bump for the truth

bump to take AleVu down

Where is that ETF dude ?


If you leak out info, can't it be traced back to you and get you fired?


Sent tip to Dosta Je Bilo, maybe they will cover it on their blog at least

Ma pricao sam sa nekim tipom o ETF-u, petnici i potencijalnim smerovima

ah je, to sam ja
ne znam ko je OP, al nakon objave nista nije kacio, pa sam ja repostovao

Nego pitao si za Petnicu, jesi bio na nekom programu ili ?

ne znam, ja sam 3. godina telekoma, na telekomu poprilicno nema el. kola s tim sto imas elektromagnetiku koja je elektrostatika + magnetostatika + jos nesto

jesam, bio sam na racunarstvu par godina

OP disappeared since first post

underage b& :^)

kul, kul
Imam nekog fruga koji je sad saradnik tamo, Toroman bese rukovodioc ?

Jel cete stvarno sad da pricate o tome?

Sup serbros, gonna need a quick run down on what's going down on sacred serb land.

ye, ko je drug, viktor?

Na kurcu te nosam

Svrseni RTIjevac da koji je poznaje ljude sa drugih smerova da vam kaze.

Jedino sa RTIjem cete naci posao i to dobar posao, sa ostalim smervima ce muku da mucite ko da ste zavrsavali neki sranje fakultet.
Vecina koje znam neRTIjevava su ili pobegli na master u insostranstvo ili su se zaposlili na neki dead-end posao kao sto je Institut za fiziku ili su se preorjentisali na programiranje.

I terajte se sa tim ETF diskusijama na forum ETFa ili Jewbook

They are starving us so they can buy our votes with cheap flour and even cheaper vegetable oil.
But they said it will get better.

Fuck off you lying cunt, Aleksandar Vučić is winning it in the first roand easily with 55-61% per cents! People dont believe you, you "democratic" yellow shits.

Rigged polls if I understand correctly and also probably a shit ton of corruption. Business as usual

The Borg are here.

Vucic je jedini normalan i razuman izbor ovde.

Slazem se.

sam sebe, stvarno?

Which candidate will remove kebab?




Seselj je presao na stranu Vucica. Nema potrebe objasnjavati zasto je ovo neoprostivo.


verovatno su ti aflatoksini u mleku koje dobijas uz sendvic sprzili jebeni mozak, daj mani se vise trolovanja, dabogda ti zabio vucic 61 put kurac u dupe

Greetings, do you guys have any strong nationalist parties (not Putinofils or shills)? Or do you have conflict of ideals and infighting, too?

yes SRS but they are meme

nah, they are all putinofils
we are still waiting for authentic right-wing to form

Uhhh okej.

Vidim da nemas argumente pa vredjas lol xd.

he said no Putinofils you retard


Right wing = Putin fanboy
Seselj is a shill

haaaaa jebo si mu majku druze :DDDD


Jok, lik je sa PFE-a, ali ga je Božić preporučio na računarstvu

de ne jedi govna Sup Forums isto shitpostuje kao i Sup Forums ako ne i vise


>fasisti su besni


kakav si ti cuck jebo majku

Are you grill? Only girls are this retarded

jel kapiras da nikog ne trollujes?

>Are you grill?

No sweetie, i am just a reasonable human being.

you pic related




he is good but only Jeremić will bring our Holy Land back

For burgers and other bros who have no idea wtf is going on:

basically our current prime minister and guys in charge are a bunch of cunts who do as globalists say and are dragging us deeper to the bottom with each passing day

we desperately need a proper right wing alternative, which even if it existed, would have a a hard time getting anywhere, with all the corruption.

status quo will probably continue for now but hopefully someone with balls will step up and clean this whole mess, so we can go back to what we do best, remove kebab

>right wing
We need any wing left or right
>by left, I exclude liberals , only far left бpaћo

Oh my gosh it sounds like absolutely fuck all is happening.


thank you for that.
>artist name: kriegerman, which is not me.