all women are fucking retarded and socially autistic, only difference is we allow them to be autistic and don't question "what the fuck is wrong with you"

We just nod an LMAO XDDD on their way.