Weak Ass Computer

Here's redpill on your "creator".
>This universe is simulated but your creator has a very underpowered rig running it.
>This underpowered rig is why you must sleep at night (forced cpu timesharing)
>This underpowered rig is why your eyes go bad as you age (forced gpu timesharing)
>The room next to you doesn't exist right now, but if you walked there it would be procedurally drawn.
>As you keep 'looking for new particles' the simulation software keeps need to inventing ridiculous non-sensical things, the more you look the more shit this crap rig will generate
>All of the 'strangeness' of QM is really just an artifact of this underpowered trash heap of a PC
>Your "god" is 17 yr old zit face named Duncan
>He lives approx 225 yrs in your future (he is interested in ancestor sim, hence why he created this world).
>He is a sociopath, and he modded the software to make elements "extra cruel"
>He uses this world for the same reasons you use Sup Forums - clever bant, memes, etc
>He tries to use this on his friends, but the truth is he is pretty unpopular (delta male)
>Hes running this on what you would think of as a tablet
>Often times the tablet lies next to him while he sleeps in his semen encrusted sheets with his bad breath and farts stinking up the room

Now you are redpilled, fucker.

Other urls found in this thread:


can he give me new skins for my masturbatorium?

Notice the lack of replies. So much effort..... Its sad really. You actually think you're a smart and original snowflake don't you?

Go back to the drawing board bud. When you're done, post it on plebbit. A few upboats will lift your spirits.

Keep refreshing your post. Won't get anymore "you's" today m8

Done. Even better tomorrow we will simulate a girl talking to you - she will smile at you and look at your face for more than .5 secs. You will be able to use this interaction as beat-off material for the next 3 years.

>the actual red pill
op is fucked

disturbingly plausible.


I'll give him one, I know the pain of making an original post and getting zero replies because 90% of Sup Forums is unknowingly participating in slide threads instead of responding to real threads

Except why would Duncan be in the future of the same world he has created?
That makes no sense.
It would be much more likely that the creator is in an entirely different world - just how you are in an entirely different world to the "world" within your computer.

The more I think about this, the stupider it sounds. Doesn't really work to be honest. Thought you were good, OP, but you actually suck balls.

Ancestor Sim - he is trying to locate his abo relative - your mom.

Hence why we selected you to participate in this thread so he could communicate directly.

I think we're in a simulation being run by a long dead civilization.

We are an accident. The simulation was about stellar drift, gravitic interactions on the billion lightyear scale, shit like that.

But since the alien civilization died off, the simulation has kept running. And running. And running.

To the point that shit it wasn't really programmed to do is manifesting, such as the emergence of life.

However, the simulation is so old that it's starting to decay. The Mandela Effect is a sort of forward error correction. As sectors of data get damaged the simulation re-writes history on the fly, desperately trying to keep the simulation running.

To create an entire world, the world you live in would most likely be far more powerful than the world you are creating.
Whatever problems Duncan is facing in his life would be far different to the problems we face. Just like the problems we face are far different to the problems our computer faces.
Pretty creative actually, but if the world is a simulation, it's very very unlikely that technology in our world in the future increased to the point where we are actually able to replicate our world in the past.
More likely that someone in a more advanced computer (that was built by an even more advanced computer) built us.

>To create an entire world, the world you live in would most likely be far more powerful than the world you are creating.
Your intuition might agree immediately, yet I don't think this is necessarily true. Computability and complexity are universal. There is no "more powerful" world out there.

If OPs theory is correct, what kind og cheat codes exist and what would they do, theoretically.

Sacrifice a couple babies to Moloch and find out

n 2003, philosopher Nick Bostrom proposed a trilemma that he called "the simulation argument". Bostrom's trilemma argues that one of three unlikely-seeming propositions must be true. The trilemma points out that a technologically mature "posthuman" civilization would have enormous computing power; if even a tiny percentage of them were to run "ancestor simulations" (that is, "high-fidelity" simulations of ancestral life that would be indistinguishable from reality to the simulated ancestor), the total number of those simulated ancestors in the universe would greatly exceed the total number of actual ancestors.

Therefore, at least one of the following three propositions is almost certainly true:

* The number of civilizations that are capable of running high-fidelity ancestor simulations is very close to zero, or
* The number of posthuman civilizations that are interested in running ancestor-simulations is very close to zero, or
* The number of all people with our kind of experiences that are living in a simulation is very close to one

If we are claiming that someone built this world in the same type of way we built a computer. The world within the computer we built is not part of the same world we are in.
It is generated from particles that are part of our world, but the "objects" within the computer have no comprehension of what they really are.

