Hi Sup Forums i was just wonder what "Shadilay" means, and also if saying it will put me on a watchlist

hi Sup Forums i was just wonder what "Shadilay" means, and also if saying it will put me on a watchlist


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suck a black dick leaf

Dude just take the 10 minutes to lurk. Sage

it means

remember sage goes in all fields

all canadians are faggots

Its a song name, thats all.

it's easy to translate just get google translate set from english to and you will have it.

it summons candleja

I got this. I translated Shadilay from Sumerian.
source: psd.museum.upenn.edu/epsd1/nepsd-frame.html

It's an Italian song by P.E.P.E.


Your a Nazi now

good luck trying to get a job.

>to consecrate, purify; to clear out
>writing board

alternatively: consecrating, purifying, or clearing out a board.

If you went back in time to Sumerian civilization and wanted to tell them about Sup Forums, you would literally say the word "Shadilay"

Rape yourself, nigger breath.

From sumerian root words for "board" and "cleanse", it could mean anything from "start from a clean slate" to "remove shills from Sup Forums" to "gas the kikes race war now"

Heres another one that breaks down the words a little bit.

You're on the list now.

I've been up too long that I don't know if you're doing a poor troll attempt or if you really don't know how the candlejack meme wor

It means fuck off newfag

Don't take meme magic lightly. We've killed a lot of people with our memeing, but the greatest death toll is to come. Shadilay.

Saying person of color would get you on a watch list leaf


It means "incinerate the Jews".

What a retarded fucking meme, only hypnotoad is gayer ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.


Wtf I love demiurges now
