Stop filling your mind and body with garbage

No more negative energy. No more suffering. No more fear.

It's so fucking hard to stop fucking drinking ya cunt
pls send help

what about Sup Forums? is that garbage?

>there are Sup Forumsacks who are addicted to pharmaceuticals (benzodiazepines, opiates, amphetamines)
>not to mention the ones who are physically addicted to alcohol
>I'M the degenerate because I smoke reefer once or twice a week

>pol is now the place of truth (and shills) and sharing it

Love and challenge yourself. Create new healthy habits and demonize the bad, destructive habits. You deserve better and you can handle this reality without synthetically altering your reality.

Why? If you life healthy and work out its completely fine to have one day off every month. I think the goal should be self control instead of complete abstinence.

>Bonous: You will be waster after 3 beers and can safe money. win - win

As long as you're not doing it only recreationally.

Take away the syringe, the pills and the powder and we are gold!.

Strange how successful people do drugs, yet the dregs of society hang out on Sup Forums.

Except that's exactly why I only do it once or twice a week.

If it was medicinal usage then it logically follows that I'd be using it (r.e.: not smoking it) more regularly.

Because you don't need it at all.

Agree, I only drink on very special occasion like weddings and such now. Much happier this way and don't piss away my weekend hungover.

There are recreational, medicinal, spiritual, and religious reasons.

Browsing pol= mind garbage though right

If you have reasons other than recreation or pleasure for any of the garbage, then it's not as negative and is easier to eliminate.

I disagree. I think that life is about making experiences and drugs CAN (they dont have to be, nobody should force you, addiction is terrible) be a part of this progress.

For example: I will never smoke weed again in my life. I tried it, didnt like it and im done with it - but i can understand why other people like it.

That doesn't mean they need it for the rest of their lives. Drop the poisons.

There is literally nothing wrong with smoking and drinking

>LSD, shrooms, DMT all absent
really makes you think

There is nothing wrong with harming yourself? You're literally helping to kill yourself. Why?

Anything that you take with the intent of more than just pleasure is transformable energy.

You should lock yourself in your room and order your groceries online
Are you also afraid of cars? You're a bitch

I'm sorry that you're so lost.

And I hope you lead a long life and die at 90, faggot


You have demons. Protect yourself and stop consuming negative energy.

You should stop consuming nigger cum, nicotine is a stimulative tool

yeah that feeling that everything would be better drunk is pretty hard to get over but when you do get over it, everything is better, like litterally better, i quit drinking about 2 months ago

I'm glad nobody else in this room agrees with you

you need to "Experience" electroshock convulsive therapy next, kraut!