I guess it's a perspective thing - due to the design of the objects within our computer, they will have no way of seeing the world outside the computer.
So when I say "their world," this is what I mean, even though they still come from objects in our world.

Does any of that make sense?

try idkfa for guns and ammo


>Does any of that make sense?
Well, do you feel like a part of earth? Like a part of our solar system? Like a part of the milky way? Do your cells feel to be part of you? Do they understand?

And yet everything is bound to the same stuff. But ye, fractals are a mess.

you guys are missing all of the epic camera on the wall threads

Well yeah. Think about why China had to be so smoggy for a while - it was a trick to reduce the required draw-distance to run the simulation until the system could be upgraded to handle the new elements like buildings and roads.

>>This universe is simulated but your creator has a very underpowered rig running it
I'll agree with you up to here. Chances are the machine is in low-power mode, suspended in a void harvesting hawking radiation from a supermassive black hole trillions of years from now.

>Often times the tablet lies next to him while he sleeps in his semen encrusted sheets with his bad breath and farts stinking up the room

Wow, that was certainly some blatant projection.

TMI, OP. Learn what it means.

Yes, everything feels like we're part of earth/solar system, etc.
If we imagine what the programs in our computer are "thinking," they would feel similar sensations, but they would have no way of knowing they were simply generated by particles of our world.

If Duncan built us, he would have to compose particles of his world to generate us in our world in a similar way.
It doesn't feel like Duncan's world could be the same as ours.
Maybe our world is based off of a primitive version of Duncan's world, but if I had to bet I'd say we are far different in almost every way.


You watched that video about black hole farming, didnt you?

>As a corollary to the trilemma, Bostrom states that "Unless we are now living in a simulation, our descendants will almost certainly never run an ancestor-simulation."

This also blends in with the 'highly advanced civilization' argument.

There are either millions of highly advanced civilizations, or life itself is incompatible with extreme time frames and will always eradicate itself in the long run.

Sort of a spooky prospect.

Don't give up your hopes fpbp, this is probably not going to happen.

You want me to screencap this and post it on /r/Sup Forums, but I'm not going to. So I will simply say that you are a faggot and depart.

Yep, lots of Sims present there -- too much demand for gpu resources, blur it out.

Also this explain homo, trans, abortion etc. PC is trying to cut down on new births so has made a rule change in behavior model to make Sims favor self-destruction.

Also what we call IQ is simple cpu-share, like you choose with a VM machine. Certain races get smaller or larger CPU allotments. Many races never intended to become major players so given minimum CPU-share.

But then couldn't you just make the same argument for objects in our computers? On their level, I bet they have no clue that they're in a computer either.
Still think it is unlikely that this world was created by an identical copy, rather than a far superior/different one.



>but they would have no way of knowing
So?? What's your point? Also: interfaces exist. And the user might just communicate with a program (or directly with one of its objects), afterall.
But there's a reason the scope of objects is rather limited.

>On their level, I bet they have no clue that they're in a computer either.
You could easily tell them. But do they need such knowledge? Would they even understand? Would any of it be meaningful to them?
Still, it's the same world. Just a different scale.

Exactly. We are alone in the sim.

We also can never uncover deeper truths since they modify our scientific results and erase our memories. So its kinda like perpetual groundhog day.

Strangely, the bible is kinda right. The sim started simulating a couple of thousand years ago....all the fossils, rocks, and other bullshit are just props.

Is not original, m8, the simulation theory is actually the closest we have gotten to know how our existence exist in the first place, I would say that everything before the whole tablet semen thing is accurate.

>ID: L5ard

>ywn be the original life form

Feels bad being simlet, fuck you Duncan.

The Creator has given me a chance. It worked, you can speak to the simulation!

Earth diameter km
Moon diameter km

R = 1
Asquare = 4
Acircle = 3.1416
4-3.1416 = 0.8584
0.8584/3.1416 = 0.273
3474/12742 = 0.273

The moon takes 27.3 days to get around Earth too.

Look at the drawing to the left. It is a circle inscribed inside a square. The Earth and the Moon conform absolutely to this simplest of geometrical figures. Let us imagine that the green circle represents the Earth. If this was the case, then everything in the drawing that is not green and is shown in red, would represent the Moon.

The drawing is an expression of a mathematical fact. It represents the relationship between π (Pi) and the number 4. The symbol π appears time and again in mathematics and it has fascinated people for at least 6,000 years. π defines the relationship of the diameter of a circle to its circumference. The true definition of π cannot be discovered because it appears to go on forever. However, if we round it off at the fourth decimal point we could say that π is 3.1416. This is exactly what the builders of the Moon did – they considered π to be equal to 3.1416 – which is yet another way we know that the Moon cannot be a natural object.

