What are your thoughts and opinions on John F. Kennedy?

only good democrat past the southern strategy

Bit of an air-head.

better than drumpf for sure

He would be a moderate Republican by today's standards.

Wrongfully sanctified.

He needed to be President like he needed a hole in the head.

Nixon should have beat him

>He would be a moderate Republican by today's standards.

I don’t think his foreign policy would be described as moderate. The US was far more powerful then, intervention was ongoing and constant almost globally.


Nixon was the best president of the 60-70s era. Even with Watergate if you read his precidency you're amazed at all he did.

infowars tier nonsense

Nixon was an epic fuck up. Dude dropped the ball so hard he had to try price controls on gasoline. Normalized Chinese relations and set the US on the path of deindustrialization and the destruction of the middle class more than just about anyone else.

You don't even have to get into his shady shit that caused him to get impeached to realize he was a clown. His policy is more than enough.

You're in a thread asking about JFK and not his successor who actually did all the things JFK gets praise for. Check your history bub.

I don't give two shits about LBJ's presidency. Kennedy was a good president because he opposed the military industrial complex, believed in an open society, endorsed Nash's view of game theory over the Pareto-style strategists that were trying to seize power, promoted the American System of economy as conceived by Washington and Hamilton, and believed in capitalism rather than financial imperialism.

Basically none of these things that made him great were shared by LBJ.

Best thing he did for his presidency was get assassinated.

An open-minded guy.

Too good for this world.

this, he seemed ok but he's revered a little too much

No opinion no fact


Bay of Pigs invasion sucked.

He had a pretty neat haircut.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. This is my thought on John F. Kennedy.

Trump is half Scott half German.


>you have no idea how fucked up things are

Your chart makes Trump seem like he's fully Scottish, especially when you look at Jeff Sessions on the chart.

He liked grabbing pussy even more than Trump.