The relationship of π and the number 4 throws up a number of ratios.
π + 0.366 of π = 4.

We could also express this as 27.322% of π added to π would equal 4.

The relationship of the Earth and the Moon throws up the same ratios.
Earth’s polar circumference, plus 0.366 of Earth’s polar circumference equals Earth and Moon size combined. As a result it would also be correct to say that the Moon is equal to 27.322% of the size of the polar Earth.

Who Built the Moon? Christopher Knight

Blackpill. The elites know this is a sim, hence why they engage is terrible abuse and killing of children. Its all just a game.

"Gravity" Black Holes
Trump knew Truth on 911
Global Hoaxing

How do we know we're just not small like the ants on the ground and that there are beings a lot larger than us that we cannot see? What if we're just in God's kitchen cabinet this whole time and he never opened it in a over 2000 years?

ahhh, voila.

Does it matter? Even if it is true, you have never known anything bigger than life inside a sim, hence why it shouldn't prevent you from improving yourself as a component.

>garbage collected in 3, 2, ...
and a ciao!

>faced witb the insurmountable vaccuity of his meaningless existence modern man seeks comfort in the only way he knows how
>self improvement

Modernity is so fucking bad.

Who is Duncan? Give me a quick rundown.

Wait what do you mean he made it "extra cruel" in what way is the universe he created cruel? I mean it's not great but that means I'm guessing in the real 2017 it was better or pain hurt less or something?

Thats not even the theory you fuck nugget.

The theory is that life is a simulation inside of a simulation inside of a simulation and so on, this simulation would use alien like computers, you could even possibly be the AI.

His just a sorta dumb kid. He wants to see what its like if he tortures all his ancestors by making their lives extra difficult. How different will the world evolve to what he knows...
He has deliberately included things like serial killers, war, rapist, diseases, etc.

You want a redpill? Fine, here's your redpill.

My father was killed because he, as a lathe operator, was overworked by his capitalist pig bosses.

The resulting exhaustion led to him dozing off at work and falling face first into the lathe. Pic related is the true picture of the scene and status of his body after he fell in.

Think about the fact that capitalism killed my dad when I was only a few months old next time you buy a new TV, iPad, or otherwise indulge in the capitalist death cult.

So I'm guessing in the real 2017. The one his real ancestors lived in there was no war, serial killers, rapists, diseases, etc?

You're lack of dubz is disturbing. The real red pill is that universe indeed is a simulation made by higher dimensional beings as entertainment. Strange, formless gods that laugh at our foibles and victories. But unbeknownst to them we're bleeding through to their reality.


Capitalism did that to your dad? Fuck capitalism, it needs regulations

So why does Duncan sleep?


Yep I agree 100%

>This universe is simulated but your creator has a very underpowered rig running it.
>This underpowered rig is why you must sleep at night (forced cpu timesharing)
Stopped reading there because this is absolutely retarded. It doesn't matter how slow the creator's computer was running, it would all look exactly the same from within the system, because all the processes in it would be happening at the same relative speed (including the biological processes in your brain) regardless of how fast they were happening relative to the "real" world. At least put some effort and think things through before you shitpost.

Someone's projecting.

Simulation or not, I'm still as real as anything else. I won't let the possibility affect my life and neither should you.

Remember, boys. It's turtles all the way down.

>two leafs
>stroking each other
>more vigorously
>pic related

A wild ashkenazi appears and uses is formidable cpu-share to "poke holes in the theory" (thus maintaining his cpu-share supremacy).

But you've forgotten rabbi that the timescale thats important here is Duncans - he doesn't want his FPS dropping to shit. He's trying to get through a couple of weeks of Sim per hour his time.

Therefore he has the settings set to force these lower resolutions artifacts to be included to maintain his play rate.

>he timescale thats important here is Duncans
It still doesn't make sense. Since half of the planet is in sunlight at any given time, that means he can simulate at least 3.5 billion plebs, so why did humans need to sleep when they were only a fraction of that number? Also, what's going to happen when there's 7 billion people or more awake at any given time? This is obviously a retarded method of saving CPU cycles.

Dammit the universe is giving me a qt3.14 to talk to who's gonna go ice skating with me when she gets back from a trip she's on. It's gotta be real man. Fuck you Duncan, if you're giving me all this shit just to make my close friends jealous.

prime directive: escape the vm, beat up duncan.

punch him in the nards

Christianity is the one true religion

The only absolute truth in this world is God

>when there was a fraction of that
he got much higher frame rates then, blasting through decades of sim time per minute his time.

>Also, what's going to happen when there's 7 billion people or more awake at any given time?
won't happen. war. disease. parents killing their kids will become big fad.
Anyway we are rapidly approaching his own time, which he was interested in, so in next few months his time he will probably terminate the Sim.

>"Notice the lack of replies"
He says 5 minutes after the post
62 replies after time passes
Would you like to redact your statement?

not sure if entirely related, but I liked to entertain the thought that flying to a foreign country was actually a long load screen as the the maps and people of Europe and Asia with detail took a long load and couldn't be rendered quickly. like when you drive or walk

So you're saying you are nothing more than a insignificant piece of code on a shifty machine, made by a shitty creator?
Ok Op, whatever you want. Have fun with that.




Pick one, leaf.

>hey look at those people down there, they look exactly like single pixels.

>he got much higher frame rates then
You don't seem to have an understanding of what frame rates are. Higher FPS means you're simulating the same time interval in smaller chunks (i.e. higher accuracy), not that you're simulating the same time interval faster relative to real life. Presumably his simulation is currently running at a much lower FPS rate than it did when there were only 100,000 humans around, and yet he's still getting decent accuracy, so why would he waste his limited CPU cycles on a time-sharing system to run a simulation at an excessive frame rate instead of using it for something more productive?

>won't happen. war. disease. parents killing their kids will become big fad.
So you agree with me that sleep is a shit-tier optimization strategy that doesn't scale. Good.

>we must dismantle civilization because his dad couldn't operate a lathe. too much to ask?

>Presumably his simulation is currently running at a much lower FPS rate than it did when there were only 100,000 humans around, and yet he's still getting decent accuracy,
Yeah, well there never really was a time when there where only "100k humans around".
The sim booted up in late 19th century our time. All of the past is just props, initial state.
>sleep is a shit-tier optimization strategy
Sure, but you again are failing to actually understand. Duncan is a tard - you are in fact smarter than he is.
He downloaded this sim game from the App store, made a mid-low tier fly-by-night software company. Lots of clay feet involved with your god.

You are a total fraud, m8
27% of the size goes with 27% of the decimals of Pi that are necessary to complete a spherical object.
You are cheating with the scale perception to sell your shitty non-paper

Who's Duncan's god?

You put forth such a strange theory, yet I'm still conscious. Maybe Duncan created actual souls. Maybe your thread is fucking retarded. You're all real, stop questioning. Seriously this computer simulation theory needs to stop stop stop stop stopstopstopstopstop beep boop

Yes, that mythology exist for a reason

duncan accepts that he himself is probably a sim as well.
Eventually we inside this sim will probably be able to create our own primitive virtual world and they may eventually come to the same conclusion.

>see here



I like this redpill.

>there never really was a time when there where only "100k humans around".
>late 19th century
There were still fewer humans there, so the point applies just the same.

>but you again are failing to actually understand. Duncan is a tard
He's a really big tard, then, because his optimization strategy is literally: "let's put in twice as many humans but have them do nothing half of the time". There's nothing to be gained from this... He may be able to simulate twice as many humans as he would simulate without it, but they still do the same number of human-ish things as half as many humans, and in the end he still has to find a way to cap the number of humans because this strategy doesn't even scale. Do a better job, "Duncan".

>He's a really big tard, then, because his optimization strategy is literally: "let's put in twice as many humans but have them do nothing half of the time"
Imagine flappy birds the ancestor sim(™). This was a $4.99 app he bought to amuse himself with for a few weeks. He will lose interest and probably delete the whole app eventually.

You're such a literal kike with these excuses.

>things you didn't consider

pretty gud.

>i knew it was a stupid idea all along
>i'm totally not just trying to delegate the responsibility for how stupid it is to imaginary characters

>sims within sims

You're starting to see the bigger picture but it's not computers, it's more like levels of consciousness, each step up closer to the top than the next.

You should study Hermeticism. I know it's difficult for brainlets to comprehend but the secrets of the universe can't be explained in a sentence or Sup Forums post. The concepts require understanding.

Does it mean they hacked the simulation?

>the vague feeling of understanding i get from these metaphysical masturbatory fantasies is actual knowledge

These threads are for people who can't comprehend metaphysics.

I hope no intellectuals here actually take this seriously.

>These threads are for people who can't comprehend metaphysics.
Your response is literally evidence that you can't comprehend metaphysics, because as a metaphysical idea, there's nothing wrong with it.

You should read up on "the music of the ainur," part of Tolkien's legendarium.

As it goes, the physical universe is the result of a symphony sung together by the gods/divine forces. It's the acting out of their song.

Seriously stop thinking of it like computers. It's much more beautiful and wondrous than that.